The Trump Administration
Day 40
Tuesday 28 February 2017
The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database.
So, if you were looking for real details about policy matters, you no doubt were disappointed.
President Trump delivered his first big speech to Congress on Tuesday night — an address that in any other year would carry the title "State of the Union."
Mr. Sessions ... indicated that Justice Department scrutiny from afar was undermining the effectiveness of the police across the country.
Unlike Conway or Spicer, he isn’t a mercenary defending the president against all comers but a true believer charged with turning Trump’s campaign rhetoric into actual policy.
Trump, Feb 2017: Now I have to tell you, it's an unbelievebly complex subject. Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated.
Obama, Oct 2016: You know health care is complicated
Obama, Jun 2009: Because our health care system is so complex
Obama, Feb 2009: I suffer no illusions that this will be an easy process. Once again, it will be hard.
Obama, Mar 2015: Health care is complicated stuff
Obama, Oct 2016: So it's hard to get people focused on the facts
"He's going to outline the broad contours," Spicer said about health care, explaining the president would not embrace a specific plan.
“It’s part of a whole series of dramatic attacks on Muslims.”
“And they lost Ryan, and I was at the airport when the casket came in, the body came in, and it was a very sad — with his family and it’s a great family, incredible wife and children, I met most of the family, and I can understand people saying that”
Education secretary's remarks astound many advocates for colleges that were created because black students were denied choices.
The 2015 regulation, also known as Waters of the United States, asserts federal power over small waterways such as wetlands, headwaters and ponds, requiring Clean Water Act permits for any actions that could harm or pollute them.
That means the money will come from schools, housing, health, agriculture, environment—just about everything else the government does. And also foreign aid, according to the OMB official.
“Can you give me an example of a time when someone was critical of you and you thought to yourself, 'I deserved that hit, I deserved that column,'” “Fox & Friends” host Brian Kilmeade asked the president.
“No, probably I could never do that,” Trump responded.
This is not only dumb, but it distracts from more serious and consequential debates like Trump's travel ban, his campaign's contacts with Russian intelligence officials and his war against leaks.
“He started laughing about that Seal,” said The Examiner’s "informed official" source.
...while each act of hate is easily explained away as the work of a disturbed person, had these attacks been perpetrated by a Muslim or an undocumented immigrant, Trump would surely have claimed that he was right all along.
Day 39
Monday 27 February 2017
More often than not, the administration’s actions have been both highly unusual and highly consequential
"In terms of messaging, I would give myself a C or a C plus," Trump said. "In terms of achievement I think I'd give myself an A. Because I've done great things, but I don't think we've explained it well enough to the American people." The President also gave himself an "A" for "effort."
...highlighting a $54 billion increase in defense spending and equal cuts to domestic programs, such as the Environmental Protection Agency, and foreign aid.
Anyone who has ever dealt with a health insurance company—even over a minor dispute—knows that America’s health care system makes Brazil look like a utopian film about the wonders of efficiency.
If one of the president’s chief advisers cannot freely speak her mind, even when it is full of nonsense, then who can?
"If Ms. Conway were not a lawyer and was “only” engaging in politics, there would be few limits on her conduct outside of the political process itself. She could say and do what she wished and still call herself a politician. But she is a lawyer. And her conduct, clearly intentionally violative of the rules that regulate her professional status, cries out for sanctioning by the DC Bar."
"People hate it but now they see that the end is coming and they say, 'Oh ,maybe we love it.' There's nothing to love. It's a disaster, folks."
"Every time he tweets, it drives subscriptions wildly"
To a considerable extent, Republicans and Democrats in Congress have taken to seeing themselves not as part of a separate and competing branch of government, but as arms of their respective political parties.
“I consider the media to be indispensable to democracy. That we need the media to hold people like me to account”
Spicer personally picked up the phone and connected outside officials with reporters ... then remained on the line for the brief conversations
Day 38
Sunday 26 February 2017
This, Bannon explained, is how you “weaponise” the narrative you want. With hard researched facts.
Reporter writes story WH doesn't like/disputes. WH anonymously plants false story about reporter.
Republicans are increasingly divided over the issue of whether members of Donald Trump's presidential campaign made illegal contact with Russia and if a special prosecutor should be appointed
"It’s now on us to produce results, and one of the things that we need to do is engage with the public.”
"Having Jeff Sessions oversee such an investigation, it's really unfair to any foxes across America to say that would be the fox guarding the henhouse."
...staffers were told to dump their phones on a table for a “phone check," to prove they had nothing to hide.
Spicer also warned the group of more problems if news of the phone checks and the meeting about leaks was leaked to the media.
...the Times’ ad campaign ... is focused on the importance of the truth, and independent journalists’ role in finding it
Day 37
Saturday 25 February 2017
...people are "learning to disregard more of the things he says and tweets."
Hansen’s 58-42 percent victory over Marino on Saturday ensured that Democrats will maintain control of the state Senate.
Ellison’s defeat was a blow to the party’s liberal wing, personified by activists, labor leaders and organizers
There may be good reasons to worry about Mr. Bannon, but they are not the ones everyone is giving.
Countries known for human rights abuses, such as China and Saudi Arabia, have managed to snag seats on the 47-member council.
...there's one problem: that's not Israel's flag. The person tweeting used the Nicaraguan flag in both tweets, which vaguely resembles the Israeli flag
I imagine it must be really annoying when someone puts out false info about where you were born. Must really bother you!!
Ronald Reagan was the last president to skip the dinner ... because he was recovering from a gunshot wound in a failed assassination attempt on his life less than a month earlier.
While the national debt has decreased, the idea that Donald Trump can take credit for it is absurd. He hasn’t signed a single piece of legislation, and his executive orders have no effect on the national debt
Day 36
Friday 24 February 2017
The National School Lunch Program and the National School Breakfast Program are under the authority of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, not the Education Department.
Mr. Kuchibhotla was killed, and Mr. Madasani was wounded, along with a 24-year-old man who had tried to apprehend the gunman
U.S. Customs and Border Protection issued a preliminary request for proposals Friday
“Their plan is basically to have everybody thrown out of the country without ever going to court.”
But while Republicans generally support local control and the rights of states to pass their own laws, not all states' rights are created equal in the eyes of the new White House.
Mr. Trump launched what was easily the most blistering attack on the media and corporate elites of his already bellicose and eventful presidency.
Reporters "shouldn't be allowed to use sources unless they use somebody's name," he declared, just hours after members of his own staff held a press briefing and refused to allow their names to be used.
Sit down everybody. C'mon. You know the dishonest media they'll say, "He didn't get a standing ovation." You know why? No -- you know why? Because everybody stood and nobody sat. So they will say, "He never got a standing ovation," right?. They are the worst.
And I want you all to know that we are fighting the fake news. It's fake, phony, fake.
I saw one story recently where they said, "Nine people have confirmed." There're no nine people. I don't believe there was one or two people. Nine people. And I said, "Give me a break." Because I know the people, I know who they talk to. There were no nine people. But they say "nine people." And somebody reads it and they think, "Oh, nine people. They have nine sources."
They shouldn't be allowed to use sources unless they use somebody's name. Let their name be put out there. Let their name be put out.
And they shouldn't use sources. They should put the name of the person. You will see stories dry up like you've never seen before.
But the First Amendment gives all of us -- it gives it to me, it gives it to you, it gives it to all Americans, the right to speak our minds freely. It gives you the right and me the right to criticize fake news and criticize it strongly.
We don't win anymore. When was the last time we won? Did we win a war? Did we win anything? Do we win anything? We're going to win. We're going on win big, folks. We're going to start winning again, believe me. We're gonna win.
But with the Keystone -- so they spent hundreds of millions of dollars with bloodsucker consultants -- you know, sucking the blood out of the company, don't worry, I've used them all my life, OK? Don't worry, we're going to get it approved, I'm connected, I'm a lobbyist, don't worry.
“Conservative, liberal or otherwise, that’s what makes a democracy a democracy versus a dictatorship.”
“This White House doesn’t seem to value a free press. There’s a word for this. The word is ‘un-American.’ ”
In this worldview, American interests are assumed to be at odds with those of the rest of the world, and immigration is seen as undercutting the national identity — with “globalists” the enemy within.
...the bulk of the memo is devoted to arguments for clamping down on unauthorized disclosures of sensitive information, also known as leaking.
"a neighboring country, which often calls itself a 'friendly neighbor'" ... "dancing to the tune of the U.S."
The efforts of the White House to preempt the FBI investigation of contacts closely mirrors some of the conduct described in the Articles of Impeachment against Richard Nixon in the Watergate scandal.
The most important element of that story is that it's against the rules for the White House to contact the FBI for matters like that
Priebus joined in, telling the audience that “everything that you’re reading” about the Trump administration has been erroneous.
Day 35
Thursday 23 February 2017
An exasperated Shoigu went on to say that the administration was in such disarray, rolling back sanctions might take a year longer than planned, and abandoning NATO might actually be out of the question.
I have many friends who voted for Trump. I think they’re profoundly wrong, but please don’t dismiss them as hateful bigots.
They started by submitting 50 Freedom of Information Act requests this week that they believe will confirm their suspicions. The plan is to bring what they find to reporters
While the White House touted the relationship Wednesday as "phenomenal," Tillerson acknowledged problems.
Three consecutive reports, each studying one of the largest new state voucher programs, found that vouchers hurt student learning.
Sessions directed federal prison officials to keep using the private prisons
White House officials had sought the help of the bureau and other agencies investigating the Russia matter to say that the reports were wrong and that there had been no contacts
A witness said he yelled “get out of my country” to two of the victims, reportedly saying the men, believed to originally be from India, were “Middle Eastern.”
The letter ... said Conway should be sanctioned for violating government ethics rules and “conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation”
“The president was using that as an adjective. It is happening with precision,” ... Spicer told reporters Thursday.
"We're getting really bad dudes out of this country, and at a rate that nobody's ever seen before. And they're the bad ones. And it's a military operation."
There are three places in the United States called Snowflake... And in each case, the counties where those towns are located voted for Trump.
“[Congressional Republicans are] going to fix Obamacare — I shouldn’t call it repeal-and-replace, because it’s not going to happen”
As he was talking to reporters, a security guard approached to escort him from the conference.
“There is a sinister organization that is trying to warp its way into our ranks. We must not be deceived by [a] hateful, left-wing fascist group.”
Thousands of people will attend the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) right outside of the nation’s capital this week
Sessions went to President Trump about the dispute, and he told DeVos he wanted her to go along. And in her first big policy move, she did.
“I don’t think I have to explain myself if I’m not going to go on TV for a week.”
Day 34
Wednesday 22 February 2017
The two angry, screaming ladies looked at me, both of them raised their middle finger at me in my face and repeatedly yelled, “F*#% YOU!” Repeatedly.
...the new slogan speaks to the paper’s commitment to keep shining the light on pursuit of the truth.
Chaffetz (R-Utah) is zeroing in on the issue that really matters: a tweet from Utah's Bryce Canyon National Park.
Given that it’s Trump, basically everybody would assume that Price is the one who knows what he’s talking about and the president is making things up.
The two young women were what South Korean intelligence calls “lizard’s tails,” expendable assets to be cast off after an operation.
Democrats are fuming that Republicans are trying to bury the panel vote by scheduling it on a busy news day.
...and a separate effort to take a hard look at all American aid to Mexico, possibly using it to pay for a border wall instead.
The key to keeping Trump’s Twitter habit under control ... is to ensure that his personal media consumption includes a steady stream of praise.
Many are concerned that the health insurance on which their families depend will disappear before Republicans muster even the pretense of an alternative.
The furtive visit came as the Trump administration set off this week to reshape the nation’s immigration policy
...while she personally opposed the Trump administration’s rollback of the ... guidance protecting the right of transgender students ..., she did not say so publicly and was unable to persuade them to leave the guidance in place.
President Trump on Wednesday rescinded protections for transgender students that had allowed them to use bathrooms corresponding with their gender identity
One of the legitimate marvels of the American political system is that regular old Americans can yell at our elected officials.
Judge Sam Sparks issued an injunction in favor of Planned Parenthood, ruling its lawyers had shown it would likely prevail in its lawsuit
Day 33
Tuesday 21 February 2017
The hypocrisy is clarion-clear: This was never, in fact, about free speech at all. It was about making it OK to say racist, sexist, transphobic, and xenophobic things, about tolerating the public expression of those views right up to the point where it becomes financially unwise to do so.
Just two days after President Trump provoked widespread consternation by seeming to imply, incorrectly, that immigrants had perpetrated a recent spate of violence in Sweden, riots broke out in a predominantly immigrant neighborhood in the northern suburbs of the country's capital, Stockholm. of his companies applied for trademark protection in the Philippines more than a month after the election
Trump took a hard line against illegal immigration during his campaign, at times suggesting he would seek to create a nationwide “deportation force”
“...due to the federal hiring freeze” the facility was “prevented from bringing on new caregivers” to replace those that are leaving.
“I was curious if the president regrets or wants to clarify his characterization … of the media as an enemy of the American people.”
An FEC commissioner repeated her demand Tuesday that the White House provide proof for its claims that thousands of people were bused from Massachusetts into New Hampshire to vote illegally in the 2016 election.
There hasn't been a single day of Trump's presidency in which he has said nothing false or misleading.
...many Republicans have chosen not to hold events at all, wary of protests that might greet them.
“You need to give us an opportunity to admit we may have been wrong without saying we’re bad people.”
I wish that they [the Anne Frank Center] had praised the president for his leadership in this area.
“Jewish Community Centers across the nation received bomb threats, and the President said absolutely nothing”
At press time, the FBI’s worst fears had not yet been realized, as the Trump administration did not appear to be acting on any information from national security agencies whatsoever.
Trump's administration will leave protections in place for immigrants who entered the country illegally as children, known as "dreamers," but will consider all other illegal immigrants subject to deportation
Thousands protesting against President Donald Trump on issues including immigration, climate change and the environment rallied in cities around the U.S. on Presidents Day
"I hate the issue of political guarantees because they're ripped apart so quickly"
The debate was triggered after a petition to block Mr Trump’s state visit reached almost two million signatories.
Day 32
Monday 20 February 2017
But André had wiped his phone of sex apps, browser history and messages, thinking that would dispel any suggestion he was looking for sex work. Instead, the border officers took that as suspicious.
The impact was immediate: Following President Trump’s Jan. 27 executive order ..., the demand for travel to the United States took a nosedive
... [Sebastian Gorka] the former national security editor for the conservative Breitbart News outlet occupies a senior job in the White House and his controversial ideas — especially about Islam — drive Trump’s populist approach to counterterrorism and national security.
It’s hard to believe it’s been just 31 days since Trump delivered his dystopian inaugural address promising to stop all the “American carnage.”
...the Trump transition team instead ordered CEA staffers to predict sustained economic growth of 3 to 3.5 percent. The staffers were then directed to backfill all the other numbers in their models to produce these growth rates.
...the new administration is determined to promote fossil-fuel production and economic activity even when those activities collide with some environmental safeguards.
Once fringe, the movement is becoming more popular, raising doubts about basic childhood health care among politically and geographically diverse groups.
“But they are saying: ‘Agree with us 100 percent or you are morally bankrupt. You’re an idiot if you support any part of Trump.’”
Sen. Wyden said the search of smartphones at the US border circumvents the Fourth Amendment.
In tapping McMaster, Trump turned to a widely respected and fiercely outspoken military strategist who was recognized for his battlefield leadership during both the Persian Gulf War and the Iraq War.
The source stressed that what had been described to him was still draft information and could change.
But nobody is quite sure if these surrogates truly speak for Mr. Trump or whether, even if they do, Mr. Trump might soon change his mind.
But the lesson of the fall of Singapore must surely be that Australia can not trust its survival wholly to a foreign power. Even a close ally. Yesterday Britain, today America.
Among its preliminary conclusions is that the new American leader is a risk-taker who can be naïve
Mattis’s rejection of the idea came after repeated claims by Trump that the United States should have taken Iraq’s oil during the Iraq War. Trump suggested last month that “maybe we’ll get another chance”
Day 31
Sunday 19 February 2017
Mr. Jones, in case you aren’t aware, is the conspiracy-theorizing, flame-throwing nationalistic radio and internet star who’s best known for suggesting that Sept. 11 was an inside job, that the Sandy Hook school shooting was “completely fake”
“The press is your enemy,” Nixon said during his first term. “Enemies. Understand that? … Now, never act that way … give them a drink, you know, treat them nice, you just love it, you're trying to be helpful. But don't help the bastards. Ever. Because they're trying to stick the knife right in our groin.”
She encountered an immediate display of the type of fierce resistance she will face as she tries to set new policies for the Education Department.
Charges will be filed with the Palm Beach County State Attorney’s Office, authorities said.
While it is unclear if the White House will take the proposal seriously, the diplomatic freelancing has infuriated Ukrainian officials.
“The media’s problem is that they keep wanting to make up stories so that he looks bad. It doesn’t work. He’s talking right through you guys.”
“We’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this?”
Day 30
Saturday 18 February 2017
...if you aren't a liberal when you get to the big city, you might be before the year is up.
“JA teachers are not in a ‘receive mode,'” the tweets concluded. “Unless you mean we ‘receive’ students at a 2nd grade level and move them to an 8th grade level.”
His objection is to objectivity itself. He’s perfectly happy for the media to be disgusting and corrupt — so long as it’s on his side.
"Life is a campaign. Making our country great again is a campaign. For me it's a campaign, to make America great again is absolutely a campaign."
Trump’s comfort level among his members also has raised questions about his discretion.
The Supreme Court nominee resides on the right, listens intently to the left and often finds a homespun truth somewhere in between
The new administrator and President Donald Trump are expected to move quickly to begin unraveling the agency's rules on water and climate change.
It was a raucous campaign appearance — light on specifics and heavy on braggadocio — just four weeks after he was inaugurated and almost four years before he faces re-election.
Mr. Trump remains fixated on the campaign as he applies a loyalty test to some prospective officials.
...sweeping new guidelines that empower federal authorities to more aggressively detain and deport illegal immigrants inside the United States and at the border.
"...if you want to preserve democracy as we know it, you have to have a free and many times adversarial press," McCain said in the interview. "And without it, I am afraid that we would lose so much of our individual liberties over time. That's how dictators get started."
Deare harshly criticized the president and his chief strategist Steve Bannon and railed against the dysfunction paralyzing the Trump White House
"I am now very confident Senate Intel Comm I serve on will conduct thorough bipartisan investigation of #Putin interference and influence."
The Republican Senator broke with the reassuring message that US officials visiting Germany have sought to convey on their debut trip to Europe
Day 29
Friday 17 February 2017
“China’s decision to award President Trump with a new trademark allowing him to profit from the use of his name is a clear conflict of interest and deeply troubling”
“12. Were you aware that a poll was released revealing that a majority of Americans actually supported President Trump’s temporary restriction executive order?”
Although Trump has long colorfully criticized news coverage and sparred with reporters who question him, he had not yet labeled the fourth estate as being an enemy of the country.
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer can't seem to get anyone's name right. Enter your name below to see what he would call you.
What makes the CNN-Time Warner situation so sticky is AT&T's pending $85.4 billion acquisition of Time Warner.
"Trump has taken us to a new moral low, where it is acceptable for a presidential candidate to mimic and mock someone with disabilities. Yet our religious leaders stand by and say nothing"
“That would have been a really funny hour or so of television if he weren’t president of the United States”
...he never imagined he’d find himself in a workplace that was staffed wall-to-wall with professionals whose comparatively more serious crimes he could expose to save himself.
The Pentagon has a rule requiring retired officers to report income from foreign states.
In accordance with the “We the People” Open Government Initiative protocol, a petition would be reviewed and met with an official response if signed by 100,000 people in 30 days.
Democrats have blasted the nominee for his push to roll back regulations and his past statements challenging the science behind climate change
The Republican chairman of the House Oversight Committee, who has refused Democratic requests to investigate possible conflicts of interest involving President Donald Trump, is seeking criminal charges against a former State Department employee who helped set up Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
The Department of Homeland Security tells The Post that the draft memo is real, but it was a "very early, pre-decisional draft that never made it to the secretary."
The Trump administration considered a proposal to mobilize as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to round up unauthorized immigrants, including millions living nowhere near the Mexico border, according to a draft memo
...costing far beyond what has been typical for past presidents — a price tag that, based on past assessments of presidential travel and security costs, could balloon into the hundreds of millions of dollars over the course of a four-year term.
It will be a welcome respite for Trump, who has largely been holed up in the White House, careening from one controversy to the next during his first month in office.
“Rather than continuing this litigation, the President intends in the near future to rescind the Order and replace it with a new, substantially revised Executive Order to eliminate what the panel erroneously thought were constitutional concerns”
The most pertinent of the three cases in terms of Republican Trump administration priorities involves whether immigrants in custody for deportation proceedings have the right to a hearing to request their release when their cases are not promptly adjudicated.
Day 28
Thursday 16 February 2017
”You get a lot of snake oil like this in data work”
Every day, NASA has dutifully posted updates on Twitter (@nasaclimate) and Facebook pertaining to climate change science
The Jan. 24 interview potentially puts Flynn in legal jeopardy. Lying to the FBI is a felony offense.
In a court order, the 9th Circuit said it would put that process on hold pending further developments.
So when you start seeing proposals for health care laws, here are some questions you should ask...
“The fear is that these leak investigations will be used as a form of political retaliation” against people who may have exposed information that is personally embarrassing to Mr. Trump
“Don't worry, Ivanka. Nobody buys my shit anymore either.”
The bill quashes the Office of Surface Mining's Stream Protection Rule, a regulation to protect waterways from coal mining waste that officials finalized in December.
President Trump's first choice to succeed the departed Michael Flynn as national security adviser has turned the job down due to family reasons
Trump has released a version of his Media Accountability survey before [...]. This new version has been updated to reflect Trump’s contemporary, more presidential tantrums, though the overall thrust remains the same.
...resolutely resisting any investigation into President Trump’s breached hotel lease, his conflicts of interest, his ties with Russia and his recent receipt of a trademark from China — just after reaffirming the One China policy — which is indisputably an “emolument” from a foreign government.
“I am the least anti-Semitic person you've ever seen in your entire life,” Trump said. “Number two, racism, [I’m] the least racist person."
Despite his belligerent tone and the calling out of individual reporters, the President also insisted he was “having a great time” and “not ranting and raving.”
The press has become so dishonest that if we don't talk about, we are doing a tremendous disservice to the American people. Tremendous disservice.
As you know, our administration inherited many problems across government and across the economy. To be honest, I inherited a mess. It's a mess.
I just want to let you know, I inherited a mess.
They've spread like cancer. ISIS has spread like cancer - another mess I inherited.
I'm here following through on what I pledged to do. That's all I'm doing. I put it out before the American people, got 306 electoral college votes. I wasn't supposed to get 222. They said there's no way to get 222, 230's impossible. 270 which you need, that was laughable. We got 306 because people came out and voted like they've never seen before so that's the way it goes.
This administration is running like a fine-tuned machine, despite the fact that I can't get my Cabinet approved.
So we've begun preparing to repeal and replace Obamacare, and are deep in the midst of negotiations on a very historic tax reform to bring our jobs back, to bring our jobs back to this country. Big league.
Russia is fake news. Russia -- this is fake news put out by the media.
Well the leaks are real. You're the one that wrote about them and reported them, I mean the leaks are real. You know what they said, you saw it and the leaks are absolutely real. The news is fake because so much of the news is fake.
...these tweets suggest that the President is more interested in hunting down leakers than in getting to the bottom of extremely serious allegations against his own administration.
...his past support for more moderate immigration reform put him on the wrong side of the more radical anti-immigration forces in the Trump administration
"There is very little doubt that they have either interfered or attempted to interfere in a number of elections in democracies," Mattis said
The news outlet also noted that the Kremlin became concerned when mentions of Trump in January eclipsed mentions of Vladimir Putin for the first time since he was reelected president in 2012.
Mr. Johnson was heard to ask: “Are we still being recorded?” To which Mr. Tillerson, whose two-week tenure has not included a single news conference, press availability or routine briefing, replied, “They never give up.”
Priebus’ job, many staffers are convinced, is safe — at least for now. [...] “If Reince goes,” said one former Priebus aide, “everyone else goes that he brought in.”
“Gen. Flynn is a wonderful man,” Trump said. “I think he's been treated very, very unfairly by the media — as I call it, the fake media — in many cases.”
Instead they’re opting for more controlled Facebook Live or “tele-town halls,” where questions can be screened by press secretaries and followups are limited
Michael Flynn resigned because he got caught, not because of what he did. White House press secretary Sean Spicer confirmed this with his statement during Tuesday’s press briefing that Flynn did “nothing wrong or inappropriate.”
"Any suggestion that the U.S. Intelligence Community is withholding information and not providing the best possible intelligence to the President and his national security team is not true”
Bannon told the Atlantic’s Rosie Gray that Breitbart’s report was “absurd.”
It asks foreign-born people nationwide, regardless of legal status, not to go to work or go shopping in a demonstration of the importance of their labor and consumer spending to the United States’ economy.
Day 27
Wednesday 15 February 2017
We made a browser extension that converts Donald Trump's Tweets back to their rightful state: a child's scribble.
The five-page document [...] calls for a “restoration of education in America” that would minimize the federal role, promote religious schools and home schooling and enshrine “historic Judeo-Christian principles” as a basis for instruction.
...the email could be grounds for lawyers challenging Trump’s travel ban to ask Justice Thomas to recuse himself from the case—a move that could doom the executive order.
They’re not. He’s a fucking sociopath. And here’s a recipe for raspberry scones...
Trump said he “could live with” either a separate Palestinian state or a unitary state as a peaceful outcome.
Below that is the single directive the bill would require, if passed: “The Environmental Protection Agency shall terminate on December 31, 2018.”
Chaffetz said the Oversight Committee won't probe the circumstances surrounding Flynn.
The vote on Wednesday was not, however, the final stage approval. The deal must be ratified by national and some regional parliaments across the European Union
“I just want to say that we are very honored by the victory that we had, 306 Electoral College votes,” Trump said. “We were not supposed to crack 220, you know that, right? There was no way to 221; then they said there’s no way to 270. There was tremendous enthusiasm out there.”
Now we know that when Comey spoke up about Clinton while remaining silent about allegations of contact between Trump’s team and the Russian government, not only were there mere allegations but also concrete evidence that such contact was frequent and ongoing.
Until now, only small teams made up largely of Special Operations forces have operated in Syria, providing training and assistance to anti-ISIS opposition groups on the ground.
The Western European intelligence operations began in August, after the British government obtained information that people acting on behalf of Russia were in contact with members of the Trump campaign.
But it was Puzder’s hiring of an undocumented worker for domestic work — as well as his support for more liberalized immigration policies — that pushed several Senate Republicans away, they said.
The absence of coverage given to left-leaning or centrist news organisations at recent press conferences has prompted accusations that the President is avoiding “tough questions”.
"I just don't think it's useful to be doing investigation after investigation, particularly of your own party. We'll never even get started with doing the things we need to do, like repealing Obamacare, if we're spending our whole time having Republicans investigate Republicans. I think it makes no sense."
Mr. Trump causes severe distress rather than experiencing it and has been richly rewarded, rather than punished, for his grandiosity, self-absorption and lack of empathy.
Ramirez Medina had a work permit and protection from deportation under former President Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program
Nearly all of the North Korean dictator’s potential rivals are now dead.
Brzezinski said Conway is “not credible anymore.”
For Netanyahu, the talks with Trump will be an opportunity to reset ties after a frequently combative relationship with Democrat Barack Obama.
Mr. Trump angrily told Mrs. Clinton [...] that if elected, he would instruct his attorney general “to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception.”
The consensus among lawmakers came at a tense moment, when congressional Republicans were already finding it difficult to defend Trump as the tempestuous start to his term has stoked frustration, fatigue and fear on Capitol Hill.
...the committee has asked the President's team to provide proof of his security protocols at his estate and how they were maintained.
During the campaign, President Trump had suggested that such incidents show “how low we’ve gone that they can toy with us like that.”
Day 26
Tuesday 14 February 2017
In this sense, Trump’s incompetent, variable, and ridiculous behavior is the central pillar upon which his younger support rests.
After suffering rejection after rejection in China's courts, he saw his prospects change dramatically after starting his presidential campaign.
Canadian officials are unlikely to be upset about the “Joe” gaffe. Joe from Canada is featured in Molson advertisements after all.
The officials said the intercepted communications were not limited to Trump campaign officials, and included other associates of Mr. Trump.
OkCupid [...] refreshed its mobile app to include 50 new questions for singles to answer, including: "Trump?" (the response options "Hell no," "No," "Yes," and "Hell yes")
Both the New York Times and Newsmax reported on the fake account, erroneously quoting the account's claim that Flynn viewed himself as the "sole scapegoat."
“I recommend that the White House investigate Ms. Conway’s actions and consider taking disciplinary action against her”
Everything about this story suggests that the White House has many secrets to hide and little of the time to prepare, the competence to execute or the cooperation of the President to hide them effectively.
The Obama administration had sought to persuade the Russians to correct the violation while the missile was still in the test phase. Instead, the Russians have moved ahead with the system, deploying a fully operational unit.
The Justice Department had wanted to put the case on hold while the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decides whether a larger, 11-judge panel will review a government request to allow the ban.
The conflict threatens to paralyze the GOP in its long-sought goal to roll back the health-care law, which looked like a gimme after the November election.
"Just as the Supreme Court has held that 'the world is not made brand new every morning,' a person is not made brand new simply by taking the oath of office," Brinkema wrote in her ruling.
"And I want to know, 'Did General Flynn do this by himself or was he directed by somebody to do it?'"
The petition attracted over 1.8 million signatures, easily crossing the 100,000 signature threshold required for it to be debated in Parliament.
By law, the Federal Register version is the legally controlling language. But it can often take several days for the order to be published, meaning that the public must often rely on what the White House puts out — and that's sometimes inaccurate.
Dec. 2015 — Flynn took a paid trip to Russia and appeared at a gala for RT, the state-run TV station, where he dined with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Flynn was often perceived as Donald Trump's key contact with Moscow.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Monday he has earned U.S. President Donald Trump’s backing in seeking closer ties with Russia in a bid to resolve a long-standing territorial row over islands off Hokkaido that Japan wants returned.
No one in the 64-year history of the role had a shorter tenure than his, not by a long shot.
Just hours before Flynn resigned on Monday, Conway said Trump had “full confidence” in his national security adviser.
Two unidentified women killed Kim Jong Nam at Kuala Lumpur’s airport with a poison needle before fleeing in a taxi
Day 25
Monday 13 February 2017
What he is not, in his delivery, is balanced. The more balanced you are in your delivery—your voice, your body language—the more people you’re going to appeal to.
But upon closer examination of the cases on the list, it becomes clear that his statement went too far.
President Trump’s policies about who will be allowed to cross the border have Canadians so worried that school officials in and around Windsor have decided to suspend all student field trips to the American side.
Pruitt’s history of suing the EPA — as well as his rejection of the mainstream consensus on climate change — have made him a controversial pick to lead the agency.
A mock invoice addressed to Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) is circulating online after he accused a large crowd of protesters that gathered at his town hall last week of being "paid."
The move comes less than a month into the job, making him one of the shortest-serving senior presidential advisers in modern history.
The Senate confirmed former Goldman Sachs financier Steven Mnuchin as President Donald Trump's Treasury secretary Monday, despite objections by Democrats who charged that Mnuchin had made much of his fortune by foreclosing on struggling homeowners during the financial crisis.
As Justin Trudeau showed us today, the President's handshake game is notoriously unpredictable, so make sure you're prepared for anything.
“The president prefers his briefs to be concise and straightforward, preferably no longer than two or three syllables”
Defying decades of precedent, Trump has refused to release his tax documents, which Democrats say could show whether his business empire poses any conflicts of interest
Top White House officials have been reviewing Flynn's contacts with the Russians and whether he discussed the possibility of lifting U.S. sanctions on Russia once Trump took office.
Alan Bersin says a border wall won’t address the real challenges confronting the U.S. border enforcement system: hopelessly understaffed immigration courts and lawlessness and poverty in Central America.
Now, as a national-security crisis broke out in front of him, DeAgazio continued snapping pictures — and posting them on Facebook.
It may not be illegal for the president to receive a sensitive security briefing about an enemy missile-launch in a public space surrounded by unvetted third parties, but if so, that's because no one ever dreamed that someone would be stupid enough to do so.
"This meeting is more about avoiding pitfalls than trying to engage on some of the big issues," Nanos said. "It's definitely the policy of laying low."
That will mean that it can be held while Parliament is in recess – and MPs are not around to embarrass the President by objecting to him.
Day 24
Sunday 12 February 2017
Three weeks into the Trump administration, council staff members get up in the morning, read President Trump’s Twitter posts and struggle to make policy to fit them.
“The end result of this, though, is that our opponents, the media, and the whole world will soon see, as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial, and will not be questioned.”
10% of people will always be heroes; 10% will be villains. The other 80% will wait to see what people around them are doing, and take their cues about what’s right and wrong from social norms.
Trump and Obama each issued five executive orders in the first week in office. Prior to Trump, Obama was the first modern-day president since John F. Kennedy to issue more than two in the first week.
Post updated – our deepest apologizes for the earlier typo. — US Dept of Education
The New Hampshire voting fraud claims are a variant on a frequently repeated Trump claim of nationwide voter fraud — which is also unfounded.
Local politicians and activists in Birmingham reacted with anger to suggestions that the trip could be relocated to their city – and pledged to flood the streets with protesters to greet the “hateful” President.
In light of this, and out of worries about the White House’s ability to keep secrets, some of our spy agencies have begun withholding intelligence from the Oval Office. Why risk your most sensitive information if the president may ignore it anyway?
But for all the president’s authoritarian tendencies and unwillingness to respect traditional norms and institutions, his inability to moderate his mouth, effectively manage the government or successfully negotiate with foreign leaders have left his presidency wounded and weakened.
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, who has been openly antagonistic toward President Trump from the beginning of his presidential campaign, told that CEOs face a challenge in speaking out on politics.
Day 23
Saturday 11 February 2017
Mr. Trump is not delivering painful but necessary truth. A country enjoying nearly full employment with low inflation, and with stock market indexes at all-time highs, cannot fairly be described as a “mess.”
The launch marks the first test of Trump's vow to get tough on a North Korean regime that last year tested nuclear devices and ballistic missiles at an unprecedented rate in violation of United Nations sanctions.
El Nacional published an apology on Saturday after mistakenly running a photo of the actor doing his impression of the U.S. president on "Saturday Night Live" instead of Trump himself.
"Kids ... are clearly traumatized by this," he said. "Young people I've spoken to live in fear that their government is coming for them or coming for their parents. Where do you go?"
Abortion rights supporters and opponents are planning hundreds of protests across the country Saturday, an opening battle in the fight over Planned Parenthood’s federal funding.
We gave Putin a chance in Russia, and it was the last free election we ever had. It’s far better to act and later admit you overreacted than to do nothing until it’s impossible to act.
The website was set up under President George W. Bush so educators, advocates and parents could get a "one-stop" explanation on the federal Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), as well as know their rights under the disability law.
The 1924 law gives congressional committees that set tax policy the power to examine tax returns. It was used in 1974 when Congress looked at President Richard Nixon's returns
But Bilirakis — who describes himself as a “staunch opponent of Obamacare” on his website — persisted in making his case that people should have the “choice” to be uninsured.
And of course Hitler’s propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels, was an inveterate and incorrigible liar. He was an inventor of news.
...if you look at the courts, that’s one of the most interesting aspects of what Trump has been doing. He clearly has a contempt for the courts and the law, which echoes that of the Nazis very, very clearly.
Many people thought that Hitler was a buffoon. He was a joke. He wasn’t taken seriously. Alternatively, they thought that he could calm down when he assumed the responsibilities of office.
The White House has dismissed the dossier as fiction, and some of the facts and assertions it includes have indeed been proven wrong. Other allegations in the dossier, however, are still being investigated.
“I therefore call upon President Trump to immediately share his evidence with the public and with the appropriate law-enforcement authorities so that his allegations may be investigated promptly and thoroughly.”
Far-right websites have seized on Ms. Ortega’s conviction as proof that Mr. Trump is right about rampant fraud and efforts by Democrats to steal the November election. There is, however, at least one flaw in that story: Ms. Ortega was a registered Republican.
Day 22
Friday 10 February 2017
In the Obama administration, someone like Burr would have been barred by ethics rules from taking a job at an agency that he had lobbied.
Washington has long designed education policy to deal with urban and suburban challenges, often overlooking the unique problems that face rural schools like this one.
In the Philippines, President Rodrigo Duterte, whose “war on drugs” has killed more than 6,000 Filipinos since July, said he would consider accepting refugees affected by Trump’s ban “in the name of humanity.”
Mr. Trump has been increasingly focused on who was with him or against him during his campaign
No matter what it chooses to do, the White House will face a difficult battle to restore the ban, particularly in the short term.
It's not known how many people were rounded up across the country, but immigration advocates say they've received reports of raids in California, Texas, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, New York and Kansas.
Tech companies that keep satellite offices in Vancouver [...] are exploring whether to move more jobs over the border. Immigration lawyers are reporting a steep uptick in inquiries.
Reached for comment this afternoon, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said, "We continue to be disgusted by CNN's fake news reporting."
President Donald Trump’s grin-and-grip with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the Oval Office on Friday came off more like a power play between world leaders — and ended with an exaggerated eye roll from Abe.
The crucial first interview after this ruling with White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer was given to the glorious official news outlet of the Trump administration, Breitbart News. asked two scientists, a geophysicist and a hydrogeologist, which geologic factors the wall’s builders should take into account first if they are to execute this ambitious project.
Trump often asks simple questions about policies, proposals and personnel. And, when discussions get bogged down in details, the president has been known to quickly change the subject
Parents holding signs greeted DeVos when she arrived at Jefferson Middle School Academy in southwest Washington, not far from the Department of Education building.
"If YOU work in education, YOU buy the pencils, the paper, &, sometimes, a kid’s shoes."
Trump told his staff that Spicer's comments made Conway look as if she was in trouble at the White House.
French police "thwarted an imminent attack on French soil" when they arrested four people, including a 16-year-old girl and three men, in cities across France
On the other hand, there was a huge increase in interest in travel to the US from Russia.
"Reichstag Fire" was an arson attack on the Reichstag, the German parliament, in Berlin on February 27, 1933. The incident was soon abused by Adolf Hitler and his gang to demand a suspension of civil liberties
Eventually, the court has to confront the clash between a broad delegation of power to the President [...] and the incompetent malevolence with which this order was promulgated.
The one-China policy forms the bedrock of U.S.-China diplomatic ties, established by President Richard Nixon and China’s leader Mao Zedong 1979. It rules out independence and diplomatic recognition for the island of Taiwan.
Price has proposed repealing Obama's health law and replacing it with tax credits, health savings accounts and high-risk pools for sick, costly consumers.
A Texas district court judge came down hard on the insurance industry, throwing out their challenge to the U.S. Department of Labor’s fiduciary rule, the landmark investor protection rule of the Obama Administration set to go into effect this April.
On Thursday night, two Republican members of Congress -- Reps. Jason Chaffetz of Utah and Diane Black of Tennessee -- were each confronted with impassioned constituents during simultaneous events.
The talks were part of a series of contacts between Flynn and Kislyak that began before the Nov. 8 election and continued during the transition
Day 21
Thursday 9 February 2017
In a unanimous, 29-page opinion, three judges with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit flatly rejected the government’s argument
There is no precedent to support this claimed unreviewability, which runs contrary to the fundamental structure of our constitutional democracy.
see also United States v. Robel, 389 U.S. 258, 264 (1967) (“‘[N]ational defense’ cannot be deemed an end in itself, justifying any exercise of legislative power designed to promote such a goal. ... It would indeed be ironic if, in the name of national defense, we would sanction the subversion of one of those liberties ... which makes the defense of the Nation worthwhile.”)
In short, although courts owe considerable deference to the President’s policy determinations with respect to immigration and national security, it is beyond question that the federal judiciary retains the authority to adjudicate constitutional challenges to executive action.
For the foregoing reasons, the emergency motion for a stay pending appeal is DENIED.
Spicer was on the offensive, annoyed at those who got in his way and not afraid to make that clear to everyone. Unintentionally — I think! — Spicer seemed to be channeling Melissa McCarthy's impersonation of him over the weekend.
“numerous senior GOP operatives and several members of the Trump administration” have downloaded Confide, which automatically wipes messages after they’re read.
“All of this demands investigation, and of course they’ve refused. This resolution will force them to confront the issue.”
“Because the mission failed did not in any way diminish their courage and willingness to help their fellow Americans who were held captive. Mr. Spicer should know that story.”
President Trump is in his first weeks as President with both houses of Congress under his party's control and he's focused on executive orders rather than legislation.
Alt-POTUS 45, @IfHillaryHad, joined Twitter on Inauguration Day, January 20, and since then she’s been tweeting daily updates about what “President Clinton” is up to.
The chief information security officer for the White House's Executive Office of the President has been removed from his position, sources have confirmed.
He then told Putin it was one of a number of bad deals negotiated by former President Barack Obama and that it favored Russia, before launching into a conversation about his own popularity
Enforcement measures are largely left to the head of the federal agency — in Conway’s case, the White House.
The Republican Party, faced with the catastrophic real-world consequences of repealing the Affordable Care Act, is divided over how to proceed.
One of the executive orders seeks to “define new federal crimes, and increase penalties for existing federal crimes, in order to prevent violence” against state and federal police.
“We’ve got nothing. We’ve got nothing. We never even kept a small, even a tiny oil well. Not one little oil well. I said, ‘Keep the oil.’”
For this article, I set out to develop a list of telltales that the president is endangering the Constitution and threatening democracy. I failed. In fact, I concluded that there can be no such list, because many of the worrisome things that an antidemocratic president might do look just like things that other presidents have done.
“She was warned,” McConnell said later. “She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.” Wow, nothing worse than a woman who won’t stop talking.
The Trump family's tangle of global business interests has raised concern among ethics watchdogs for months.
A Gorsuch spokesman confirmed the comments were made.
Since Trump entered office, there has been far more back-and-forth between reporters and Press Secretary Sean Spicer on the inauguration crowd size, Trump's bathrobe, and Melissa McCarthy than the Russia scandal.
Day 20
Wednesday 8 February 2017
The Warriors star responded to Under Armour CEO Kevin Plank's statement that Trump is an "asset" to the country. “I agree with that description,” Curry told The Mercury News, “if you remove the ‘et'."
But he said he was overruled by law enforcement officials, who he didn't name, alleging the delay could prompt a flood of dangerous terrorists into the country
The White House has gone without a full-time communications director since Trump was sworn in last month, [...] overtures to several Republican communications professionals have been met with disinterest, according to a half-dozen sources with knowledge of the situation.
"It is an example of why Donald Trump and his family needed to step away, needed to make a more definitive break"
Teachers unions, civil rights advocates and others have vowed to make DeVos' job difficult going forward, especially if the Education Department decides to back away from the Obama administration's strong focus on civil rights enforcement work.
The GOP’s paternalistic attitude toward women in power is well captured by McConnell’s condescending tone.
But the confirmation process — ferocious even by the standards of moldering decorum that have defined the body’s recent years — laid bare the Senate’s deep divisions at the outset of the Trump presidency.
There are clearly efforts to undermine that name based on her father's positions on particular policies that he's taken. This is a direct attack on his policies and her name.
...but so many people, even those who opposed him, hoped that he would act like an adult when he got to the White House because, you know, he's the president of the United States and not the school bully.
Some day I hope to meet you. When that happens you'll need a new nose, a lot of beefsteak for black eyes, and perhaps a supporter below!
A Gorsuch spokesman confirmed the comments were made in the Wednesday afternoon meeting, when he was asked about the "so-called judge" line.
Adding fuel to the backlash, supporters noted the apparent hypocrisy that Warren's male colleagues were able to read from the letter uninterrupted.
The conversation did apparently broach a subject of mutual concern to both countries — fighting ISIS — but it seems that Trump’s rants about NATO and China overshadowed the other topics.
Urban Dictionary has your NSFW definition of "Easy D," though Trump may have meant "easy decision."
Grendal's mother. Not a looker. Dangerous and bad! My mythical creatures ban already getting results. #buildtheshieldwall #mmga
Note that climate change denialism is a flag of convenience for the folks at the top. It's a loyalty oath and a touchstone: they don't necessarily believe it, but it's very convenient to fervently preach it in public if you want to continue to turn a profit.
“I don’t ever want to call a court biased, so I won’t call it biased, and we haven’t had a decision yet. But courts seem to be so political”
“Trump’s 2-week-old administration has a third category: leaks from White House and agency officials alarmed by the president’s conduct.”
The National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Communications Workers of America and Public Citizen sued Trump on Wednesday in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to block the so-called 1-in-2-out executive order.
“Now Trump and his minions are in the driver’s seat, attempting to pose as respectable participants in American politics, when their views come out of a playbook written in German”
His remarks followed news reports that Yemen's government had demanded a halt to U.S. special operations.
There has never been an Islamist terror attack in Atlanta.
According to the sources, Flynn said he was not sure and Trump should ask an economist instead.
Day 19
Tuesday 7 February 2017
Twenty-seven times, the White House memo misspelled “attacker” or “attackers” as “attaker” or “attakers.” San Bernardino lost its second “r.” “Denmark” became “Denmakr.”
Trump and his staff have repeatedly used the term "fake news" to discredit reporting on the presidential administration from mainstream outlets such as CNN and The New York Times, often offering no evidence to back up their disputes with those outlets' stories.
The key tactic of alternative or provocative figures is to leverage the size and platform of their “not-audience” (i.e. their haters in the mainstream) to attract attention and build an actual audience.
“When Canadians see the type of leadership style from Donald Trump, they realize that the only way to respond to him is assertively and confidently, even if it means a trade war.”
It cost her $115,000 in personal donations to sitting Republican senators; $950,000 more has flowed in from the DeVos family over the last three-and-a-half decades.
Military support for a president [...] requires close proximity to the commander in chief, which is why the Pentagon needs to rent a more expensive space closer to the penthouse where Trump resides when he's in New York.
“We didn’t feel any sign, but we could feel we are in Canada, because of the cold – very, very intense”
No matter how the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit rules — in an order that is expected within days — an appeal to the United States Supreme Court is likely.
Mr. President, on asset forfeiture, we got a state senator in Texas who was talking about introducing legislation to require conviction before we can receive their forfeiture.
I don't understand evolution, and I have to protect my kids from understanding it. We will not give in to the thinkers!
Khamenei reportedly told the commanders: "We however thank this new guy in the White House, since he largely did the job we had been trying to do in the past decades: to divulge the true face of the US."
In a little-noticed 6-3 vote today, the House Administration Committee voted along party lines to eliminate the Election Assistance Commission, which helps states run elections and is the only federal agency charged with making sure voting machines can’t be hacked.
The problem is that the $97,830 charge was for all intents and purposes a business expense, [...] it’s yet another reminder of the president’s refusal to divest from his businesses, a situation that continues to create a multitude of conflicts of interest.
...the unusual statement about her expected income drew swift condemnation from ethics watchdogs as inappropriate profiteering from her high-profile position, which is typically centered on public service.
The Standing Rock Sioux tribe, whose reservation is adjacent to the line's route, has said it would fight the decision but was not available for comment on Tuesday.
Dystopian fiction [...] has seen a recent uptick since the election of President Trump. “Ray Bradbury’s ‘Fahrenheit 451,’ Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ and Margaret Atwood’s ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ have all risen up the latest paperback bestseller list,” he wrote.
“But it’s more likely we’ll now hear the same trashing of public schools that the disrupters, the privatizers and the austerity hawks have used for the last two decades. That makes this a sad day for children.”
The judiciary, however, is not the branch of government with the most power or the most responsibility to curb Trump’s worst instincts. That designation belongs to the US Congress.
Military officials got Donald Trump to agree to the botched Yemen raid by suggesting Barack Obama would never have had the courage to do it
The vote ended an uncharacteristically contentious confirmation process for a secretary of education. Typically, the position is confirmed without major opposition.
It was bare-bones in nature and seemed to have been hastily assembled. The document contained numerous typos and several factual inaccuracies. Some of the attacks listed were so high-profile and thoroughly reported that anyone with Google would be hard-pressed to say they didn’t receive sufficient attention.
Using the #PostcardstoBannon and #PresidentBannon hashtags, people took to Twitter to show off postcards they plan to send to the White House.
Ordinarily, presidents use democratic rhetoric with the goal of unifying Americans who have different private beliefs behind the same set of democratic ideals. This president’s rhetoric is significantly different.
DeVos, a wealthy GOP donor, has devoted herself to boosting alternatives to public education and sparked concerns among educators that she won’t be a strong champion for public schools.
Day 18
Monday 6 February 2017
Pence’s answer was straight out of the fascist playbook. First came the Putinesque emphasis on “action,” “decisiveness,” and “leadership.” [...] Next came the appeal to “safety and security.” [...] Then came the scorn for “niceties”
...this was an opportunity to get the media to run with a lengthy list of terror attacks that, he hoped, would reinforce Trump’s broader message that terror attacks were a constant threat that demanded a strong response.
It also doesn’t include the mass shooting of African American churchgoers by Dylann Roof, an avowed white supremacist, at a Charleston church in June 2015, or a mass shooting at a Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic in November 2015.
With his comments on Monday, Trump implied that the media is complicit in making terrorists successful. It’s part of a recent pattern of suggesting that others are standing in the way of his terrorism-fighting efforts
How do we know? Because she cited the same nonexistent attack in separate interviews with two other outlets — Cosmopolitan magazine and TMZ.
The irony here is that there’s one person we know for sure has paid people to show up and voice a prefabricated political message: Donald Trump. In the summer of 2015, Trump arranged for actors to show up at Trump Tower and cheer and wave signs as he announced his candidacy for president, offering them $50 for their services.
So there are only two options here. Donald Trump either read this executive order and did not understand what placing Steve Bannon on the National Security Council [...] would mean, which is terrifying...OR Donald Trump didn't read the fucking executive order that he signed.
“There’s a streak of meanness now that they’ve crossed over to mean."
The issue in front of the court at the moment is not whether or not Trump's travel ban is constitutional, but whether it will remain suspended for now.
Trump said that media reports of what appeared to be angry exchanges between him and the two foreign leaders had been mischaracterized, and insisted that he had “positive” relations with both countries and their leaders.
Price’s earliest moves are expected to target parts of Obamacare that he’s condemned for the better part of a decade. [...] provisions that require insurers to offer customers a minimum set of benefits, as well as an Obama-era standard mandating contraceptive coverage as a preventive health benefit.
For many Republican politicos who were critical of Trump during the campaign, the fear of personal retribution from the leader of the free world is softened somewhat by their unwavering conviction of his incompetence.
Trump was frustrated over the executive order and reportedly demanded to be looped in on the executive orders earlier in the drafting process.
Day 17
Sunday 5 February 2017
Another change will be a new set of checks on the previously unfettered power enjoyed by Mr. Bannon and the White House policy director, Stephen Miller
...this approach began, not by accident, with an assault on the press and intelligence community, two entities in American society that traditional provide the verified facts that are the basis for policy decisions.
“The public wants an F.C.C. that helps people. Instead, it got one that does favors for the powerful corporations that its chairman used to work for.”
Representative Mike Coffman [...] was overwhelmed by constituents at his own constituent-event in the town of Aurora on Saturday, so much so that he ultimately opted to sneak out of the event early rather than face the as many as 100 disgruntled people still waiting to speak with him.
"I think we have to have an investigation by the FBI into his financial, personal and political connections to Russia, and we want to see his tax returns, so we can have truth in the relationship between Putin, whom he admires, and Donald Trump."
The higher court's denial of an immediate stay means the legal battles will continue for days at least.
"There are a lot of killers. We've got a lot of killers. What do you think? Our country's so innocent?"
"The head of the world academy of sciences, which is headquartered in Trieste, Italy, sent a letter saying he is canceling his plans because he is Sudanese and didn't expect to be able to travel"
In a surprise cameo, McCarthy mimicked Spicer's famously combative first appearance with the White House press corps, where he angrily took issue with reports about the size of the crowd at Trump's inauguration.
Day 16
Saturday 4 February 2017
The goal is not necessarily to assess the relative likelihood of each scenario so much as to keep an open mind so you’re not so surprised when events don’t develop quite as you’d expected.
Citizens of every nationality wept as the truth died that day.
The real danger is that, inundated with “alternative facts,” many voters will simply shrug, asking, “What is truth?” — and not wait for an answer.
Republican leaders say they’re still trying to push through a repeal of Obamacare while approving major parts of a replacement plan by early March. But there are deep disagreements among GOP lawmakers about how much of Obamacare they should salvage
It's only the second week of the Trump administration, but there has been a continued tension with facts.
A protest was also held in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Saturday afternoon — just across the water from Mar-A-Lago, the Trump-owned resort where the president was working out of over the weekend.
If Rogin’s reporting is accurate, it indicates that Bannon seems have lost an important early power struggle, though not for lack of trying.
President Donald Trump's government moved swiftly Saturday to comply with a federal judge's order halting his immigration ban -- even as Trump denounced the judge.
The magazine Der Spiegel has ignited controversy in Germany and elsewhere with a cover illustration that depicts President Trump as an ISIS executioner, brandishing a bloody knife in one hand and the head of Lady Liberty in the other
A final vote is expected Tuesday, and as it stands, Vice President Mike Pence is expected to be summoned to the Capitol to push DeVos over the top.
...the U.S. agency told airlines to operate just as they had before the order
Day 15
Friday 3 February 2017
But two sources close to Kushner and Ivanka Trump, who have a record of supporting gay rights, said the couple favored putting out a clear statement from the president, promising to uphold the 2014 Obama executive order
At airports across the country, tens of thousands of Americans protested an executive action signed by President Donald Trump that temporarily barred citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen from entering the United States.
...the main theme of his even wilder second week was that it’s hard to keep track of all the true signs of dramatic change when they’re all getting jumbled together.
“I don’t see how this in the slightest bit avoids a conflict of interest”
“I have so many people, friends of mine, that have nice businesses, they can’t borrow money”
"The videos aren't particularly noteworthy, it's no news that these videos exist, nor is the content remarkable," he said. "They could have likely found the same sort of guides by browsing LiveLeak for a few hours."
And the lawsuit, the judge said, has substantial likelihood of success in its underlying challenge to the constitutionality of the order.
“It’s quite clear that not all the thought went into it that should have gone into it”
The Bowling Green case is the best known example of refugees who should not have been admitted to the United States slipping through the cracks, though there have been numerous changes to the refugee vetting system since then.
...worried that President Trump planned to not only suspend production of facts, but also seize existing ones, leaving Americans and their families completely defenseless.
The sanctions, coming in the first weeks of Trump's term, reflect his administration's desire to take a strong stance toward Iran from the start.
A second directive would call on the Department of Labor to defer implementation of an Obama-era rule, known as the Fiduciary Rule, requiring financial advisers to act in the best interests of their clients in retirement planning.
"That's it, who's a big boy now?" "I'm a big boy!"
He was held for an hour after customs agents saw in his diplomatic passport that he had been to Iran in 2014. Bondevik said his passport also clearly indicated that he was the former PM of Norway.
Conway claims that “most people don't know that because it didn't get covered.” Most people don’t know about it because it didn’t happen.
The attacker had two machetes and was carrying two backpacks -- but there was no sign the bags held explosives, a police union official said.
Day 14
Thursday 2 February 2017
The National Rifle Association had pushed for the repeal, and Republicans argued it infringed upon Second Amendment rights by denying due process.
“This long-simmering history of anti-science is on a freight train that’s barreling down on all of us”
The radio host said he also believed Trump ran for president solely to get a larger contract from NBC for "The Apprentice."
A mention of carbon pollution as a cause of climate change has also been removed and adaptation has been emphasized, indicating an attempt to separate the cause of climate change from the response.
The statement could disappoint Israel's far-right which had hoped Mr Trump would give an unqualified green light on rapid settlement construction in the occupied West Bank and east Jerusalem
Trump seems to believe that chaos and unpredictability are good in and of themselves because they can keep US adversaries trying to guess what Washington will do next.
As the president and former owner of beauty pageants, Donald Trump is known to be very critical of one’s physical appearances, and he has taken that trait with him into the White House.
But this week, Chaffetz decided to yank the bill after a fierce backlash from hunters, sportsmen and women, and conservationists on both the left and the right. Privatizing public land, it turns out, is a lot harder than it sounds.
“In short, Australia is one of America’s oldest friends and staunchest allies. We are united by ties of family and friendship, mutual interests and common values, and shared sacrifice in wartime.”
Trump said he would seek to overturn the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits tax-exempt nonprofits — including churches and other houses of worship — from “directly or indirectly” participating in a political candidate’s campaign.
Our nation’s compassion is a part of what makes it exceptional, and we are committed to helping your administration identify approaches for thorough screening without a blanket suspension of admissions under the U.S. Refugee Admissions program.
Donald Trump is sowing diplomatic chaos around the world just two weeks into his presidency, as he feuds with world leaders and defends an unpredictable style that has alarmed friends and foes alike.
Donald Trump’s administration is reportedly pushing to erase neo-Nazis and white supremacists from the US government’s counter-extremism programme by moving it to focus exclusively on Islamist terrorism.
Click me. Edit me. Make me horrifying.
“It’s clear that politics have prevented this committee from being willing or able to do the necessary objective and nonpartisan oversight on the Russian attack”
Yes, the president used the National Prayer Breakfast to talk about television ratings for a reality show – which he remains the executive producer of – because everything at all times is about him and his career.
The FSB was the only Russian intelligence entity named in the amendment announced Thursday, leaving much of the emergency action taken by Mr Obama intact.
“Iran has violated the Joint Resolution, that Iran’s additional hostile actions that it took against our Navy vessel are ones that we are very clear are not going to sit by and take”
Democracies have turned into dictatorships not only through violent revolutions, but through elected officials seizing power and nobody stopping them.
Bernstein also noted that the same Republican Party that assailed Democrat Hillary Clinton for alleged conflicts of interest is now turning a blind eye to Trump's potential exposure.
He’s also a flamboyant provocateur who has been denounced for propagating racism, misogyny and anti-Islam views, but he styles himself a champion of free speech.
Around 5:50 p.m., about 150 men and women in black clothing marched towards the plaza. Many were carrying heavy sticks with black and Communist-themed flags, their faces obscured with bandana masks and hats pulled low on their foreheads.
As a result, three officials said, the attacking SEAL team found itself dropping onto a reinforced Al Qaeda base defended by landmines, snipers, and a larger-than-expected contingent of heavily armed Islamist extremists.
Ukraine and NATO accuse Russia of providing troops and weapons to support separatist rebels in the country's east in a conflict that has killed 10,000 people since April 2014. Moscow denies that.
The flare-up — and conflicting characterizations of the call from Mr. Trump and Mr. Turnbull — threatened to do lasting damage to relations between the two countries and could drive Canberra closer to China
Day 13
Wednesday 1 February 2017
Rep. John Yarmuth, D-Ky., displayed a bottle of brownish water he said came from a constituent's well near a surface coal mine. He challenged lawmakers to drink from it and said the stream rule was one of the only safety measures protecting people in coal country.
The suspect, Canadian Alexandre Bissonnette, has reportedly been identified as a white nationalist
That meant Trump could hang on to tens of millions of dollars in deposits, helping turn around the club's finances. Although Trump lost in court, his hardball business tactics were effective.
Most countries consider all Israeli settlements to be illegal. Israel disagrees, citing historical and political links to the land - which the Palestinians also assert - as well as security interests.
The draft order seeks to create wholesale exemptions for people and organizations who claim religious or moral objections to same-sex marriage, premarital sex, abortion, and trans identity, and it seeks to curtail women’s access to contraception and abortion through the Affordable Care Act.
I can affirm that whoever wrote Trump’s executive order blocking refugees from the United States is wholly unfamiliar with the U.S. immigration system, U.S. laws, international law and the security threats facing our nation.
Democrats intend to repeatedly remind the public about the Republicans’ treatment of Merrick B. Garland, President Barack Obama’s nominee to fill the vacant seat last year, who was blocked from even receiving a hearing.
"It did not will itself into existence. We created it. Likewise, it is not naturally self-sustaining. We have sustained it. If we stop doing so, it will fray and, eventually, collapse."
House GOP voted on Wednesday to kill an Obama-era regulation that would require publicly traded oil, gas, and mining companies to disclose any payments that they made to foreign governments, including taxes and royalties.
I’ve been asked by both my party and my caucus to commit to not criticizing the president for the remainder of his term and to take a more partisan approach to working in the Legislature. That is not a commitment I can make.
The votes against Mr. Tillerson’s confirmation were the most in Senate history for a secretary of state
Like other banned abusive subreddits (r/fatpeoplehate and r/pizzagate to name a few), r/alright have made a new home for themselves on Reddit knockoff Voat.
“You have a bunch of bad hombres down there. You aren’t doing enough to stop them. I think your military is scared. Our military isn’t, so I just might send them down to take care of it.”
Essentially, Spicer used the new Skype seats to give himself four chances to recite vague talking points without being challenged by a journalist.
They are the first two Republicans to break with Trump on any of his Cabinet picks, and the votes could make it difficult for DeVos to win confirmation.
“It’s amateur hour,” said Joe Brusuelas, chief economist at management consultancy RSM US. “Euro grossly overvalued? Repatriation of U.S. supply chain? That way lies perdition. Pun intended.”
Trump gained power legally but this week has provided many indications that his inner circle intends to shock or strike at the system, using the resulting spaces of chaos and flux to create a kind of government within the government: one beholden only to the chief executive.
The Senate Finance Committee approved Georgia GOP Rep Tom Price to become Health secretary and financier Steve Mnuchin to be Treasury secretary by a pair of 14-0 votes.
By comparison, former President Barack Obama was named in 11 federal suits during his first 11 days in office
Adler said Reuter’s central mission would not change amid these circumstances because it already knows how to report in countries in “which the media is unwelcome and frequently under attack.”