What would you like to do next?
Work on your Sprite badges if you want to add bitmap images for the player, monsters, items and platforms.
Work on your Vitality badges if you want to add health and multiple lives.
Work on your Treasure badges if you want to add items like keys and potions.
GOTO 110 if you want to get your Sprite II - Image, Sprite III - Direction or Platform III - Pattern badges.
GOTO 170 if you want to get your Vitality I - Health or Vitality II - Reincarnation badges.
GOTO 130 if you want to get your Treasure I - Key, Treasure II - Finish or Treasure III - Potion badges.
GOTO 299 if you already have the Treasure III - Potion and Sprite III - Direction and Platform III - Pattern and Vitality II - Reincarnation badges.