Playtest #7
Sun 2 Sept 2018 (at PAX)
Participants: self, AdrianK

- Testing:
- Removing money and replacing with card-draw income
- Endgame scoring: If tie, then remove the customer type that you have the most of and count the rest.
- 2-player
- 18”x20” board with Map of Tokyo
- 72 Ward cards
- 15 stores per player (3 of each type)
- 20 track per player
- 2 dept stores per player
- 40 Customer tokens:
- Deal 5 cards to each player
Initial seeding
Each player seeds 3 customers (for 2-player) and then places a store for free anywhere on the board.
Each turn choose 2 different actions:
- Pay a card, build a store in that ward
- Pay a card, upgrade a store in that ward
- Pay a card, lure customers from that ward
- Pay any 1 card to build 1 track; pay 3 cards to build 2 connected track
- Take income: draw up to 5 cards, or draw 1 card if you already have 5 cards. Taking this action ends your turn immediately.
Final turn
When last customer is placed, everyone takes one additional turn.
Restricted to 1 Lure action
Clarification: can’t split track when adding 2 during the same action - the 2nd must continue from the end of the first.
Experimented with allowing the same action twice. It allowed Adrian to take 2 customer actions to get multiple customers (which felt like a big move), but otherwise it probably isn’t worthwhile.
Having to take an action for income didn’t feel bad. And it made income from track more exciting.
- Adrian: ◯◯◯◯◯ ⤫⤫⤫⤫⤫⤫ △ ▢▢ ⭒⭒ = 16
- Gary: ◯◯◯ ⤫⤫⤫ △△△△△△ ▢▢▢▢ ⭒⭒ = 18
- Left on board: ◯◯ △ ▢ ⭒⭒
Duration: 1:15 hr (3:30-4:45 - Includes explanation and discussion)
For next playtest:
- Adjust endgame scoring to make choice of customers more interesting