Playtest #27
Fri 1 Mar 2019
Participants: JoshP, JohnM, self

- Testing:
- Drawing multiple customers per turn after dept stores are built
- Only 1 action on first turn for first few players.
Components & Rules
Baseline rules, except:
- 1 action on first turn for first n/2 players (rounded down)
- Draw 2 customers per turn after 3rd dept store is built
- This replaces having a burst of customers appear when a dept store is built
◯ |
⤫ |
△ |
⭒ |
Score |
Josh |
~7~ |
5 |
7 |
3 |
15 |
John |
~5~ |
5 |
5 |
2 |
12 |
Gary |
3 |
~6~ |
2 |
6 |
11 |
- Board could be darker visually so that the pieces stand out
- Most fun: moving lots of customers
- Dissatisfying when there were few customers
- Good balance between complexity and time to play
- The stores could have stickers on both sides so that it is easier to sort them at the beginning of the game.
For next playtest:
- Drawing 2 customers after 3 dept stores are build is good.
- Limiting action for first n/2 players is not necessary.