The Trump Administration
Allegations (and sometimes actual occurrences) of voter and election fraud.
Day 845
Tuesday 14 May 2019
Gov. Ron DeSantis said that the F.B.I. had revealed to him which counties in the state had been targeted — then required the governor to keep the information secret.
Day 766
Sunday 24 February 2019
Day 763
Thursday 21 February 2019
"It's become clear to me that the public's confidence in the ninth district seat general election has been undermined,"
Day 762
Wednesday 20 February 2019
“If some of the things hadn’t been filled in, we would fill in the ones who had not been filled in,”
The truth is, the myth of voter fraud is nothing more than a ploy to justify laws that make it significantly harder for racial minorities and the poor [...] to exercise their constitutional right to vote.
Day 760
Monday 18 February 2019
Britt said that she and other members of the Dowless team collected several unsealed ballots and opened them to ascertain who voters had selected.
Day 758
Saturday 16 February 2019
Texas secretary of state admits there weren't 95,000 "illegal" voters, but still wants to purge state's voter rolls
Day 738
Sunday 27 January 2019
Day 713
Wednesday 2 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 12
The new law also provides that the new board technically cannot take effect until January 21, 2019.
Day 706
Wednesday 26 December 2018
Government Shutdown Day 5
The Republican candidate who won in November likely won’t be seated before an official hearing in January.
Day 691
Tuesday 11 December 2018
...releasing a signed affidavit from a Bladen County poll worker alleging that the results of early votes were shared improperly before the election.
Day 687
Friday 7 December 2018
The board has refused to certify Republican Mark Harris as the winner of the Nov. 6 election for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives as it investigates possible fraud involving absentee ballots from two rural counties.
Day 683
Monday 3 December 2018
Eason added that she didn't see who people were voting for, but that she never mailed the ballots. Instead, she gave them to Dowless, adding that he did not mention to her that what she was doing was illegal.
Day 681
Saturday 1 December 2018
after discovering what was alleged to be a coordinated effort by Republican Party staff to disenfranchise Democratic Party voters by intentionally destroying and altering their absentee ballots.
Day 677
Tuesday 27 November 2018
Day 659
Friday 9 November 2018
Day 655
Monday 5 November 2018
Day 644
Thursday 25 October 2018
The tamper-proof screws didn’t work, all the computing equipment was still intact, and the hard drives had not been wiped. The information I found on the drives, including candidates, precincts, and the number of votes cast on the machine, were not encrypted.
Day 632
Saturday 13 October 2018
The Supreme Court today declined to intervene in a challenge to a North Dakota law that requires voters to present identification that includes a current residential street address.
Day 630
Thursday 11 October 2018
North Dakota and Missouri could decide control of the Senate.
Day 582
Friday 24 August 2018
Nearly 4.8 million people voted in North Carolina’s 2016 general election, and election officials said last year that about 500 of those ballots had been cast by ineligible voters
Day 576
Saturday 18 August 2018
The seven locations they want to close are not in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, which requires wheelchair accessibility to all public buildings.
“We have expected high turnout this fall. You have to ask, why were these polling places enough for the primary and runoff earlier this year, but not good enough for this November’s election?” the letter said. “The timing is very suspicious.”
Day 566
Wednesday 8 August 2018
...despite being a candidate in the race.
Day 564
Monday 6 August 2018
Georgia is one of four states that uses voting machines statewide that produce no paper record for voters to verify, making them difficult to audit
Day 561
Friday 3 August 2018
No credible evidence has ever been produced, by the White House, or anyone else, to substantiate the claim.
Day 558
Tuesday 31 July 2018
Trump is wrongly claiming that Americans need photo IDs to buy groceries as he rails against the idea of noncitizens voting.
It's unclear when the president last purchased groceries or anything else himself.
Day 519
Friday 22 June 2018
As you may recall, Kobach made the poor decision to personally represent his office in a lawsuit challenging a voter-ID law, and let’s just say that ignoring the court’s rulings wasn’t the only mistake he made at trial.
Day 508
Monday 11 June 2018
The law allows the state to strike voters from the registration rolls if they fail to return a mailed address confirmation form, and don't vote for another four years, or two federal election cycles.
Day 454
Wednesday 18 April 2018
Kobach “willfully failed to make sure that the county election officials were clearly and effectively trained to enforce” the voting rules enforced by the injunction.
Day 369
Tuesday 23 January 2018
Recently disbanded Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity made request last year while applying to obtain nearly 50 million voter records from state
Day 355
Tuesday 9 January 2018
...officials plan to erase the information, rather than transfer it to the Department of Homeland Security or the National Archives and Records Administration.
Day 352
Saturday 6 January 2018
Trump’s decision last week to pull the plug on his troubled voter fraud commission was partly the result of Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap’s effort to force the body to behave in a transparent and bipartisan manner
On Friday evening, Dunlap’s attorneys received a letter from the Justice Department informing them that it would not be providing the records on the rationale that because the commission no longer exists, Dunlap is no longer a member of it and therefore not entitled to receive them.
Day 350
Thursday 4 January 2018
Day 349
Wednesday 3 January 2018
Trump blamed states for refusing to turn over information to the commission, which was facing several challenges in court.
Day 348
Tuesday 2 January 2018
...a group of senators led by James Lankford (R-Okla.) wants to shore up the security of American voting systems ahead of the 2018 and 2020 elections. And the senators have focused on two major changes that have broad support from voting security experts.
Day 346
Sunday 31 December 2017
The case has taken on added importance because the parties have squared off over ballot access across the country. Democrats have accused Republicans of trying to suppress votes from minorities and poorer people who tend to vote for Democrats. Republicans have argued that they are trying to promote ballot integrity and prevent voter fraud.
Day 343
Thursday 28 December 2017
In the complaint filed in state court, Moore’s campaign argues that Alabama “will suffer irreparable harm if the election results are certified without preserving and investigating all the evidence of potential fraud.” It cites rumors of election fraud that have already been investigated and refuted by the Alabama secretary of state
Day 288
Friday 3 November 2017
Georgia's attorney general won't defend Secretary of State Brian Kemp after unexplained election server 'wipe'.
Day 281
Friday 27 October 2017
The server in question, which served as a statewide staging location for key election-related data, made national headlines in June after a security expert disclosed a gaping security hole that wasn’t fixed six months after he reported it to election authorities.
Day 280
Thursday 26 October 2017
Kobach has a ready-made plan to gut core voting rights protections enshrined in federal law. And he has been covertly lobbying Trump’s team and other officials from day one to sell them the falsehood that noncitizens are swinging elections.
Day 274
Friday 20 October 2017
After the election, registered voters in Milwaukee County and Madison’s Dane County were surveyed about why they didn’t cast a ballot. Eleven percent cited the voter ID law and said they didn’t have an acceptable ID; of those, more than half said the law was the “main reason” they didn’t vote.
Day 260
Friday 6 October 2017
Day 251
Wednesday 27 September 2017
Because in addition to not having any previous government experience, the former real estate exec has demonstrated repeated difficulty filling out simple, routine forms correctly. This includes his own voter registration form.
Day 236
Tuesday 12 September 2017
A gun researcher who says the federal gun background check system doesn't work has a new idea for preventing voter fraud at polling places: Make every voter pass a federal gun background check.
Day 230
Wednesday 6 September 2017
...a practice that lawyers for a civil rights group suing the commission over transparency say violates federal law.
Day 223
Wednesday 30 August 2017
“It was not an attempt to hide anything. It fully intends to be as transparent as possible. . . . I wanted to convey our apologies and our sincere regret for that.”
Day 216
Wednesday 23 August 2017
A federal judge has ruled that changes Texas made to its voter identification law earlier this year did not go far enough to render the state's policy constitutional.
Day 192
Sunday 30 July 2017
Though the device was supposedly wiped before it was sold by the government at auction, the hackers were able to uncover the results the machine tallied in 2002.
Day 189
Thursday 27 July 2017
If we choose a registered voter at random, there is a 13.6 percent chance that she will be erroneously matched to at least one other voter somewhere in the country who shares her full name, birth month and birth year.
Day 186
Monday 24 July 2017
The Electronic Privacy Information Center ... sought to stop the commission from acquiring the voter data, claiming that the panel should have conducted a privacy impact assessment before asking states for the personal information. But the judge ... said the panel did not qualify as a federal agency, so it was not required to conduct and publish a privacy assessment.
Day 181
Wednesday 19 July 2017
Lost amid the uproar over the commission’s request was a letter sent at the same time by the Justice Department’s civil rights division. It forced 44 states to provide extensive information on how they keep their voter rolls up-to-date.
Day 180
Tuesday 18 July 2017
Spawned by Trump’s baseless claim that illegal voting cost him the popular vote ..., the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity will gather Wednesday to chart its agenda
Day 176
Friday 14 July 2017
Unfortunately for these voters and others who wrote in, the Trump administration did not redact any of their personal information from the emails before releasing them to the public. In some cases, the emails contain not only names, but email addresses, home addresses, phone numbers and places of employment of people worried about such information being made available to the public.
“DO NOT RELEASE ANY OF MY VOTER DATA PERIOD,” wrote one voter whose name and email address was published by the White House.
Day 166
Tuesday 4 July 2017
The vast majority of states are pushing back against the Trump administration’s request for personal voter information as part of a supposed probe into election fraud.
Day 163
Saturday 1 July 2017
Day 162
Friday 30 June 2017
Kobach told the Kansas City Star on Friday that he would not be providing any parts of Kansas voters' Social Security numbers because that data is not publicly available under state law.
Day 161
Thursday 29 June 2017
“any documents that are submitted to the full Commission will also be made available to the public.”
Kobach "has a lengthy record of illegally disenfranchising eligible voters in Kansas" and that "given Secretary Kobach's history we find it very difficult to have confidence in the work of this Commission."
Day 116
Monday 15 May 2017
...refusing to reinstate North Carolina ballot restrictions that a lower court said target blacks “with almost surgical precision.”
Day 112
Thursday 11 May 2017
...following through on his unsubstantiated claim that several million “illegals” voted for his Democratic rival and robbed him of a victory in the national popular vote.
Day 55
Wednesday 15 March 2017
Trump has so far not aggressively pursued his pledge for a “major investigation” into his allegations of widespread voter fraud that he claims robbed him the popular vote.
Day 33
Tuesday 21 February 2017
An FEC commissioner repeated her demand Tuesday that the White House provide proof for its claims that thousands of people were bused from Massachusetts into New Hampshire to vote illegally in the 2016 election.
Day 24
Sunday 12 February 2017
The New Hampshire voting fraud claims are a variant on a frequently repeated Trump claim of nationwide voter fraud — which is also unfounded.
Day 23
Saturday 11 February 2017
“I therefore call upon President Trump to immediately share his evidence with the public and with the appropriate law-enforcement authorities so that his allegations may be investigated promptly and thoroughly.”
Far-right websites have seized on Ms. Ortega’s conviction as proof that Mr. Trump is right about rampant fraud and efforts by Democrats to steal the November election. There is, however, at least one flaw in that story: Ms. Ortega was a registered Republican.
Day 19
Tuesday 7 February 2017
In a little-noticed 6-3 vote today, the House Administration Committee voted along party lines to eliminate the Election Assistance Commission, which helps states run elections and is the only federal agency charged with making sure voting machines can’t be hacked.
Day 11
Monday 30 January 2017
Trump has made an issue of people who are registered to vote in more than one state, using it as one of the bedrocks of his overall contention that voter fraud is rampant in the U.S.
Day 7
Thursday 26 January 2017
...voters who did not look as if they should be allowed to vote
Day 6
Wednesday 25 January 2017
It is not in itself illegal to be registered to vote in two states.
Day 5
Tuesday 24 January 2017
There is no evidence to support the claim, which has been discredited repeatedly by numerous fact-checkers.
Day 4
Monday 23 January 2017