
Playtest #20

Wed 3 Oct 2018

Participants: self, JeffB






Place a random customer at start of turn

Each turn take 2 different actions:

Expansion action:

Department Stores

When a department store is built, it triggers a burst of new customers: 4/4/3 customers for 2/3/4-player game.

Final turn

When last customer is placed, that player finishes their turn and then everyone (incl the person who drew the last customer) takes one additional turn.


Kaiju is an action and can only be taken once/turn.

Adam: It’s odd to allow Lure actions to pass through the location where the Kaiju is located.

Adam: Instead of destroying, have the Kaiju scare customers away.

Additional thoughts

Kaiju: Game goes on longer than expected because we build fewer dept stores and thus have fewer bursts of customers arriving. We only built 3 dept stores instead of the expected 4-5, so we had 4-8 fewer customers arrive and 2-4 extra turns/player.

Any variant/expansion that allows destruction needs to account for the fact that fewer dept stores will be built, so there will be fewer bursts from that. Otherwise the game will last a bit too long.


For next playtest: