200 : Player images


We'll start by adding support for images.


Create the images/player directory.

Create the following directory in your project:


Copy 3 player images into the images/player directory: happy.png, normal.png and sad.png.




Copy the following files into your project:

function init_game() { ... // The keymap keeps track of which keys are currently being pressed. _game.keymap = {}; _game.imagedir = "images/"; _game.imagedir_player = _game.imagedir + "player/"; _game.imagedir_backgrounds = _game.imagedir + "backgrounds/"; _game.imagedir_monsters = _game.imagedir + "monsters/"; _game.imagedir_items = _game.imagedir + "items/"; // Game state. _game.game_over = false; _game.game_win = false; ... }
function init_player() { // Player x,y are initialized by the level. _player.x = 0; _player.y = 0; // Player width, height and origin are initialized by the current sprite. _player.width = 20; _player.width = 0; _player.height = 20; _player.height = 0; _player.origin_x = _player.width / 2; _player.origin_x = 0; _player.origin_y = _player.height; _player.origin_y = 0; _player.platform = null; ... }
function init_player() { ... _player.platform = null; _player.dir = 1; ... _player.velocity_y_jump = -10; _player.velocity_y_max = 10; _player.sprite = init_player_sprite("normal", 20, 24); _player.sprite_sad = init_player_sprite("sad", 30, 17); _player.sprite_happy = init_player_sprite("happy", 20, 24); update_player_sprite(); } function init_player_sprite(name, width, height, origin_x, origin_y) { var sprite = {}; sprite.width = width; sprite.height = height; sprite.origin_x = width / 2; sprite.origin_y = height; sprite.img = new Image(); sprite.img.src = _game.imagedir_player + name + ".png"; return sprite; } function update_player_sprite() { var sprite; if (_game.game_over && !_game.game_win) { sprite = _player.sprite_sad; } else if (_game.game_win) { sprite = _player.sprite_happy; } else { sprite = _player.sprite; } // Update the player width, height and origin based on the current sprite. _player.width = sprite.width; _player.height = sprite.height; _player.origin_x = sprite.origin_x; _player.origin_y = sprite.origin_y; return sprite; }
function start_level(level_id) { ... } function set_transform(ctx, obj) { var x = obj.x - obj.origin_x; var y = obj.y - obj.origin_y; // Adjust origin if we're facing left. if (obj.dir < 0) x += obj.width; // Translate origin to (x,y). ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, x, y); // Flip the image if we're facing left. if (obj.dir < 0) ctx.scale(-1, 1); } function reset_transform(ctx) { // Reset transform to the identity matrix. ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); }
function check_input() { // Left arrow or 'a' to move left. if (_game.keymap[37] || _game.keymap[65]) { _player.dir = -1; _player.velocity_x -= _player.velocity_x_delta; if (_player.velocity_x < -_player.velocity_x_max) { _player.velocity_x = -_player.velocity_x_max; } } // Right arrow or 'd' to move right. if (_game.keymap[39] || _game.keymap[68]) { _player.dir = 1; _player.velocity_x += _player.velocity_x_delta; if (_player.velocity_x > _player.velocity_x_max) { _player.velocity_x = _player.velocity_x_max; } } ... }
function draw_player(ctx) { ctx.fillStyle = "blue"; ctx.fillRect(_player.x - _player.origin_x, _player.y - _player.origin_y, _player.width, _player.height); var sprite = update_player_sprite(); set_transform(ctx, _player); ctx.drawImage(sprite.img, 0, 0); reset_transform(ctx); }

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