The Trump Administration
Our neighbour to the north. This tag is also used for anything relating to Hockey, Maple Syrup, and Tim Hortons.
Day 846
Wednesday 15 May 2019
Treasury secretary also says U.S. negotiators likely to go to Beijing in near future
Day 750
Friday 8 February 2019
Not just Oregon: Saudi students in at least 8 states, Canada vanish while facing criminal charges
Day 738
Sunday 27 January 2019
The Tu-160s remained in international space and did not enter Canadian or U.S. territory
Day 725
Monday 14 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 24
According to the court, Schellenberg was dispatched to Dalian by drug traffickers in November 2014 to orchestrate the smuggling of more than 222 kilograms (489.4 pounds) of methamphetamine from the Chinese port city to Australia.
Day 718
Monday 7 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 17
State Department reports on terrorism have expressed more concern about Canada, which unlike Mexico has been home to “violent extremists inspired by terrorist groups such as ISIS and al-Qaida and their affiliates and adherents”
Day 693
Thursday 13 December 2018
Day 691
Tuesday 11 December 2018
The judge said Meng Wanzhou must meet stringent conditions aimed at making sure she doesn't flee Canada for China.
Day 683
Monday 3 December 2018
Day 682
Sunday 2 December 2018
The NAFTA deal includes a provision that allows a withdrawal after providing a six-month notice, but opinions differ on whether the president can act on his own.
Day 681
Saturday 1 December 2018
In his conversation with Saudi Arabia's Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Trudeau said better answers about the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi were required.
Day 680
Friday 30 November 2018
...using the backdrop of the G-20 Summit to resolve a trade dispute between America and its closest neighbors.
Day 676
Monday 26 November 2018
These changes are part of GM’s efforts to focus its resources on self-driving and electric vehicles, as well as more efficient trucks, crossovers and SUVs
Day 622
Wednesday 3 October 2018
Day 621
Tuesday 2 October 2018
Day 620
Monday 1 October 2018
The Trump administration's new trade deal with Canada and Mexico leaves much of the old North American Free Trade Agreement intact.
Day 619
Sunday 30 September 2018
The trilateral deal will no longer be called Nafta, they said, but will be named the “United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement.”
A public announcement of any new deal would occur late Sunday night, or possibly Monday
Day 618
Saturday 29 September 2018
...there’s optimism it will be reached by the Sunday deadline
Day 616
Thursday 27 September 2018
It was those attempted discussions that Trump was referring when he said he refused to meet Trudeau
Day 614
Tuesday 25 September 2018
...negotiators are “sort of running out of time” to include Canada in the trade deal with Mexico, which was finalized last month.
Day 596
Friday 7 September 2018
Not so long ago, Canada and the U.S. were the closest of comrades – then came Trump and ‘America First’
Day 590
Saturday 1 September 2018
Day 589
Friday 31 August 2018
Trump’s deadline has passed, but the two sides will keep negotiating.
Bloomberg did not initially report the remarks, which Trump had said were off the record. A Canadian newspaper, the Toronto Star, published the remarks early Friday, and Bloomberg did not dispute them.
Speaking “off the record,” Trump said he is not compromising at all in trade negotiations with Canada — but could not say this publicly because “it’s going to be so insulting they’re not going to be able to make a deal.”
The sudden rocky patch came after days of optimism from negotiators in both countries
Day 587
Wednesday 29 August 2018
"We recognize that there is a possibility of getting there by Friday, but it is only a possibility, because it will hinge on whether or not there is ultimately a good deal for Canada"
Day 586
Tuesday 28 August 2018
A day after President Trump threatened to exclude Canada from a revised North American Free Trade Agreement, top Canadian officials raced to Washington and said they were moving “full steam ahead”
Day 585
Monday 27 August 2018
There is no formal free trade deal between the US and Mexico, only an agreement between the two countries on how to resolve key issues in their trade relationship as part of the NAFTA talks.
Yet while Mr. Trump may try to change the name, the agreement reached with Mexico is simply a revised Nafta
Day 579
Tuesday 21 August 2018
The announcement is also expected to include details of when Canadian officials will be returning to Washington to resume talks with the other two nations.
Day 575
Friday 17 August 2018
On Friday, the United States and Mexico appeared close to agreeing on how to revise the 24-year-old Nafta deal. Canada [...] was not party to the talks.
Day 571
Monday 13 August 2018
Saudi's attacks on Canada a "new normal within the Arab world since the failing of the Arab Spring," [...] "You're just being made aware of it now because the sewers have overflown"
Day 568
Friday 10 August 2018
Day 566
Wednesday 8 August 2018
Day 565
Tuesday 7 August 2018
Riyadh has stopped sending patients to Canadian hospitals and told hundreds of trainee doctors to leave Canada with only weeks’ notice.
The U.S. government has declined to come to Canada’s defence in the growing diplomatic crisis over its criticism of Saudi Arabia’s human-rights' record.
Day 564
Monday 6 August 2018
Saudi Arabia expelled the Canadian ambassador, withdrew its ambassador from Canada and froze new business deals and investment with Canada.
Saudi Arabia's state media on Monday tweeted a graphic appearing to show an Air Canada airliner heading toward the Toronto skyline in a way that recalled the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Day 538
Wednesday 11 July 2018
...the drop in investment was largely because of one-off payments, such as a retroactive pay increase for service members
Day 531
Wednesday 4 July 2018
A little-known cross-border dispute that has simmered between Canada and the United States since the late 1700s is now approaching the boiling point.
Canadians have taken to social media ... and are offering tips on how to do their part to defend their country against the Trump administration's actions.
Day 528
Sunday 1 July 2018
Trump suggests he'll delay signing NAFTA until after the midterm elections
Day 518
Thursday 21 June 2018
Canadian border guards have been screening travellers using a huge, secretive US anti-terrorism database that is almost never referred to publicly
Day 516
Tuesday 19 June 2018
Trump said on Tuesday that Canadians were smuggling shoes across the border “because the tariffs are so massive.” But under Nafta, Canada does not charge a tariff on American shoe imports.
Day 512
Friday 15 June 2018
Day 509
Tuesday 12 June 2018
He said he was trying to send a signal of strength on behalf of the administration, but that his language was inappropriate.
Peter Navarro says he was wrong to say there was ‘special place in hell’ for leaders like Justin Trudeau who cross Trump
Day 508
Monday 11 June 2018
Inexplicably, these foreigners are not putting America First. That’s why Trump needs to quit the group and make his own G-8
Canada has every right to be insulted that Mr. Trump would invoke national security in their trade dispute. Canada has stood with the United States in every modern war and crisis.
Day 507
Sunday 10 June 2018
"There's a special place in hell for any foreign leader that engages in bad-faith diplomacy with President Donald J. Trump and then tries to stab him in the back on the way out the door," White House adviser Peter Navarro said Sunday on Fox News.
Day 506
Saturday 9 June 2018
Trump said Saturday evening that he had instructed U.S. officials to withdraw support for a joint statement with other member nations he had backed just hours earlier,
Though President Trump has vehemently denied the property was ever operated as a brothel, history suggests otherwise.
Day 505
Friday 8 June 2018
Day 504
Thursday 7 June 2018
Day 503
Wednesday 6 June 2018
Trudeau pressed Trump on how he could justify the tariffs as a "national security" issue. In response, Trump quipped to Trudeau, "Didn't you guys burn down the White House?" referring to the War of 1812.
The problem with Trump's comments to Trudeau is that British troops burned down the White House during the War of 1812. retaliation for the American attack on York, Ontario ... which was then a British colony.
Day 501
Monday 4 June 2018
Day 498
Friday 1 June 2018
Day 497
Thursday 31 May 2018
The Trump administration said on Thursday that it would impose steep tariffs on metals imported from its closest allies, provoking retaliation against American businesses and consumers and further straining diplomatic ties
Day 483
Thursday 17 May 2018
...the lead American trade negotiator, Robert Lighthizer, said the countries involved were “nowhere near close to a deal.”
Day 467
Tuesday 1 May 2018
The extension reflects concerns by the Trump administration of a swift retaliation on American products by European Union nations
Day 462
Thursday 26 April 2018
Day 441
Thursday 5 April 2018
A final agreement is far from guaranteed, but the White House is revising some of its more aggressive demands, particularly related to automobiles
Day 440
Wednesday 4 April 2018
Day 420
Thursday 15 March 2018
Apparently, in Trumpland, trade in services simply does not count, even though it’s a big part of U.S. trade.
The point is that Trump, by his own admission, did not know whether there is a surplus or deficit yet claimed that he did know, in his conversation with Trudeau.
The complexity of the statistics measuring U.S.-Canadian trade flows allows each side the ability to support its claim by choosing from an array of data.
The United States ran a trade surplus of $600 million in goods and services with Canada in January, according to the Commerce Department,
Day 419
Wednesday 14 March 2018
“So he’s proud. I said, ‘Wrong Justin, you do.’ I didn’t even know. ... I had no idea. I just said ‘You’re wrong.’ You know why? Because we’re so stupid. … And I thought they were smart. I said, ‘You’re wrong Justin.’ He said, ‘Nope we have no trade deficit.’ I said, ‘Well in that case I feel differently,’ I said ‘but I don’t believe it.’ I sent one of our guys out, his guy, my guy, they went out, I said ‘check because I can’t believe it.’”
Day 413
Thursday 8 March 2018
Trump agreed to exempt, for now, Canada and Mexico and held out the possibility of later excluding allies such as Australia.
Day 412
Wednesday 7 March 2018
“The proclamation will have a clause that does not impose these tariffs immediately on Canada and Mexico,” ... A permanent exclusion will hinge on those countries agreeing to a “great” trade deal in the ongoing renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement
Day 410
Monday 5 March 2018
Day 409
Sunday 4 March 2018
The Trump administration sent mixed signals Sunday about its new aluminum and steel tariffs, saying that any exceptions for allies are unlikely but also leaving room for an unpredictable president to change his mind.
Day 408
Saturday 3 March 2018
“Why are we signing a trade deal with a country that would unilaterally decide to restrict certain sectors?”
Day 407
Friday 2 March 2018
“We lose a lot with Canada. People don’t know it,” Trump said. “They have you believe that it’s wonderful, and it is — for them. Not wonderful for us — it’s wonderful for them.”
Canada supplies about half of U.S. aluminum requirements
Day 376
Tuesday 30 January 2018
Canada filed a formal World Trade Organization dispute in December that seeks to protect billions of dollars of its exports to America that are suddenly under threat, in part because of President Trump’s NAFTA renegotiation.
Day 375
Monday 29 January 2018
Government officials and trade analysts described the mood around the talks as “cautiously optimistic” as Canada, in particular, joined Mexico in offering counterproposals to America’s requests for drastic changes
Day 357
Thursday 11 January 2018
The case could expand into a multinational trade dispute given that Canada, a champion of global agreements, filed it in a way that allows other countries to join.
Day 260
Friday 6 October 2017
Trump’s Twitter bombs and rhetorical attacks on what he calls the “worst deal ever made” and his administration’s vague and confusing proposals have dismayed Canada, which is now exploring backup options. And they have infuriated Mexico ahead of a presidential election in which voters are demanding that their leaders stand up to the United States.
Day 250
Tuesday 26 September 2017
“At some point or another, Canada is going to have to strike back in a very aggressive way. Just continuing to take it on the chin doesn’t make any sense”
Day 225
Friday 1 September 2017
Trade negotiators from Canada, Mexico and the United States resume discussions on Friday over the future of the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Quebec’s Minister of International Relations Christine St-Pierre called Pablos to express her sorrow and condolences on behalf of the people of the Canadian province. She also offered equipment and manpower.
Pablos turned it down. Instead he asked for “prayers from the people of Quebec,” the minister relayed.
Day 220
Sunday 27 August 2017
Day 197
Friday 4 August 2017
Day 119
Thursday 18 May 2017
...notifying lawmakers that it intends to open trade talks with Canada and Mexico in an attempt to renegotiate NAFTA
Day 98
Thursday 27 April 2017
Day 96
Tuesday 25 April 2017
The two countries are suddenly sparring openly over inexpensive Canadian timber and Canada’s barriers to U.S. dairy products
Day 64
Friday 24 March 2017
Canada isn’t named in the ban, but the board expressed concerns that some of its students would face trouble on U.S.-bound trips, even if they had the proper paperwork.
Day 55
Wednesday 15 March 2017
She was told advanced practice nurses and nurse anesthetists no longer qualify for the working visas because of policy changes under U.S. President Donald Trump.
Day 32
Monday 20 February 2017
But André had wiped his phone of sex apps, browser history and messages, thinking that would dispel any suggestion he was looking for sex work. Instead, the border officers took that as suspicious.
Day 27
Wednesday 15 February 2017
The vote on Wednesday was not, however, the final stage approval. The deal must be ratified by national and some regional parliaments across the European Union
Day 26
Tuesday 14 February 2017
Canadian officials are unlikely to be upset about the “Joe” gaffe. Joe from Canada is featured in Molson advertisements after all.
Day 25
Monday 13 February 2017
President Trump’s policies about who will be allowed to cross the border have Canadians so worried that school officials in and around Windsor have decided to suspend all student field trips to the American side.
"This meeting is more about avoiding pitfalls than trying to engage on some of the big issues," Nanos said. "It's definitely the policy of laying low."
Day 22
Friday 10 February 2017
Tech companies that keep satellite offices in Vancouver [...] are exploring whether to move more jobs over the border. Immigration lawyers are reporting a steep uptick in inquiries.
Day 19
Tuesday 7 February 2017
“When Canadians see the type of leadership style from Donald Trump, they realize that the only way to respond to him is assertively and confidently, even if it means a trade war.”
“We didn’t feel any sign, but we could feel we are in Canada, because of the cold – very, very intense”
Day 13
Wednesday 1 February 2017
The suspect, Canadian Alexandre Bissonnette, has reportedly been identified as a white nationalist
Day 10
Sunday 29 January 2017
Six men died in the shooting during evening prayers at the Centre Culturel Islamique de Québec (Islamic cultural centre of Quebec). Nineteen people were also wounded.
Day 9
Saturday 28 January 2017
Day 7
Thursday 26 January 2017
For nearly a decade, the Stephen Harper-led Conservative government did its darndest to prevent federal scientists from sharing their work with the Canadian public.