The Trump Administration
John F. Kelly, White House Chief of Staff, previously Homeland Security Secretary. –RESIGNED 8 December 2018
Day 730
Saturday 19 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 29
...says chief of staff indicated ‘country first, president second’ approach
“The whole thing felt like Game of Thrones, but with the characters from Veep”
Day 710
Sunday 30 December 2018
Government Shutdown Day 9
Kelly said his tenure as chief of staff could be evaluated not by what Trump did during that time, but rather what the president had not done.
Day 694
Friday 14 December 2018
Mulvaney, a frequent visitor to the Oval Office, was never formally interviewed for chief of staff. He met Friday with Trump for a scheduled discussion of the budget showdown, officials said, but left as the acting chief of staff.
Day 690
Monday 10 December 2018
But the fact remains that Kelly was a true believer in some of Trump’s very worst ideas, echoed several of his very worst influences, failed completely to compensate for Trump’s most significant personal deficiencies, and intervened at key moments to make things worse.
Day 688
Saturday 8 December 2018
Trump [...] said that he would announce a replacement for Mr. Kelly, perhaps on an interim basis, in the next day or two.
Day 687
Friday 7 December 2018
The Mueller questions to Kelly centered on a narrow set of issues in the investigation of potential obstruction of justice
The decision is not official and Trump, who has reportedly come close to firing Kelly before, could once again change his mind.
Day 663
Tuesday 13 November 2018
The White House chief of staff has had an array of disputes with officials from the NSC and the East Wing in recent months.
Day 641
Monday 22 October 2018
An argument last February [...] turned into a physical altercation that required Secret Service intervention just outside the Oval Office
Day 640
Sunday 21 October 2018
Scaramucci said that while he applauds the retired Marine Corps general’s service, “he hurt the morale inside the place, and he’s hurt the president, and he has hissy fits.”
Day 637
Thursday 18 October 2018
The White House chief of staff and the national security adviser got into a profanity-laced argument about immigration outside the Oval Office early Thursday morning
Day 631
Friday 12 October 2018
Day 629
Wednesday 10 October 2018
How has Chief of Staff John Kelly managed to keep his job in spite of convincing and persistent rumors and reports that the president is unhappy with him, and he is unhappy in his job?
Day 596
Friday 7 September 2018
With Trump “punch-drunk,” Ivanka and Jared Kushner are taking the lead in the mole hunt—and they’ve set their sights on an old enemy.
Day 593
Tuesday 4 September 2018
"The idea I ever called the President an idiot is not true, in fact it's the opposite."
Day 572
Tuesday 14 August 2018
Day 570
Sunday 12 August 2018
In the purported recording, which would constitute a serious breach of White House security, Kelly is heard complaining about her “significant integrity issues”
Day 557
Monday 30 July 2018
Day 556
Sunday 29 July 2018
The retired general has proven unable to stop President Donald Trump from being himself.
But nearly all the traces of the martial regime Kelly initially sought to impose have vanished.
...but he has not been able to curb Trump’s practice of [...] turning scheduled gatherings into freewheeling discussions of subjects that suit his interests — including those suggested to him by his coterie of outside advisers, including Fox News host Sean Hannity.
Day 549
Sunday 22 July 2018
The embattled former administrator had his bulldogs. They’re now gone.
Day 538
Wednesday 11 July 2018
Sarah Huckabee Sanders offered an explanation for Kelly’s reaction ... “[Kelly] was displeased because he was expecting a full breakfast and there were only pastries and cheese”
Day 536
Monday 9 July 2018
Day 533
Friday 6 July 2018
But in recent months the question has become not whether Kelly could tame Trump but how soon Trump would get rid of Kelly.
Pruitt didn’t want to leave his post and was described as being devastated that he had to resign
Day 525
Thursday 28 June 2018
Day 477
Friday 11 May 2018
He said that undocumented immigrants seeking to enter the country “don’t have the skills” to assimilate and called them “overwhelmingly rural people” in comments that sounded derogatory.
Day 466
Monday 30 April 2018
Some current and former officials said they expect Kelly to leave by July, and that Trump and Kelly seem to have tired of each other.
Day 446
Tuesday 10 April 2018
Bossert, a favorite of Chief of Staff John F. Kelly, is leaving one day after national security adviser John Bolton began the job.
Day 444
Sunday 8 April 2018
Day 443
Saturday 7 April 2018
The recurring and escalating clashes between the president and his chief of staff trace the downward arc of Kelly’s eight months in the White House.
A senior administration official said that calling it a threat was "probably too strong, it was more venting frustration." Kelly often says he doesn't have to be there and didn't seek the job originally.
Day 439
Tuesday 3 April 2018
...amid a series of damaging reports that have raised the possibility that Pruitt could be fired.
Day 434
Thursday 29 March 2018
Kelly's diminished influence comes as Trump considers doing away with a chief of staff and a communications director altogether.
White House chief of staff John Kelly had spoken with David Shulkin by phone Wednesday morning, reassuring the now-former VA secretary that he wouldn’t be fired by tweet that afternoon. Hours later, Kelly had to phone Shulkin again telling him plans had changed.
Day 426
Wednesday 21 March 2018
Trump was fuming Tuesday night, asking his allies and outside advisers who they thought had leaked the information
Day 421
Friday 16 March 2018
Although he told West Wing staff members that no changes were imminent, Kelly is said to be among those in the Trump administration possibly on their way out.
Day 420
Thursday 15 March 2018
And the purge at the top may not be over. Mr. Trump, who is famously fickle, appears to have soured on additional members of his senior leadership team — and his frequent mulling about making changes has some people around him convinced that he could act soon.
A shake-up that some at the White House are preemptively calling a purge is coming. It could take down a chief of staff, a national security adviser, and up to three Cabinet secretaries
Day 418
Tuesday 13 March 2018
Day 414
Friday 9 March 2018
Kelly, the White House chief of staff, has killed an effort by the head of the Environmental Protection Agency to stage public debates challenging climate change science
Day 411
Tuesday 6 March 2018
The President has emboldened Anthony Scaramucci, the boisterous former communications director who was fired after just 10 days, to continue attacking White House chief of staff John Kelly during his cable news appearances
Day 407
Friday 2 March 2018
What would transpire over the Bruins' six days in the country -- and the three extra days spent by freshmen LiAngelo Ball, Jalen Hill and Cody Riley after they were arrested for shoplifting -- became international news that entangled the leaders of the world's two biggest superpowers
...charges were dropped, the bail refunded and the players' passports returned two days before White House chief of staff John Kelly called the players to inform them that President Donald Trump was working on their release
In some instances, Kelly even directly contradicted some of the White House's public statements delivered last month.
Day 405
Wednesday 28 February 2018
"Javanka and Kelly are locked in a death match. Two enter. Only one survives." — A White House official
Day 403
Monday 26 February 2018
The chief of staff is unlikely to grant the president's son-in-law a permanent clearance, but isn't likely to quit over the issue, either.
Day 398
Wednesday 21 February 2018
Jared Kushner and John Kelly, White House chief of staff, are at the center of a row over whether President Donald Trump’s son-in-law should have security clearance.
Day 393
Friday 16 February 2018
Kelly ... has approved an overhaul of how the White House manages security-clearance investigations, acknowledging missteps but putting the onus on the FBI and the Justice Department to now hand-deliver updates and provide more information.
Day 392
Thursday 15 February 2018
“I am deeply sorry for thinking you would all react the way I’m accustomed to and simply disregard all misconduct claims made against someone in such a powerful position”
Kelly went on to promise that in future cases he will act without delay, addressing abuse allegations the very moment they are leaked to the public.
Day 390
Tuesday 13 February 2018
The chief of staff has been left to shoulder the blame over the failure to remove the former staff secretary, who held only an interim security clearance.
Day 387
Saturday 10 February 2018
As staff secretary, Porter held one of the most important, and under-appreciated, positions at the White House. The staff secretary normally is responsible for managing all information that flows to the president – usually including the secrets known only to a small handful of people
Day 386
Friday 9 February 2018
And amid the tumult, the man whose mission had been to enforce order in the West Wing, Chief of Staff John F. Kelly, was focused instead on a more personal goal — to save his job — as Trump seriously sounded out confidants about possible replacements.
Day 385
Thursday 8 February 2018
Kelly was told several weeks ago that multiple White House aides who had been working in the West Wing on interim security clearances would not qualify for permanent clearances.
Day 384
Wednesday 7 February 2018
White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly on Tuesday suggested that some young immigrants eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program failed to apply for the legal protections because they were too afraid — or “too lazy to get off their asses.”
Day 383
Tuesday 6 February 2018
"We essentially got it today, the teams are doing exactly the same thing on this one that we did on the first one," Kelly said. "This one's more lengthy, but anyway, drop-dead date, they need to get back to me by close of business Thursday, then ... we'll go in and brief the President on it"
Day 364
Thursday 18 January 2018
Kelly ... said that candidate Trump had not been "fully informed" about the border situation when he pledged repeatedly on the campaign trail to build the 2,200-mile wall and get Mexico to pay for it.
Day 318
Sunday 3 December 2017
But Kelly can only keep tabs on Trump during working hours, and the president has often gone rogue when left alone.
Day 310
Saturday 25 November 2017
Mr. Kelly has made clear that Mr. Kushner must fit within a chain of command. “Jared works for me,” he has told associates.
Day 285
Tuesday 31 October 2017
“What’s so strange about this statement is how closely it tracks or resembles the view of the Civil War that the South had finally got the nation to embrace by the early 20th century,” she said. “It’s the Jim Crow version of the causes of the Civil War. I mean, it tracks all of the major talking points of this pro-Confederate view of the Civil War.”
Day 274
Friday 20 October 2017
But, as a video by the Florida Sun Sentinel of Ms. Wilson’s remarks that day shows, Mr. Kelly got it all wrong. She did not say she got money for the building. She was generous and graceful in sharing credit for how legislation naming the building was fast-tracked.
It is unfortunate that the sacrifice of brave people such as these two agents or the four soldiers killed in Niger can get overwhelmed by the petty name-calling of politics. That is a point Mr. Kelly was trying to make Thursday, and that he undercut with his misrepresentation of Ms. Wilson.
Day 273
Thursday 19 October 2017
Mr. Kelly accused Ms. Wilson — who was in a car with Ms. Johnson when Mr. Trump called and is a longtime family friend — of being a publicity-seeking opportunist.
Day 271
Tuesday 17 October 2017
“There’s nothing to clarify,” he said, blaming CNN for first broaching the subject at his news conference. “This was, again, fake news CNN. I mean, they’re just a bunch of fakers.”
Day 259
Thursday 5 October 2017
The discovery raises concerns that hackers or foreign governments may have had access to data on Kelly’s phone while he was secretary of Homeland Security and after he joined the West Wing.
Day 253
Friday 29 September 2017
Until Kelly’s arrival, Ivanka Trump and Kushner were seen internally as the people who always had the last word with the president, especially when it came to personnel matters. Their special status irked some of their colleagues.
Day 249
Monday 25 September 2017
Though Kelly has sought to instill discipline in a chaotic White House, it's becoming clear there are two things he can't control: what the President says off-the-cuff and what he tweets. The question now is whether Kelly can now persuade Trump to move on from his battle with the NFL, but one official said he shouldn't count on it.
Day 243
Tuesday 19 September 2017
Day 226
Saturday 2 September 2017
Trump does not have a web browser on his phone, and does not use a laptop, so he was dependent on aides like Stephen K. Bannon, his former chief strategist, to hand-deliver printouts of articles from conservative media outlets.
Day 225
Friday 1 September 2017
While Mr. Kelly has quickly brought some order to a disorganized and demoralized staff, he is fully aware of the president’s volcanic resentment about being managed
Day 224
Thursday 31 August 2017
“He doesn’t like the way the media’s handling him. He doesn’t like how Kelly’s handling him. He’s turning on people that are very close to him.”
The president continues to call business friends and outside advisers, including former chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon, from his personal phone when Kelly is not around
Day 217
Thursday 24 August 2017
Kelly initiated a new policymaking process in which just he and one other aide ... will review all documents that cross the Resolute Desk.
Day 213
Sunday 20 August 2017
The two worked out a mutually amicable departure date for mid-August, with President Trump’s blessing.
Day 211
Friday 18 August 2017
“White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and Steve Bannon have mutually agreed today would be Steve’s last day”
Day 204
Friday 11 August 2017
The chief White House strategist is increasingly isolated in the West Wing as new chief of staff John Kelly tries to clamp down on negative news stories.
Day 196
Thursday 3 August 2017
Kelly cuts off rambling advisers midsentence. He listens in on conversations between cabinet secretaries and the president. He has booted lingering staff members out of high-level meetings, and ordered the doors of the Oval Office closed to discourage strays.
Day 194
Tuesday 1 August 2017
“Anybody else just love leaking information to the press, or have any fun leaking stories they want to tell? It’s totally cool if you do; everybody’s doing it”
Day 193
Monday 31 July 2017
Kelly was so upset with how President Donald Trump handled the firing of FBI Director James Comey that Kelly called Comey afterward and said he was considering resigning
Trump fired communications director Anthony Scaramucci on Monday at the urging of new White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly, a clear sign that the retired Marine general is being empowered to manage what has been an unwieldy West Wing operation.
Trump has removed Anthony Scaramucci as communications director, a little more than a week after the former financier was named to the post
Sooner or later Kelly will have to defend the White House’s jabber about “fake news,” “alternative facts,” and “witch hunts.” He will have to ascribe to Trump virtues that he does not possess, and deny the moral lapses and quite possibly the crimes that he has committed.
Day 191
Saturday 29 July 2017
He likes Kelly. He trusts Kelly. But what remains to be seen is whether Trump will listen to him as Kelly seeks to bring order to a White House beset by chaos.
Day 190
Friday 28 July 2017
Trump ... sees Kelly as someone who dutifully follows through on his agenda and does not ever cause him problems, according to two White House officials.
Day 147
Thursday 15 June 2017
The rescinded 2014 memo would have granted work permits and reprieves from deportation to 4 million parents of U.S. citizens and green card holders, provided that they passed a criminal background check and met other requirements.
Day 129
Sunday 28 May 2017
Stressing the potential dangers of airborne terrorist acts utilizing in-flight electronics, Kelly said deliberations over whether to impose such a ban are ongoing.
Day 66
Sunday 26 March 2017
Day 35
Thursday 23 February 2017
While the White House touted the relationship Wednesday as "phenomenal," Tillerson acknowledged problems.
Day 11
Monday 30 January 2017
Day 1
Friday 20 January 2017