
Playtest #1

Sun 19 Aug 2018

Participants: self, AdrianK






At start of turn, randomly place a citizen on the map. Draw a card to determine the location.

Each turn choose an action:

After taking your action, you may optionally resolve the customers in a single ward. You must be able to match all customers in that ward with a shop.

At end of turn, draw 1 card

Final turn

When last customer is placed, everyone takes one additional turn.

Player actions

Upgrading stores

Cost 5yen for each upgrade: 1-store -> 2-store -> 3-store -> dept store

Resolving customers

When resolving customers:


First move in game needs to be building a shop, which is restricted by the 3 cards in the player’s hand.

1yen and 5yen are a little odd since they correspond to $0.01 and $0.05. But charging 100yen and 500yen (and bumping up the coin values) makes the numbers unwieldly.

How to upgrade to a dept store when there are multiple players with stores in that location?

Who should claim the customer, the store owner or the person taking the customer action?

What if you lose all your money? Pass? How do you get back into the game?

Interesting decisions to be made with “cold war” at top of board: 3 ▢ shops + dept store. Worth 10 vs. 15 (diff of 5) to determine better move.

Summary: (A / G)

Shuffled cards once during game.


For next playtest, adjust costs: