The Trump Administration
Final home of Osama bin Laden.
Day 351
Friday 5 January 2018
...the foreign minister said that the US failed to behave as an ally, adding that Pakistan does not consider the US as an ally either, after the behaviour of the Trump administration.
Afghan officials have pleaded with three American presidents to reconsider their support for Pakistan, which was both receiving billions of dollars in American aid and harboring the leaders of a Taliban insurgency that the United States has struggled to defeat.
Day 350
Thursday 4 January 2018
The Trump administration announced on Thursday that it would suspend nearly all security aid to Pakistan, an across-the-board freeze that is the most tangible sign yet of Washington’s frustration with the country’s refusal to crack down on terrorist networks operating there.
Day 349
Wednesday 3 January 2018
"China has really gone hard in cementing its existing relationship with Pakistan, it's really the only place that's seen significant investment under the Belt and Road initiative and China has been pushing for geopolitical advantage there."
Day 348
Tuesday 2 January 2018 day after President Donald Trump declared online that Pakistan had repaid U.S. government funding with “lies & deceit” in the fight against terrorism.
Day 347
Monday 1 January 2018
Day 232
Friday 8 September 2017
The Pakistani novelist Kamila Shamsie once observed that there are “two Americas” — one at home and one abroad. The first is the America of Hollywood, work-in-progress democracy, civil rights movements and Ellis Island. The second is the America of coups and occupations, military dictators and CIA plots, economic meddling and contempt for foreign cultures.
The rest of the world knows both Americas. But as Shamsie has written, Americans don’t seem aware of the second one at all.
It’s a doctrine called “asymmetric escalation,” employed by states that are conventionally weak. France used it during the Cold War to deter the more powerful Soviet Union, and Pakistan does the same today against a more powerful India.