Fri 5 Oct 2018
Participants: self, JeffB, AdamB
Place a random customer at start of turn
(Chairman expansion) At any time during turn, you may move your Chairman into a neighboring location.
Each turn take 2 different actions:
Expansion action:
Cards that match locations where you have stores (or dept stores) are wild for you.
Any three cards can be used as a wild card.
When a department store is built, it triggers a burst of new customers: 4/4/3 customers for 2/3/4-player game.
When last customer is placed, that player finishes their turn and then everyone (incl the person who drew the last customer) takes one additional turn.
On first turn, you can always get a customer: 3 cards for wild to place store by customer. Place Chairman to match remaining card in hand and play that card to Lure.
Clarification: When customer should go onto space with Kaiju, the player gets to choose which neighboring ward it goes into. ISSUE: Decision possibly affected if player sees the customer type before choosing.
3-way tied score. Tie resolved by player order (G wins). Older tie-breaking rules would have multiple rounds of tie-breaking between J and A since they both have 4+4+4+3.
Jeff: Chairman is great. Chaiman not needing action is good.
Adam: Kaiju great at the right moment
Gary: Kaiju used to good effect near endgame to herd customers in prep for a Lure action. Good because endgame can sometimes be Lure + no other good action.
Jeff: When draw customer @ Kaiju, move Kaiju
Gary: Having 3 cards = wild makes the “3-cards to build 2 track” action feel more expensive since those cards now have another possible use.
For next playtest: