The Trump Administration
Mail bomber targetting non-Trump supporters.
Day 659
Friday 9 November 2018
Sayoc Allegedly Mailed 16 IEDs to 13 Victims Across the United States and Now Faces Charges Including Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction, Interstate Mailing of Explosives, and Use of Destructive Devices During Crimes of Violence
Day 650
Wednesday 31 October 2018
...and his laptop and cellphone are now providing investigators with a trove of fresh evidence
Day 646
Saturday 27 October 2018
Mail bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc lived in an alternate universe where monstrous reptiles stalk people in Florida’s Everglades, a malevolent Jewish billionaire pays American children to stage school shootings and German politicians are secretly being conceived using Adolf Hitler’s frozen sperm.
Wednesday, a white man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans, seemingly at random, at a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.
After mail bombs were being sent to people who'd been criticized by the President, a suspect was arrested Friday -- a man who had railed against Democrats and minorities with hate-filled messages online.
And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.
Day 645
Friday 26 October 2018
A van in Plantation, Florida, towed away from the scene of bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc's arrest had images of President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence as well as a "CNN Sucks" sticker
...each device was made of roughly 6 inches of pvc pipe, wiring, a small clock, battery and "energetic material that could be explosive."
Shortly after news of the arrest broke, news cameras in South Florida captured authorities surrounding a van covered with political imagery featuring Trump; the van was covered in a blue tarp and taken away
A series of suspected explosive packages intercepted this week left the nation stunned and authorities hunting for a bomber targeting prominent Democratic figures and CNN.
Day 644
Thursday 25 October 2018
Whatever rote condemnations Trump offers, it was inevitable that he’d use the bombs as an intimidation tactic
Law enforcement officials on both coasts are working to track down the terrorist(s) responsible for at least 10 suspected explosive devices.
Many Trump allies say a terroristic attack on Democratic leaders has become a media conspiracy to undermine the president ahead of the November midterms.
Last night [...] Trump momentarily pretended to act presidential, saying, "Those engaged in the political arena must stop treating political opponents as being morally defective."
Federal authorities [...] have turned their attention to southern Florida, believing that a number of the devices were mailed from there
Day 643
Wednesday 24 October 2018
Days ahead of crucial midterm elections, the talk is not of better days or a brighter future. Instead, the climate is one of fear, of threat and of division, of caravans from Central America and angry mobs.
Pipe bombs were sent to several prominent Democrats, including former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, setting off an intense investigation on Wednesday into whether figures vilified by the right were being targeted.
Day 642
Tuesday 23 October 2018