The Trump Administration
H.R. McMaster, U.S. Army Lt. General, National Security Advisor for the Administration. —FIRED/RESIGNED 6 April 2017
Day 761
Tuesday 19 February 2019
Day 533
Friday 6 July 2018
“The president thinks he can be friends with Putin,” former national security adviser H.R. McMaster complained during his time in the White House, according to U.S. officials. “I don’t know why, or why he would want to be.”
Day 532
Thursday 5 July 2018
Eventually, McMaster would pull aside the president and walk him through the dangers of an invasion
Day 440
Wednesday 4 April 2018
"The Kremlin's confidence is growing," he continued. "Russia has used old and new forms of aggression to undermine our open societies."
Day 427
Thursday 22 March 2018
Day 421
Friday 16 March 2018
...kept in a state of perpetual limbo about his future in the administration, aware that his unpredictable boss could keep him around indefinitely or terminate him at a moment’s notice.
Day 420
Thursday 15 March 2018
And the purge at the top may not be over. Mr. Trump, who is famously fickle, appears to have soured on additional members of his senior leadership team — and his frequent mulling about making changes has some people around him convinced that he could act soon.
Trump is now comfortable with ousting McMaster, with whom he never personally gelled, but is willing to take time executing the move because he wants to ensure both that the three-star Army general is not humiliated and that there is a strong successor lined up
Day 397
Tuesday 20 February 2018
Their strained relationship was on rare public display over the weekend when the president chastised his national security adviser for telling a crowd at the Munich Security Conference that evidence of Russian meddling in the 2016 election was “incontrovertible.”
Day 394
Saturday 17 February 2018
“As you can see with FBI indictment, the evidence is incontrovertible and available in the public domain”
Day 305
Monday 20 November 2017
The top national security official dismissed the president variously as an “idiot” and a “dope” with the intelligence of a “kindergartner,” the sources said. ... Both Oracle and the Trump administration heatedly denied the comments
Day 238
Thursday 14 September 2017
Of course it did.
Trump likes to scan the headlines, watch television, and talk on the phone with his network of outside friends and acquaintances who, in turn, get their own information from the media.
That means if you have an agenda you want to press with Trump, you need to press it through the media.
Day 204
Friday 11 August 2017
The chief White House strategist is increasingly isolated in the West Wing as new chief of staff John Kelly tries to clamp down on negative news stories.
Day 197
Friday 4 August 2017
“Very few people know who’s going to get axed next, but if you’re viewed as a Flynnstone it’s a liability”
McMaster has angered the political right by pushing out several conservatives on the national security staff and cautioning against ripping up the nuclear agreement with Iran negotiated by President Barack Obama without a strategy for what comes next.
Day 195
Wednesday 2 August 2017
The latest to go was Ezra Cohen-Watnick
A fierce Trump loyalist, Mr. Cohen-Watnick drew attention when he ... briefed Representative Devin Nunes ... on classified intelligence reports revealing that American intelligence agencies had conducted incidental surveillance of Mr. Trump’s transition team.
A top official of the National Security Council was fired last month after arguing in a memo that President Trump is under sustained attack from subversive forces both within and outside the government who are deploying Maoist tactics to defeat President Trump’s nationalist agenda.
“Globalists and Islamists recognize that for their visions to succeed, America, both as an ideal and as a national and political identity, must be destroyed”
Day 168
Thursday 6 July 2017
As rival factions inside the White House continue to battle over urgent foreign policy decisions, a key ally of Donald Trump’s chief strategist Stephen Bannon is leaving the National Security Council
Day 122
Sunday 21 May 2017
Excerpts from President Donald Trump’s speech ... do not include the words “radical Islamic terrorism,” a phrase that is considered offensive to Muslims and that McMaster has been trying — and failing — to delete from the president’s vocabulary for months.
Day 120
Friday 19 May 2017
"It can be difficult to advise the President effectively given his seemingly short attention span and propensity to be easily distracted"
"You can't say what not to say," the source said of Trump, "because that will then be one of the first things he'll say."
Day 87
Sunday 16 April 2017
...the administration would like “to take action short of armed conflict, so we can avoid the worst.”
Day 79
Saturday 8 April 2017
The cruise missile attack on Syria capped off a week in which McMaster appeared to consolidate his power by ousting chief White House counselor Stephen Bannon from the National Security Council
Day 76
Wednesday 5 April 2017
The restructuring reflects the growing influence of national security adviser H.R. McMaster, an Army three-star general who took over the post after retired general Michael Flynn was ousted in February
Day 32
Monday 20 February 2017
In tapping McMaster, Trump turned to a widely respected and fiercely outspoken military strategist who was recognized for his battlefield leadership during both the Persian Gulf War and the Iraq War.