Playtest #64
Mon 30 Dec 2019
Participants: Adam B, Gary K

- separate action for Move and Upgrade
- 72 customers with new distribution:
- Food: 23 singles, 0 doubles
- Clothing: 17 singles, 3 doubles
- Books: 9 singles, 7 doubles
- Electronics: 3 singles 10 doubles
- dept store bonus:
- for 2-player game:
- 20 for 1st, 16 for 2nd, 12, 8, 4, 0 for 6th and later
- sidebar: start with 2 customers, add one per dept store
Didn’t have tokens to track dept store bonus, but wrote down values:
Bonus |
20 |
16 |
12 |
8 |
4 |
0 |
G |
A |
A |
G |
A |
- Adam : 123 = 91 + 32 dept store bonus
- Gary : 132 = 104 + 28 dept store bonus
Is the track limit needed the time/action limit is so tight?
- remove track limit to see if it is still necessary
- experiment with dept store bonus
- give a set collection bonus instead of direct VP bonus
- re-inforce what is already in the game
- Add one more double-customer per type
- That way every type has at least one double-customer
- Electronics has 2 singles (symmetry with Food)
- 8/8 split for Books