
Playtest #15

Thu 20 Sept 2018

Participants: self, JeffB






Place a random customer at start of turn

Each turn take 2 different actions:

Final turn

When last customer is placed, everyone takes one additional turn.


Burst of customers worked well and felt good. It wasn’t as tedious as adding customers after each regular store.

Targetting ⭒ customers worked well as a strategy (because of their limited number).

Using 5 different cards as a wildcard has never been used in a playtest. No need to keep it as a rule.

Being able to move stores serves as an interesting “attack” during late game when you have a lot of wildcards. Play a card to move a store, then play a card to lure customers.

Game could have ended a few turns early, so the game needs to consume more customers. Increase the number of customers that arrive in the burst.

I can bump that up to 5 or have 3 dept stores in a 2-player game. … or both, I suppose.

This playtest was 2 player x 2 dept x 4 customers = 16 customers

Assuming that everyone builds all their dept stores:


For next playtest: