The Trump Administration
Our largest trading partner.
Day 845
Tuesday 14 May 2019
The executive order would invoke the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, which gives the president the authority to regulate commerce in response to a national emergency that threatens the United States.
Day 802
Monday 1 April 2019
...after two Chinese air force jets crossed a maritime border separating the island from the mainland.
Day 791
Thursday 21 March 2019
...imposing new sanctions on two Chinese shipping companies that it says have been helping the country evade international sanctions.
Day 786
Saturday 16 March 2019
Day 767
Monday 25 February 2019
Trump has positioned his monthslong trade fight with China as necessary to win “the biggest deal” in history.
The Republican president, who knows far less about trade than he likes to pretend, is routinely far more interested in what things are called than the substantive details.
Day 766
Sunday 24 February 2019
...thanks to “productive” trade talks and that he and Chinese President Xi Jinping would meet to seal a deal if progress continued.
Day 764
Friday 22 February 2019
“I don’t like MOUs because they don’t mean anything. To me, they don’t mean anything.”
Current U.S.-China talks in Washington extended for two more days
Day 759
Sunday 17 February 2019
Day 758
Saturday 16 February 2019
Day 743
Friday 1 February 2019
The decision has the potential to incite a new arms race — not only with Russia, but also with China
Day 742
Thursday 31 January 2019
Day 740
Tuesday 29 January 2019
On May 29, A.X allegedly walked into T-Mobile's lab, broke off Tappy's arm, and put it into his bag.
Day 739
Monday 28 January 2019
The Justice Department said Huawei sidestepped US sanctions on Iran by telling a global bank it had no relationship with Skycom, which the US said is controlled by Huawei.
Day 733
Tuesday 22 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 32
...due to outstanding disagreements over intellectual property rules.
Day 732
Monday 21 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 31
Day 730
Saturday 19 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 29
That would be the growing antagonism between the countries and the South China Sea and Africa.
Day 729
Friday 18 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 28
All three major indexes surged nearly 3% on the week. US markets have advanced four weeks in a row, the longest winning streak since the summer.
China has offered to go on a six-year buying spree to ramp up imports from the U.S.
Day 725
Monday 14 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 24
According to the court, Schellenberg was dispatched to Dalian by drug traffickers in November 2014 to orchestrate the smuggling of more than 222 kilograms (489.4 pounds) of methamphetamine from the Chinese port city to Australia.
Day 724
Sunday 13 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 23
China recorded $323.32 billion in surplus with the U.S. in 2018, representing a 17% jump from the figure in the previous year
Day 719
Tuesday 8 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 18
Day 718
Monday 7 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 17
The visit offers Mr. Kim and Mr. Xi an opportunity to coordinate strategy face to face should Mr. Kim have a second summit meeting with President Trump.
The U.S. is seeking concessions in Chinese business practices; in exchange it will eliminate tariffs recently imposed on Chinese goods.
Day 716
Saturday 5 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 15 Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-Wen called for international support to defend the island’s democracy amid renewed threats of unification from the mainland.
Day 714
Thursday 3 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 13
Day 710
Sunday 30 December 2018
Government Shutdown Day 9
The rebuff underscored how the United States and China compete not only in trade and technology, but also over the values and beliefs that define their societies, an echo of the Cold War with the Soviet Union.
Day 709
Saturday 29 December 2018
Government Shutdown Day 8
Day 707
Thursday 27 December 2018
Government Shutdown Day 6
Tougher regulations, surprise inspections and other bureaucratic moves are hampering U.S. exports amid the trade war.
Day 704
Monday 24 December 2018
Government Shutdown Day 3
Instead, China has leaned on Brazilian imports to replace the U.S. cargoes
Day 700
Thursday 20 December 2018
The state-connected hackers are accused of penetrating networks of U.S. agencies and companies.
Day 699
Wednesday 19 December 2018
The trifecta of Belt and Road failures, economic fragility and negative international sentiment makes it difficult to read what China might do next.
Day 697
Monday 17 December 2018
Day 694
Friday 14 December 2018
Since the President met with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, two weeks ago in Argentina, China has delivered on an array of Trump's promises, including lowering auto tariffs and restarting purchases of soybeans. will remove the additional 25% tariffs on car imports from the United States for three months starting January 1.
Day 692
Wednesday 12 December 2018
The country’s economy is in a sharp downturn, putting political pressure on President Xi Jinping to reach a deal with President Trump.
By casting Meng, the daughter of Huawei's founder, as a potential bargaining chip in the trade talks, Trump has undermined the stance taken by senior officials in his administration that the case is strictly a law enforcement matter.
Day 691
Tuesday 11 December 2018
The judge said Meng Wanzhou must meet stringent conditions aimed at making sure she doesn't flee Canada for China.
Day 690
Monday 10 December 2018
Apple said all models remain available for customers in China, as the ruling only involves models running older software it has now changed.
Day 688
Saturday 8 December 2018
Meng Wanzhou [...] is believed to have helped Huawei circumvent US sanctions by telling financial institutions that a Huawei subsidiary was a separate company
Day 687
Friday 7 December 2018
Trump has been asking his advisors if they think the tariffs he's levied against China are causing the market's unrest over the past two months.
Day 686
Thursday 6 December 2018
Huawei’s CFO was detained at the request of the US government, allegedly because she attempted to evade the US trade embargo on Iran
Day 685
Wednesday 5 December 2018
Day 684
Tuesday 4 December 2018
So when the president announced publicly that China “has agreed to reduce and remove tariffs on cars coming into China from the U.S.,” Trump was either badly confused about a policy he really ought to understand or he was lying.
Day 683
Monday 3 December 2018
The lack of specific commitments from China and the conflicting statements from United States and Chinese officials struck many analysts as a sign that the president might ultimately get far less than he was publicly portraying.
Day 682
Sunday 2 December 2018
Day 681
Saturday 1 December 2018
"President Trump has agreed that on January 1, 2019, he will leave the tariffs on $200 billion worth of product at the 10 percent rate, and not raise it to 25 percent at this time"
Language used in statements issued after the two leaders meet will offer clues as to the temperature in the room — so what does it all mean?
Day 679
Thursday 29 November 2018
Day 677
Tuesday 27 November 2018
When listing reasons behind the job cuts on Monday, GM tiptoed around trade policy and blamed a host of other factors. But the company has been much more direct in its criticism of Trump's trade war in the past.
Day 659
Friday 9 November 2018
Day 658
Thursday 8 November 2018
One reason for the surge is companies are eager to avoid even higher duties in a few months' time: The US tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese goods that kicked in on September 24 are set to rise from 10% to 25% at the end of the year. thanks
Day 655
Monday 5 November 2018
North Dakota’s soybean crops are flourishing. But China has stopped buying.
Day 651
Thursday 1 November 2018
As the world’s largest importer of soybeans, China is posed to make an impact on the American market.
Day 648
Monday 29 October 2018
Some diplomats and their doctors tell NBC they're concerned the U.S. wants to downplay what happened. Some suspect harassment has continued inside the U.S.
Day 644
Thursday 25 October 2018
Day 643
Wednesday 24 October 2018
Trump’s aides have repeatedly warned him that his cellphone calls are not secure, and they have told him that Russian spies are routinely eavesdropping on the calls, as well.
Day 636
Wednesday 17 October 2018
Dropping out of the postal treaty, first ratified in 1874, is expected to exacerbate tensions with China
Day 631
Friday 12 October 2018
But at the moment, the primary conclusion to draw is that the US-China trade war isn’t yet hurting China all that much
Day 629
Wednesday 10 October 2018
"As we look at trade issues there is no question that we want to make sure China is not doing competitive devaluations"
Day 627
Monday 8 October 2018
The sharp tit-for-tat stripped away the customary veneer of diplomatic niceties during public remarks.
Day 626
Sunday 7 October 2018
...stepping up moves to lower financing costs and spur growth amid concerns over the economic drag from an escalating trade dispute with the United States.
Day 624
Friday 5 October 2018
But behind closed doors, Mr. Pence’s remarks probably left few doubts among China’s leaders that Washington was embarking on a Cold War that would force the country to dig in for a prolonged multifront battle with the United States
Meng's whereabouts are unknown. But the South China Morning Post, citing an anonymous source, reports that he was "taken away" by Chinese authorities immediately after he arrived in China.
Day 623
Thursday 4 October 2018
Pence launched a broad attack against Beijing Thursday, accusing China of "predatory" economic practices, military aggression against the US and of trying to undermine President Donald Trump and harm his chances of winning re-election.
The attack by Chinese spies reached almost 30 U.S. companies, including Amazon and Apple, by compromising America’s technology supply chain
In emailed statements, Amazon (which announced its acquisition of Elemental in September 2015), Apple, and Supermicro disputed summaries of Bloomberg Businessweek’s reporting.
Day 620
Monday 1 October 2018
The U.S. Navy destroyer USS Decatur had to maneuver to avoid a collision on Sunday
Day 615
Wednesday 26 September 2018
...a move that is likely to cause anger in Beijing amid heightened tensions between the two countries.
China cancels US warship visit to Hong Kong amid military sanction backlash
Day 613
Monday 24 September 2018
...accusing President Donald Trump's administration of "trade bullyism practices" that have become "the greatest source of uncertainty and risk for the recovery of the global economy."
Neither of the world’s two largest economies showed signs of backing down, and there are no further trade talks scheduled to resolve the dispute.
Day 610
Friday 21 September 2018
China's purchase of the weapons from Rosoboronexport, Russia's main arms exporter, violated a 2017 law [...] intended to punish the government of President Vladimir Putin for interfering in U.S. elections and other activities.
Day 607
Tuesday 18 September 2018
Chinese state television on Tuesday reported that the government has decided to impose tariffs of 5 percent to 10 percent on $60 billion worth of U.S. products, starting on Monday.
Day 606
Monday 17 September 2018
Trump is considering whether to put tariffs on more than $250 billion more in Chinese products.
Chinese officials, eager to prove they won’t negotiate under duress, are threatening to back out of talks if President Trump proceeds with the tariffs announced Friday on $200 billion in Chinese imports.
Day 604
Saturday 15 September 2018
Day 602
Thursday 13 September 2018
The two information technology companies are actually North Korean-controlled entities, the Treasury Department said in a statement
Day 600
Tuesday 11 September 2018
The case cites Washington's non-compliance with a ruling in a dispute over U.S. dumping duties.
Day 599
Monday 10 September 2018
The weakness in Chinese trade is so far coming mainly from slowing growth in exports to big trading partners like the European Union and Japan.
Day 598
Sunday 9 September 2018
“It would not be profitable to build the Focus Active in the U.S. given an expected annual sales volume of fewer than 50,000 units and its competitive segment,” the company said.
Day 597
Saturday 8 September 2018
Day 596
Friday 7 September 2018
The President told reporters aboard Air Force One on Friday that he may expand his proposed tariffs as part of his ongoing trade war with China
Day 595
Thursday 6 September 2018 a consultation period over the imposition of fresh tariffs on China by the Trump administration comes to an end.
Day 589
Friday 31 August 2018
“Attending these summits would have been helpful in tending to these relationships and buttressing unity against China, with whom Trump has launched a trade war.”
...presidential tweets accusing China of hacking Hillary Clinton’s emails were an effort to “divert public attention from the troubles the White House has become mired in.”
Day 587
Wednesday 29 August 2018
...saying it had found no evidence that the private servers she used while secretary of state had been compromised.
While China lags in projecting firepower on a global scale, it can now challenge American military supremacy in the places that matter most to it: the waters around Taiwan and in the disputed South China Sea.
Day 586
Tuesday 28 August 2018
Day 582
Friday 24 August 2018
Day 578
Monday 20 August 2018
Day 577
Sunday 19 August 2018
President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan visited Houston over the weekend, her second brief stop in the United States in one week
Day 576
Saturday 18 August 2018
Day 572
Tuesday 14 August 2018
If the trade war escalates [...] some worry that the public’s faith in the economy could be shaken, exposing the nation to much more serious problems than a drop in exports.
Day 566
Wednesday 8 August 2018
The president rails against China over dinner with execs and senior White House staff.
Day 564
Monday 6 August 2018
Amid a U.S.-China trade war, the two major stock indexes in China have lost one-quarter of their value from highs this year.
Day 562
Saturday 4 August 2018
Day 561
Friday 3 August 2018
...a move designed to match the Trump administration’s tariff threats blow-for-blow that is bound to further intensify trade tensions between the world’s two largest economies.
It is not clear how long the temporary halt will last, but one of the sources said Unipec has no new bookings of U.S. crude until at least October.
Day 559
Wednesday 1 August 2018
Trump directed the increase from a previously proposed 10 percent duty because China has refused to meet U.S. demands and has imposed retaliatory tariffs on U.S. goods.
“U.S. pressure and blackmail won’t have an effect. If the United States takes further escalatory steps, China will inevitably take countermeasures and we will resolutely protect our legitimate rights”
Day 552
Wednesday 25 July 2018
Day 550
Monday 23 July 2018
“Nobody in the 1980s would have represented the Russian government. And now you find so many lobbying for the Chinese government”
Day 547
Friday 20 July 2018
Negotiators from the Senate and House of Representatives agreed late Thursday to abandon efforts to reinstate harsher sanctions against the Chinese telecommunications-equipment maker as part of the defense policy bill
The rhetoric marks ramps up the U.S-China trade war another step, though each country has issued just $34 billion in tariffs so far.
Day 542
Sunday 15 July 2018
“When you report a fall in the stock market index or a weakening in the yuan’s exchange rate, you can’t use ‘trade war’ in your headline,”
Day 538
Wednesday 11 July 2018
China’s commerce ministry said on Wednesday it was “shocked” and would complain to the World Trade Organisation
...deepening the dispute with Beijing, while sending a message to European trading partners that the U.S. won’t back away from trade fights.
“When exposing and criticizing American words and actions, be careful not to link it to Trump and instead to aim it at the U.S. government”
Day 536
Monday 9 July 2018
Day 534
Saturday 7 July 2018
The passage through the Taiwan Strait, the first such one by a U.S. Navy ship in about a year, follows a series of Chinese military drills around the island that have stoked tensions between Taipei and Beijing.
Day 533
Friday 6 July 2018
Tariffs tend to be economic downers, but so far it is tough to argue China fight is having a broad macroeconomic impact
Day 532
Thursday 5 July 2018
Trump is already threatening additional rounds of tariffs
Day 530
Tuesday 3 July 2018
The embassy warned Chinese tourists to be aware of issues including expensive medical bills, the threats of public shootings and robberies, searches and seizures by customs agents, telecommunications fraud and natural disasters.
Day 527
Saturday 30 June 2018
The BMW plant in South Carolina is its largest globally and ships more than 70 percent of its annual production to other export markets
Day 524
Wednesday 27 June 2018
...backing away from a more aggressive approach that would have declared a national economic emergency and dramatically limited China’s ability to invest in the United States.
Day 516
Tuesday 19 June 2018
For example, Chinese officials could slow the customs process for U.S. products entering the country, launch investigations into or spring inspections onto factories, hotels or other businesses — all activities for which a veneer of plausible deniability would make proving a punitive motive difficult.
Trump threatened on Monday to hit $200 billion of Chinese imports with 10 percent tariffs if Beijing retaliated against his previous targeting of $50 billion in imports
Day 515
Monday 18 June 2018
... rejecting a deal President Donald Trump made with Beijing to save the firm.
Day 513
Saturday 16 June 2018
The newspaper that serves as the mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party had four words to describe the Trump administration on Saturday: rude, unreasonable, selfish and headstrong.
Day 512
Friday 15 June 2018
China will hit back by imposing its own tariffs, the country’s Ministry of Commerce said in a release. The statement was not specific about which goods would be targeted, but the list is likely to include agricultural products and manufactured goods
Tariffs that affect more than 800 products worth $34bn in annual trade are due to come into effect on 6 July.
Day 508
Monday 11 June 2018
...pitting the president against Congress on what many senators say is an issue of national security.
Day 505
Friday 8 June 2018
...including secret plans to develop a supersonic anti-ship missile for use on U.S. submarines by 2020
Day 504
Thursday 7 June 2018
The move eases a seven-year ban on ZTE buying American parts, which Commerce levied in April.
Day 503
Wednesday 6 June 2018
Facebook has data-sharing partnerships with four Chinese device makers, including Huawei.
Day 502
Tuesday 5 June 2018
The proposal could fizzle quickly. Chinese officials have said publicly that any agreements would be void if the United States continued with plans to impose tariffs and other restrictions
Day 501
Monday 4 June 2018
Day 500
Sunday 3 June 2018
“If the United States introduces trade measures, including an increase of tariffs, all the economic and trade outcomes negotiated by the two parties will not take effect,” China said in a statement
Day 499
Saturday 2 June 2018
Day 498
Friday 1 June 2018
Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis harshly criticized the Chinese government on Saturday for its continuing militarization of a string of islands in the South China Sea
Day 496
Wednesday 30 May 2018
"In recognition of the increasing connectivity of the Indian and Pacific Oceans today we rename the US Pacific Command to US Indo-Pacific Command"
Day 495
Tuesday 29 May 2018
The White House announced this morning a plan to levy a 25% tariff on $50 billion worth of Chinese tech goods — with the exact list to be announced next month — as well as tech investment limits for Chinese nationals and entities. part of a broad campaign to crack down on Chinese acquisition of U.S. technology.
Day 494
Monday 28 May 2018
“Ivanka Trump’s refusal to divest from her business is especially troubling as the Ivanka brand continues to expand its business in foreign countries”
Day 489
Wednesday 23 May 2018
China’s mainland media has joined in the fanfare to pressure overseas airlines to identify Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau as being part of the same country.
An American government employee posted in southern China has signs of possible brain injury after reporting disturbing sounds and sensations ... in events that seemed to draw parallels with mysterious ailments that struck American diplomats in Cuba.
...further escalating tensions with Beijing that have spanned from trade to North Korea to the military.
Day 488
Tuesday 22 May 2018
The Senate Banking Committee approved an amendment in an overwhelming and bipartisan 23-2 vote that would block Trump from easing sanctions on ZTE without first certifying to Congress that the company is complying with U.S. law.
Day 487
Monday 21 May 2018
Ceaseless infighting and jockeying for influence on the White House’s trade team helped deprive Mr. Trump of a quick victory on his most cherished policy agenda
Trump has a direct financial interest in a major real estate development project essentially underwritten by a state-owned Chinese bank. In a normal administration, this would be a weeks-long scandal dominating media coverage of the White House.
In the earlier black-and-white photo from Beijing, the representatives from the West cut a striking contrast with the elderly envoys of the Qing dynasty. But in the photo from Washington, it is the Americans who appear to be older.
Day 486
Sunday 20 May 2018
...a gesture that will temporarily ease tensions between the two nations but rapidly increase pressure on President Trump to secure the type of tough deal that he has long said is necessary to protect American workers.
Day 485
Saturday 19 May 2018
Beijing and Washington agreed they would keep talking about measures under which China would import more energy and agricultural commodities from the United States to close the $335 billion ... trade deficit with China.
Day 484
Friday 18 May 2018
...largely by lifting existing barriers that would make it easier for United States firms to sell and operate in China
Day 482
Wednesday 16 May 2018
Full disengagement is impossible, leaders on both sides acknowledge. But the plans being developed in Beijing and Washington anticipate a time when the economic engines of China and the United States are not so closely linked, particularly in high-tech industries.
Day 481
Tuesday 15 May 2018
The situation looks a lot like Xi is “using barriers against American agriculture to blackmail the Trump administration into accepting ZTE’s behavior”
Day 480
Monday 14 May 2018
Day 479
Sunday 13 May 2018
The comment marked a sharp shift in tone for a president who has long accused China of stealing U.S. jobs.
The overture appeared to be off-key for an administration that has been reliably strident on what it has called unfair Chinese trade practices.
Day 477
Friday 11 May 2018
China has many reasons to believe it will come out ahead in the coming talks. sees the prospect of progress toward a longstanding security goal: the withdrawal of United States troops from the Korean Peninsula.
Day 476
Thursday 10 May 2018
China and India, which together make up the majority of purchases of Iranian oil, are unlikely to curtail their Iranian oil imports — and may actually look to expand them.
Day 474
Tuesday 8 May 2018
Rouhani said Iran is ready to start unlimited uranium enrichment if these negotiations do not yield benefits in a couple of weeks.
Day 470
Friday 4 May 2018
Day 469
Thursday 3 May 2018
A breakthrough deal to fundamentally change China's economic policies is viewed as highly unlikely during the two days of talks
Day 468
Wednesday 2 May 2018
"Whatever they're buying is non-U.S.," ... "They're buying beans in Canada, in Brazil, mostly Brazil, but very deliberately not buying anything from the U.S."
Day 466
Monday 30 April 2018
But senior Beijing officials do not plan to discuss the Trump administration’s two biggest demands: a mandatory $100 billion cut in America’s $375 billion annual trade deficit with China and curbs on Beijing’s $300 billion plan to bankroll the country’s industrial upgrade into advanced technologies
Day 453
Tuesday 17 April 2018
Sorghum is a grain that is used to feed livestock and make a liquor that's very popular with Chinese drinkers.
Day 452
Monday 16 April 2018
Day 449
Friday 13 April 2018
The party is strengthening its influence — often gaining direct decision-making power — over the international firms doing business in China.
Day 447
Wednesday 11 April 2018
Day 445
Monday 9 April 2018
This latest step in China’s militarization of its island bases signifies Beijing’s determination to assert its regional territorial claims, regardless of U.S. opposition.
The U.S. would put tariffs on flat-screen televisions, for example, but not on clothes. China threatens tariffs on U.S. whiskey but not beer.
Day 443
Saturday 7 April 2018
Day 442
Friday 6 April 2018
Markets roiled Friday as stocks dropped across the board on the latest volley in the U.S. trade dispute with China.
China’s commerce ministry said that “China has very detailed countermeasures” and will “fight at any cost” to defend its economic interests
Pyongyang’s current-account deficit with China is another sign that sanctions hurt North Korea’s economy. China has restricted North Korean imports but does not face the same constraints on most exports. As a result, North Korea’s deficit is ballooning.
Day 441
Thursday 5 April 2018
A day earlier, the president said we weren’t in a trade war with China.
Day 440
Wednesday 4 April 2018
China hit back at the United States on Wednesday with proposed tariffs on $50 billion worth of American soybeans, cars, chemicals and other goods, in a move likely to stoke fears that the countries’ escalating confrontation could become an all-out trade war.
Day 439
Tuesday 3 April 2018
The Trump administration said Tuesday that it will place a 25 percent tariff on Chinese products like flat-screen televisions, medical devices, aircraft parts and batteries
The move, which stems from a White House investigation into China’s use of pressure, intimidation and theft to obtain American technologies, is likely to inflame an already-simmering trade war between the countries.
Day 437
Sunday 1 April 2018
China will impose a 15 percent tariff increase on goods including American fruit and nuts and add a 25 percent tariff on pork, recycled aluminum and other goods
Day 433
Wednesday 28 March 2018
Through it all, the Trump administration has been largely relegated to reacting and catching up to Mr. Kim. And so it was again this week, when Mr. Kim suddenly showed up in China on an armored train and was shown beaming next to Mr. Xi
Day 431
Monday 26 March 2018
Speculation about a possible visit by a high-ranking North Korean official circulated around the Chinese capital Monday, after Japan’s Kyodo News reported that a special train may have carried Kim through the northeastern border city of Dandong.
The Trump administration is urging China to lower tariffs on cars and open its market to U.S. financial services as part of talks to resolve a rise in trade tensions that has shaken global markets,
The United States and China are acting tough over trade, but they're also busy talking to try to stop the situation spiraling out of control.
Day 427
Thursday 22 March 2018 punish China for what it says is a pattern of co-opting American technology and trade secrets and robbing companies of jobs and billions of dollars in revenue.
Day 422
Saturday 17 March 2018
Trump signed legislation that encourages the United States to send senior officials to Taiwan to meet Taiwanese counterparts and vice versa.
Day 415
Saturday 10 March 2018
For allies who have long looked to the United States to provide security and stability, it was a dizzying jolt of drama that injected fresh uncertainty into strategic calculations in the region, where China is seeking to supplant the United States as the major power.
Day 413
Thursday 8 March 2018
He did not elaborate on the measures that Beijing might take. But he urged the United States to “sit down peacefully” to constructively discuss finding a mutually beneficial solution.
Day 410
Monday 5 March 2018
China may have formally tightened the screws on Hong Kong on Monday by eliminating a reference to the people of the territory governing themselves
Day 408
Saturday 3 March 2018
"He's now president for life. President for life. No, he's great," Trump said. "And look, he was able to do that. I think it's great. Maybe we'll have to give that a shot some day."
Day 407
Friday 2 March 2018
U.S. officials recognize that the advanced missile technologies Russia and China are developing will probably end up in the arsenals of other countries in the future, meaning the policy must decide how to address them anyway.
Day 404
Tuesday 27 February 2018
The contravening consonant was perhaps the most unusual victim of a crackdown targeting words, phrases and even solitary letters censors feared might be used to attack Beijing’s controversial decision to abolish constitutional term limits for China’s president.
Officials in at least four countries have privately discussed ways they can manipulate Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, by taking advantage of his complex business arrangements, financial difficulties and lack of foreign policy experience
Among those nations discussing ways to influence Kushner to their advantage were the United Arab Emirates, China, Israel and Mexico
Day 403
Monday 26 February 2018
There was a time, not so long ago, when a Chinese leader setting himself up as ruler for life would have stirred international condemnation for bucking the global trend toward greater democracy. Now, such an action seems fully in keeping with moves by many countries in the other direction.
Day 402
Sunday 25 February 2018
China’s Communist Party has cleared the way for President Xi Jinping to stay in power indefinitely, by announcing Sunday that it intends to abolish term limits on the presidency, a momentous break with decades-old rules meant to prevent the country from returning to the days when Mao was shown cultish obedience.
Day 399
Thursday 22 February 2018
Washington has recently begun moving gradually to reinforce its ties to Taiwan
Day 368
Monday 22 January 2018
Government Shutdown Day 3
The imposition of tariffs will most likely exacerbate trade tensions with other nations, including China, and could result in an escalation of retaliatory trade measures against imports from the United States.
Day 362
Tuesday 16 January 2018
More than a dozen C.I.A. informants were killed or imprisoned by the Chinese government. The extent to which the informant network was unraveled ... was a devastating setback for the C.I.A.
Day 361
Monday 15 January 2018
Ms. Murdoch in 1999 married Rupert Murdoch, who is the executive chairman of News Corp, which publishes The Wall Street Journal. Mr. Murdoch filed for divorce in 2013. Ms. Murdoch still uses her married name.
The growing reliance on the debt-driven mode of economic development will continue to erode the solvency of the U.S. federal government
“Deficiencies in the current U.S. political ecology make it difficult for the efficient administration of the federal government, so the national economic development derails from the right track,” Dagong said.
Day 349
Wednesday 3 January 2018
"China has really gone hard in cementing its existing relationship with Pakistan, it's really the only place that's seen significant investment under the Belt and Road initiative and China has been pushing for geopolitical advantage there."
Day 343
Thursday 28 December 2017
There is, however, a catch: To be eligible, foreign companies must invest those earnings in sectors encouraged by China’s government — including railways, mining, technology and agriculture
Day 335
Wednesday 20 December 2017
China's air force engaged in exercises along "routes and areas it has never flown before" earlier this month, with surveillance aircraft over the Yellow and East seas near the Korean Peninsula
Day 326
Monday 11 December 2017
The camps are an unusual, albeit tacit, admission by China that instability in North Korea is increasingly likely
Day 315
Thursday 30 November 2017
Day 304
Sunday 19 November 2017
It was almost inevitable. Two of the biggest egos in America, President Donald Trump and LaVar Ball, the patriarch of the Ball family, coming head to head in a battle of wills.
Day 301
Thursday 16 November 2017
Day 296
Saturday 11 November 2017
But the contradictions also reflect a more fundamental disarray in the presidency’s policy toward Asia. It seems caught between the geopolitical realism of Mr. Trump’s diplomats and the economic nationalism of his political aides and, to a great extent, Mr. Trump himself.
Day 295
Friday 10 November 2017
When he did mention China by name, it was to rehash his “excellent trip” to the country
Trump and ... Putin will not have a formal sit-down meeting at the summit, putting to rest much speculation on the topic... “in terms of a scheduled, formal meeting, there’s not one on the calendar and we don’t anticipate that there will be one.”
Day 294
Thursday 9 November 2017
Trump said the U.S. trade relationship with China is “a very one-sided and unfair one.” But, he quickly added: “I don’t blame China. Who can blame a country that is able to take advantage of another country for the benefit of its citizens? I give China great credit.”
Day 293
Wednesday 8 November 2017
The official added that the U.S. will also use the trip to persuade China to fully comply with United Nations sanctions that restrict countries from doing business with North Korea.
Day 292
Tuesday 7 November 2017
“If we get China, we get Russia,” Trump said. “We think that things will happen and they could happen very quickly.”
Day 288
Friday 3 November 2017
Trump’s trip — with bilateral visits to Japan, South Korea and China and stops at regional summits in Vietnam and the Philippines — could go a long way toward determining the success of his administration’s policy.
Day 283
Sunday 29 October 2017
Russia is effectively taking China’s place as Venezuela’s principal banker. While President Hugo Chávez was in power, China lent Venezuela tens of billions of dollars for projects to be paid for with oil. But China quietly stopped making new loans, leaving Russia to fill the void.
Day 247
Saturday 23 September 2017
China's Ministry of Commerce said Saturday it would limit refined petroleum exports starting Oct. 1 and ban the import of North Korean textiles immediately. It would ban exports of liquefied natural gas to the North immediately as well.
Day 232
Friday 8 September 2017
It is no accident that of all the foreign policy issues he could have chosen, Mr. Bannon gravitated to China, where he once lived and which he now views as the greatest long-term threat to the United States.
Day 231
Thursday 7 September 2017
But out of the spotlight, he appears to be crafting a broad strategy aimed at working with China to resolve the North Korea crisis and with Russia to stabilize Syria and Ukraine.
Day 228
Monday 4 September 2017
Despite years of economic sanctions and international condemnation, North Korea still conducts modest trade with a host of United States allies, including Brazil, Germany and Mexico. But the North’s biggest partner by far is China
Day 227
Sunday 3 September 2017
Kim has timed his nuclear tests and missile launches with exquisite precision, apparently trying to create maximum embarrassment for China.
As he has done in the past, Mr. Trump placed responsibility for responding to the crisis on North Korea’s closest neighbors, China and South Korea.
Day 216
Wednesday 23 August 2017
“China especially opposes any country conducting ‘long-arm jurisdiction' over Chinese entities and individuals”
Yet despite China’s professed opposition to unilateral sanctions, it has not hesitated to punish other countries through trade if they refuse to do Beijing’s bidding.
Day 215
Tuesday 22 August 2017
The new sanctions affect six individuals and 10 organizations with financial ties to Pyongyang’s weapons program.
Day 209
Wednesday 16 August 2017
But Bannon was in high spirits when he phoned me Tuesday afternoon to discuss the politics of taking a harder line with China, and minced no words describing his efforts to neutralize his rivals at the Departments of Defense, State, and Treasury.
“To me,” Bannon said, “the economic war with China is everything. And we have to be maniacally focused on that. If we continue to lose it, we're five years away, I think, ten years at the most, of hitting an inflection point from which we'll never be able to recover.”
He dismissed the far right as irrelevant and sidestepped his own role in cultivating it: “Ethno-nationalism—it's losers. It's a fringe element. I think the media plays it up too much, and we gotta help crush it, you know, uh, help crush it more.”
“The Democrats,” he said, “the longer they talk about identity politics, I got ’em. I want them to talk about racism every day. If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats.”
Day 205
Saturday 12 August 2017
After a week of threats and counter-threats between Washington and Pyongyang, Xi urged both sides not to do anything that would aggravate tensions
Day 204
Friday 11 August 2017
Trump on Monday will call for an investigation into China over allegations that the nation violated U.S. intellectual property rights and forced technology transfers
China won’t come to North Korea’s help if it launches missiles threatening U.S. soil and there is retaliation, a state-owned newspaper warned on Friday, but it would intervene if Washington strikes first.
Day 199
Sunday 6 August 2017
...the man of the moment here ... was the Chinese foreign minister, Wang Yi, a dashing diplomat who unlike Mr. Tillerson held a news conference and direct talks with his North Korean counterpart, Foreign Minister Ri Su-yong.
Day 198
Saturday 5 August 2017
Day 197
Friday 4 August 2017
The White House had been preparing for a Friday announcement in which Trump planned to urge his administration to open a trade investigation into China’s alleged violations of U.S. intellectual property rights and forced technology transfers
Day 194
Tuesday 1 August 2017
...amid growing worries in the United States over a Chinese government-led effort to make the country a global leader in microchips, electric cars and other crucial technologies of the future.
Day 191
Saturday 29 July 2017
Day 187
Tuesday 25 July 2017
China's military has been increasing the strength and number of its forces along its 880-mile border with North Korea
In response to North Korea's missile tests and military provocations, the US based its powerful Thaad missile-defense battery in South Korea, frightening Chinese military analysts who think the Thaad's powerful radar could one day effectively neuter China's ability to engage in a nuclear exchange with the US.
Over the weekend, two Chinese J-10 fighter jets intercepted a U.S. Navy surveillance plane in international airspace over the East China Sea
Day 182
Thursday 20 July 2017
The annual economic dialogue session in Washington ended with canceled news conferences, no joint statement and no new announcements on U.S. market access to China.
Day 174
Wednesday 12 July 2017
The Global Times said the main role of the base would be to support Chinese warships operating in the region in anti-piracy and humanitarian operations.
Day 172
Monday 10 July 2017
Xi is referred to as "President Xi of the Republic of China" by the Office of Press Secretary Sean Spicer. Of course, Xi is, in fact, the President of the People's Republic of China, while the Republic of China is what the government of Taiwan calls itself -- a rather important distinction
Day 167
Wednesday 5 July 2017
Day 166
Tuesday 4 July 2017
North Korea appeared to use a Chinese truck originally sold for hauling timber to transport and erect a ballistic missile that was successfully launched on Tuesday, highlighting the challenge of enforcing sanctions to curb its weapons program.
Day 165
Monday 3 July 2017
Day 164
Sunday 2 July 2017
The USS Stethem, an American guided-missile destroyer, sailed within 12 nautical miles of Triton Island, a small landmass in the Paracel Islands chain
Day 162
Friday 30 June 2017
the White House announced two moves that could spoil the U.S.-China party: the latest round of arms sales to Taiwan and fresh sanctions on North Korea that target a Chinese bank.
Day 147
Thursday 15 June 2017
Authorities in China have provisionally approved nine more trademarks for the Trump Organization that had previously - and inexplicably - been rejected.
Day 143
Sunday 11 June 2017
So far, Asia’s rising superpower and the Middle East’s most reactionary autocracy have gotten everything they’ve wanted from the White House, including unconditional public support from the president.
Day 139
Wednesday 7 June 2017
China has not explicitly criticized the US decision to leave the agreement. But Xi's meeting with Brown could easily be interpreted as a thinly veiled message to the Trump administration: China believes climate change is a problem and doesn't think the US is doing enough to solve it.
Day 137
Monday 5 June 2017
As the head of the embassy ... it was Rank’s responsibility to deliver a formal notification of the U.S. intention to withdraw from the climate pact. ... Rank was unwilling to deliver the demarche.
Day 135
Saturday 3 June 2017
The resolution, adopted unanimously by the 15-member council, sanctions four entities, including the Koryo Bank and Strategic Rocket Force of the Korean People's Army, and 14 people, including the head of Pyongyang's overseas spying operations.
Day 133
Thursday 1 June 2017
Trump has created a vacuum of global leadership that presents ripe opportunities to allies and adversaries alike to reorder the world’s power structure.
Day 130
Monday 29 May 2017
Day 127
Friday 26 May 2017 Chinese fighter flew about 200 yards in front a US P-3 spy plane and began conducting multiple turns.
Day 126
Thursday 25 May 2017
...the first American challenge to Beijing’s claims to the waters since President Donald Trump took office.
Day 124
Tuesday 23 May 2017
Moody’s on Wednesday lowered its rating on China’s sovereign debt by one notch, to A1 from Aa3.
Day 121
Saturday 20 May 2017
From the final weeks of 2010 through the end of 2012, according to former American officials, the Chinese killed at least a dozen of the C.I.A.’s sources.
Day 115
Sunday 14 May 2017
...positioning his country as an alternative to an inward-looking United States under President Trump.
Day 113
Friday 12 May 2017
“China has made a few modest concessions that cost it very little, in areas strategically picked to maximize the political benefit to Trump”
Day 108
Sunday 7 May 2017
...if they stumped up at least half a million dollars for the project they could become US residents under a controversial cash-for-residency program
Day 99
Friday 28 April 2017
Day 95
Monday 24 April 2017
...there are concerns that North Korea could stage a provocative missile or nuclear test Tuesday to mark the anniversary of its military’s founding.
Day 92
Friday 21 April 2017
Day 90
Wednesday 19 April 2017
“It’s a clear fact acknowledged by the international community that, for thousands of years in history, Korea has never been part of China”
Day 89
Tuesday 18 April 2017
“this is the fake media that just does a number” by refusing to acknowledge progress
What Mexican analysts have called the “China card”—a threat to align with America’s greatest competitor—is an extreme retaliatory option.
Day 87
Sunday 16 April 2017
The assistance provided by Chinese entities to North Korea goes as far back as the 1960s, and includes some state-run operations
Day 85
Friday 14 April 2017
“The United States and South Korea and North Korea are engaging in tit for tat, with swords drawn and bows bent, and there have been storm clouds gathering”
“If they let war break out on the peninsula, they must shoulder that historical culpability and pay the corresponding price for this”
"I think that all relevant parties should be highly vigilant with regards to this situation."
Day 84
Thursday 13 April 2017
For 1 hour and 43 minutes, the State Department allowed Russia's version of events to go unchecked. It put Russia in control by not communicating with reporters more frequently.
Along with motor parts and wiring, investigators discerned a pattern. Many key components were foreign-made, acquired from businesses based in China.
Day 83
Wednesday 12 April 2017
Day 82
Tuesday 11 April 2017
Day 78
Friday 7 April 2017
When the missiles landed Thursday night, the two presidents had spent almost four hours together, with the Chinese officials unaware that Trump was launching the attack
Day 77
Thursday 6 April 2017 they meet for the first time to discuss trade tensions, North Korea’s nuclear ambitions and other issues.
Day 75
Tuesday 4 April 2017
The missile test is likely to intensify differences between Mr. Trump and Mr. Xi over how to deal with the recalcitrant government in North Korea.
Day 74
Monday 3 April 2017
But experts say the lithium ad — with its implication that the North is happy to sell an excess supply of the precious material — suggests that it is far too late to prevent the nation from becoming an advanced nuclear power.
Day 73
Sunday 2 April 2017
...if Beijing won't help solve it, then "we will" alone.
Day 70
Thursday 30 March 2017
Day 57
Friday 17 March 2017
Day 55
Wednesday 15 March 2017
To sum up: An influence-peddler who works with a princeling tied to Chinese military intelligence placed $15.8 million in the pockets of the president of the United States.
Day 48
Wednesday 8 March 2017
...paving the way for President Donald Trump and his family to develop a host of branded businesses from hotels to insurance to bodyguard and escort services
Day 37
Saturday 25 February 2017
Countries known for human rights abuses, such as China and Saudi Arabia, have managed to snag seats on the 47-member council.
Day 36
Friday 24 February 2017
"a neighboring country, which often calls itself a 'friendly neighbor'" ... "dancing to the tune of the U.S."
Day 35
Thursday 23 February 2017
Day 29
Friday 17 February 2017
“China’s decision to award President Trump with a new trademark allowing him to profit from the use of his name is a clear conflict of interest and deeply troubling”
Day 26
Tuesday 14 February 2017
After suffering rejection after rejection in China's courts, he saw his prospects change dramatically after starting his presidential campaign.
Day 22
Friday 10 February 2017
The one-China policy forms the bedrock of U.S.-China diplomatic ties, established by President Richard Nixon and China’s leader Mao Zedong 1979. It rules out independence and diplomatic recognition for the island of Taiwan.
Day 14
Thursday 2 February 2017
The flare-up — and conflicting characterizations of the call from Mr. Trump and Mr. Turnbull — threatened to do lasting damage to relations between the two countries and could drive Canberra closer to China