Playtest #23
Fri 12 Oct 2018
Participants: self, JeffB, SverreR

- Testing:
- Empress expansion. Empress is placed randomly on board. Location is a wildcard for everyone. Player can move once/turn for free.
- Kaiju: Player gets to move Kaiju for free is their customer lands on the Kaiju spot.
- Kaiju + Empress expansion together
Components & Rules
Same as previous
Kaiju moving when customer lands there was interested because it added more “random” movement.
Only 3 dept stores were built. Jeff built his near end of game.
- Gary: 5◯ (6⤫) 5△ 5⭒ = 15
- Jeff: 4◯ 3⤫ (5△) 2⭒ = 9
- Sverre: 3◯ 3⤫ (4△) 3⭒ = 9
Empress works well. Similar to Chairman.
For next playtest: