110 : Node 110



script.js: Initialize the score for each player
// Initialize Player 1 data. function init_player1() { _player1.width = 20; _player1.height = 80; _player1.x = 30; _player1.y = (_game.height - _player1.height) / 2.0; _player1.velocity_y = 0; _player1.score = 0; } // Initialize Player 2 data. function init_player2() { _player2.width = 20; _player2.height = 80; _player2.x = 500; _player2.y = (_game.height - _player2.height) / 2.0; _player2.velocity_y = 0; _player2.score = 0; }
script.js: Add a function to update the scores
// Initialize ball data. function init_ball() { ... } function update_scores(player1, player2) { // Update the scores. _player1.score += player1; _player2.score += player2; // Reset the ball. init_ball(); }
// Handle ball movement and collision. function update_ball() { _ball.x += _ball.velocity_x; _ball.y += _ball.velocity_y; // Bounce off horizontal walls. if (_ball.y <= 0) { _ball.velocity_y *= -1; } if (_ball.y >= _game.height - _ball.height) { _ball.velocity_y *= -1; } // Bounce off vertical walls. if (_ball.x <= 0) { _ball.velocity_x *= -1; update_scores(0, 1); } if (_ball.x >= _game.width - _ball.width) { _ball.velocity_x *= -1; update_scores(1, 0); } // Bounce off paddles. var ball_speed2 = (_game.ball_speed / 2.0) ... }

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