The Trump Administration
Our closest ally in Asia.
Day 767
Monday 25 February 2019
Okinawa is host to the bulk of U.S. military forces in Japan, whose alliance with Washington is central to its security.
Day 612
Sunday 23 September 2018
Day 601
Wednesday 12 September 2018
Russia and Japan are involved in a dispute over Kuril islands, captured by the Soviet Union at World War II's end.
Day 544
Tuesday 17 July 2018
The leaders did not mention Trump by name, but they did little to mask what was on their minds — highlighting how Europe and Japan have been pushed closer by Trump’s actions.
Day 504
Thursday 7 June 2018
Day 484
Friday 18 May 2018
On Friday, Japan notified the World Trade Organization that it was reserving the right to impose retaliatory tariffs against the United States in response to tariffs on steel and aluminum imports
Day 455
Thursday 19 April 2018
Day 454
Wednesday 18 April 2018
Mr. Abe hoped to secure Mr. Trump’s commitment on two issues: curtailing the North’s nuclear and ballistic weapons programs, and facilitating the return of Japanese citizens abducted by North Korea in the 1970s and ’80s.
Day 453
Tuesday 17 April 2018
Day 448
Thursday 12 April 2018
Day 296
Saturday 11 November 2017
But the contradictions also reflect a more fundamental disarray in the presidency’s policy toward Asia. It seems caught between the geopolitical realism of Mr. Trump’s diplomats and the economic nationalism of his political aides and, to a great extent, Mr. Trump himself.
Day 292
Tuesday 7 November 2017
Day 291
Monday 6 November 2017
Trump said on Monday that Japan could protect itself from a nuclear-armed North Korea by buying billions of dollars of American military equipment, drawing an explicit link between trade and security
“Try building your cars in the United States instead of shipping them over,” Mr. Trump said, disregarding the fact that Japanese carmakers have built huge assembly plants in the United States. “That’s not too much to ask,” he continued. “Is that rude to ask?”
Day 290
Sunday 5 November 2017
And in a remark that held the potential to cause widespread offence in a country where America killed around 140,000 people in 1945 – when it dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki – the President added: “Every once in a while, in the past, they underestimated us. It was not pleasant for them, was it?”
Day 289
Saturday 4 November 2017
Trump said he could not understand why a country of samurai warriors would not shoot down the missile.
Day 288
Friday 3 November 2017
Trump’s trip — with bilateral visits to Japan, South Korea and China and stops at regional summits in Vietnam and the Philippines — could go a long way toward determining the success of his administration’s policy.
Day 284
Monday 30 October 2017
Two TU-95 aircraft, otherwise known as 'Russian Bear' bombers, skirted the islands of Hoshu and Hokkaido before flying back across the Sea of Japan.
America dispatched its own B-2 nuclear bomber over the Pacific on Saturday
Day 239
Friday 15 September 2017
Amid international condemnations of the test, the U.N. Security Council was to meet later in the day to discuss the launch at the request of the United States and Japan
Day 238
Thursday 14 September 2017
North Korea fired another ballistic missile over Japan on Friday, a direct challenge to the United States and China just days after a new sanctions resolution adopted by the United Nations Security Council
Day 233
Saturday 9 September 2017
He warned that the regime’s advances in missile technology are complicating Japan’s ability to intercept them.
Day 229
Tuesday 5 September 2017
Day 221
Monday 28 August 2017
The missile flew over the northern island of Hokkaido and landed harmlessly in the sea, after a flight of nearly 1,700 miles.
Day 182
Thursday 20 July 2017
Day 26
Tuesday 14 February 2017
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Monday he has earned U.S. President Donald Trump’s backing in seeking closer ties with Russia in a bid to resolve a long-standing territorial row over islands off Hokkaido that Japan wants returned.
Day 22
Friday 10 February 2017
President Donald Trump’s grin-and-grip with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the Oval Office on Friday came off more like a power play between world leaders — and ended with an exaggerated eye roll from Abe.
Day 11
Monday 30 January 2017
It’s a dark period in US history, condemned by later presidents as an act of "wartime hysteria," and it’s commemorated in order to remind the country’s present leaders to not fall into similar traps of prejudice and bigotry.