The Trump Administration
Our other neighbor to the south.
Day 724
Sunday 13 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 23
As it happens, there is and always has been one mechanism that produces precisely this effect in humans. Today it’s referred to in the medical literature as conversion disorder—that is, the conversion of stress and fear into actual physical illness.
Day 321
Wednesday 6 December 2017
While what caused the phantom sounds is still unknown, tests have revealed at least some of the workers suffered damage to the white matter that lets different parts of their brains communicate with each other.
Day 313
Tuesday 28 November 2017
In September, the officer and his wife reported, according to one source familiar with the incident, what may have been at least one acoustic attack similar to those experienced by the diplomats in Havana.
Day 257
Tuesday 3 October 2017 protest its failure to protect Americans from unexplained attacks in Havana, plunging diplomatic ties between the countries to levels unseen in years.
Day 253
Friday 29 September 2017
The American Foreign Service Association reported this month that the symptoms among those affected included mild traumatic brain injury, permanent hearing loss, loss of balance, severe headaches and brain swelling.
Day 147
Thursday 15 June 2017
The president’s policy, set to be issued Friday, will roll back Obama’s efforts to normalize relations with the island.
Day 87
Sunday 16 April 2017
But the slow-motion part appears to be speeding up...