The Trump Administration
Our friends in the southern hemisphere, with whom we stand shoulder-to-shoulder in the fight against terrorism and <click>...
Day 582
Friday 24 August 2018
Day 414
Friday 9 March 2018
Day 413
Thursday 8 March 2018
Trump agreed to exempt, for now, Canada and Mexico and held out the possibility of later excluding allies such as Australia.
Day 410
Monday 5 March 2018
Trump "emphatically" promised to exempt Australian steel and aluminium from US tariffs during a meeting with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull last year
Day 409
Sunday 4 March 2018
The Trump administration sent mixed signals Sunday about its new aluminum and steel tariffs, saying that any exceptions for allies are unlikely but also leaving room for an unpredictable president to change his mind.
Day 399
Thursday 22 February 2018
Turnbull arrived in Washington Wednesday evening for his four-day visit to the United States, anchored by a one-on-one Oval Office meeting with Trump on Friday.
Day 349
Wednesday 3 January 2018
The United States has been without an ambassador in Australia since September 2016 and Mr Fischer said the long wait was now "beyond acceptable" and bordering on a "diplomatic insult".
Day 298
Monday 13 November 2017
“Hey Don. We have an unusual idea,” WikiLeaks wrote on October 21, 2016. “Leak us one or more of your father’s tax returns.” ... “If we publish them it will dramatically improve the perception of our impartiality,” WikiLeaks explained. “That means that the vast amount of stuff that we are publishing on Clinton will have much higher impact, because it won’t be perceived as coming from a ‘pro-Trump’ ‘pro-Russia’ source.”
“Hi Don if your father ‘loses’ we think it is much more interesting if he DOES NOT conceed [sic] and spends time CHALLENGING the media and other types of rigging that occurred—as he has implied that he might do”
“Hi Don. Hope you’re doing well!” WikiLeaks wrote on December 16 to Trump Jr., who was by then the son of the president-elect. “In relation to Mr. Assange ... It would be real easy and helpful for your dad to suggest that Australia appoint Assange ambassador to [Washington,] DC.” ... “They won’t do it but it will send the right signals to Australia”
Day 229
Tuesday 5 September 2017
"America is really a great nation and the Americans are a great people if they can endure so many people with such a low level of political culture."
...he said Mr Trump was "not my bride, and I'm not his groom."
Day 222
Tuesday 29 August 2017
If newfound Kiwi Barnaby Joyce—whose father was born in New Zealand and who has now been confirmed to be a citizen by the New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs—loses his seat, he may take the whole government down with him: The Liberal-National coalition holds the government by a one-vote majority.
Day 196
Thursday 3 August 2017
"But the fact is we are both in a little bit of a political bind because I have to have Mexico pay for the wall – I have to."
"This is going to kill me. I am the world’s greatest person that does not want to let people into the country."
"I spoke to Putin, Merkel, Abe of Japan, to France today, and this was my most unpleasant call"
"What is the thing with boats? Why do you discriminate against boats?"
"I have had it. I have been making these calls all day and this is the most unpleasant call all day. Putin was a pleasant call. This is ridiculous."
Day 147
Thursday 15 June 2017
“We’re winning in the real polls,” he continued, to gales of laughter from the audience. “You know, the online polls.” He added, “They are so easy to win. I have this Russian guy.”
Day 106
Friday 5 May 2017
Day 105
Thursday 4 May 2017
In one moment, Trump jovially denied the presence of tensions in his now-infamous January phone call with Turnbull, accusing the media of “fake news.” In another, he copped to the tense exchange, calling it “testy.”
"I shouldn't say this to our great gentleman and my friend from Australia, because you have better health care than we do," Trump continued.
Day 93
Saturday 22 April 2017
"President Trump has made it clear that we'll honor the agreement — that doesn't mean we admire the agreement"
Day 92
Friday 21 April 2017
Pence arrived in Sydney on Friday for what experts called a “reassurance mission”
Day 32
Monday 20 February 2017
But the lesson of the fall of Singapore must surely be that Australia can not trust its survival wholly to a foreign power. Even a close ally. Yesterday Britain, today America.
Day 29
Friday 17 February 2017
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer can't seem to get anyone's name right. Enter your name below to see what he would call you.
Day 18
Monday 6 February 2017
Trump said that media reports of what appeared to be angry exchanges between him and the two foreign leaders had been mischaracterized, and insisted that he had “positive” relations with both countries and their leaders.
Day 14
Thursday 2 February 2017
Trump seems to believe that chaos and unpredictability are good in and of themselves because they can keep US adversaries trying to guess what Washington will do next.
“In short, Australia is one of America’s oldest friends and staunchest allies. We are united by ties of family and friendship, mutual interests and common values, and shared sacrifice in wartime.”
Donald Trump is sowing diplomatic chaos around the world just two weeks into his presidency, as he feuds with world leaders and defends an unpredictable style that has alarmed friends and foes alike.
The flare-up — and conflicting characterizations of the call from Mr. Trump and Mr. Turnbull — threatened to do lasting damage to relations between the two countries and could drive Canberra closer to China
Day 13
Wednesday 1 February 2017