Playtest #14
Wed 19 Sept 2018
Participants: self, AdamB, JeffB

- Testing:
- Place a new customer every time a store is built.
- Slightly more track: 16/13/10 for 2/3/4-player
- 1 more station: 8/7/6 for 2/3/4-player
- You gain an income action whenever you give another player a customer during Lure
- 5 diff cards = wildcard
- 18”x20” board with Map of Tokyo
- 72 Ward cards
- 8/7/6 for 2/3/4-player
- 16/13/10 track for 2/3/4-player
- 2 dept stores per player
- 60 Customer tokens:
- Deal 5 cards to each player
Place a random customer at start of turn
Each turn take 2 different actions:
- Build: Pay a card, build a store in that ward
- Upgrade: Pay a card and a customer, upgrade a store to a dept store
- Lure: Pay a card, lure customers from that ward
- Expand: Pay any 1 card to build 1 track; pay 3 cards to build 2 connected track
- Income: draw up to 5 cards, or draw 1 card if you already have 5 cards. Taking this action ends your turn.
Final turn
When last customer is placed, everyone takes one additional turn.
Can build on existing shop? No.
- Adam: ◯◯◯ ⤫⤫ △△△ ⭒⭒⭒ = 8 (remove ◯, △ or ⭒)
- Jeff: ◯◯◯ ⤫⤫⤫⤫ △△△ ⭒⭒⭒⭒ = 10 (remove ⤫ or ⭒)
- Gary: ◯◯◯◯◯ ⤫⤫⤫⤫ △△△△△△ ⭒⭒⭒ = 12 (remove △)
At end of game:
- Adam had 3 stores and 0 track remaining
- Jeff had 2 department stores and 2 track remaining. No dept stores were built.
- Gary had 0 stores and 5 track remaining.
Higher scores without the game taking too long. Yay!
BAD: Adding 1 customer for each store was a bit tedious. Esp. during the early game.
Clarify: you may discard when taking the free Income action.
Being able to take Income when you give another player a customer during Lure didn’t feel worth it. Extra rule and it didn’t make giving a VP feel better. I.e., if you going to give another player a VP, then it’ll be because you get a VPs as well, and getting an Income action will not make you more likely to give someone else a VP.
16 customers left on board at end of game. Some stranded (no track) others just lower prio.
Feel bad: too many customers arrived early in the game, so if you didn’t build a lot of stores early you got left out. Hard to recover.
For next playtest:
- Draw a burst of customers when dept stores are built (instead of 1 every time a store is built).