The Trump Administration
Current leader of the free world.
Day 767
Monday 25 February 2019
German officials allege Sig Sauer manufactured at least 38,000 pistols [...] before shipping the weapons to its U.S. entity's headquarters [...] which then completed the transaction with Colombia.
Day 761
Tuesday 19 February 2019
Day 758
Saturday 16 February 2019
Day 722
Friday 11 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 21
Since arriving in Berlin as U.S. ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell has flouted diplomatic conventions and attempted to interfere in domestic politics. He has since become politically isolated in the German capital.
AfD politician quits to set up party that uses symbol of 1930s Austrian Nazis in logo
Day 703
Sunday 23 December 2018
Government Shutdown Day 2
The announcement came as the United States ambassador waded into the scandal by accusing the newsmagazine of anti-American bias and calling for an independent audit.
Day 679
Thursday 29 November 2018
"Trump's long and winding history with Deutsche Bank could now be at the center of Robert Mueller's investigation."
The investigation stems from information contained in the so-called Panama Papers and Offshore Leaks, a trove of confidential documents that helped to expose the workings of global money laundering and tax evasion
Day 676
Monday 26 November 2018
EU powers take lead on special payments channel to maintain trade with Islamic Republic
Day 672
Thursday 22 November 2018
Denmark follows Germany, which had already indicated its intention to cut off weapons exports to Saudi in late October.
Day 663
Tuesday 13 November 2018
Day 662
Monday 12 November 2018
While the text of the tweet is cryptic, Trump appeared to be warning that Germany may invade France again without NATO and U.S. protection.
Day 648
Monday 29 October 2018
Once the most powerful politician in Europe, German Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted on Monday that she has become a lame duck, setting off a scramble to replace her and deepening the continent’s deficit of high-octane leaders.
Day 585
Monday 27 August 2018
The arrival of huge numbers of migrants from the Middle East three years ago has fueled support for far-right groups such as PEGIDA and the Alternative for Germany (AfD), now the main opposition party in parliament.
Day 543
Monday 16 July 2018
“To maintain our partnership with the USA we must readjust it. The first clear consequence can only be that we need to align ourselves even more closely in Europe.”
Day 538
Wednesday 11 July 2018
Sarah Huckabee Sanders offered an explanation for Kelly’s reaction ... “[Kelly] was displeased because he was expecting a full breakfast and there were only pastries and cheese”
“I experienced the Soviet occupation of one part of Germany myself. It is good that we are independent today,” said Merkel, who grew up in East Germany, a former satellite state of the Soviet Union.
Trump accused Germany of being "totally controlled by Russia" due to its energy deals with Moscow
Day 527
Saturday 30 June 2018
The BMW plant in South Carolina is its largest globally and ships more than 70 percent of its annual production to other export markets
Day 515
Monday 18 June 2018
Day 512
Friday 15 June 2018
Day 506
Saturday 9 June 2018
Merkel hovers over Trump in the photo as the U.S. president sits defensively with his arms crossed and a look of aversion plastered on his face.
Day 501
Monday 4 June 2018
The German government demanded a formal explanation from the United States on Monday of what, exactly, the new U.S. ambassador in Berlin, Richard Grenell, meant when he promised to use his office to help far-right nationalists inspired by Donald Trump take power across Europe.
Day 463
Friday 27 April 2018
Trump and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany made no attempt on Friday to hide their disagreements over the future of the Iran nuclear deal and trade relations
Day 462
Thursday 26 April 2018
The last time Ms. Merkel met Mr. Trump at the White House, in March 2017, the two did not even manage to shake hands before assembled photographers. Few expect their rapport to be much different this time.
Day 431
Monday 26 March 2018
Poland, Italy, Denmark, France and Germany were among 14 European Union member nations announcing plans to expel Russians from their countries in solidarity with Britain, which previously expelled 23 Russian diplomats after the poisoning. Canada also said it would expel four.
Day 420
Thursday 15 March 2018
The statement said the use of novichok “constitutes the first offensive use of a nerve agent in Europe since the second world war”
Day 419
Wednesday 14 March 2018
She was responsible for running a secret CIA black site in Thailand in 2002 where one prisoner was waterboarded 83 times and tortured in other ways.
Last year, the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights asked German prosecutors to issue an arrest warrant for Haspel for her role in the torture program.
Day 248
Sunday 24 September 2017
The far-right party, Alternative for Germany, or AfD, got some 13 percent of the vote — nearly three times the 4.7 percent it received in 2013 — a significant showing of voter anger over immigration and inequality as support for the two main parties sagged from four years ago.
Day 240
Saturday 16 September 2017
For the first time since the defeat of the Nazis in 1945, a far-right party will soon have delegates in the German Parliament.
Day 228
Monday 4 September 2017
Despite years of economic sanctions and international condemnation, North Korea still conducts modest trade with a host of United States allies, including Brazil, Germany and Mexico. But the North’s biggest partner by far is China
Day 215
Tuesday 22 August 2017
...the Trump ecstasy tablets, known to have high levels of MDMA, have been spreading around Europe, selling for more than $10 a pill.
Day 202
Wednesday 9 August 2017
...likening the present-day US to the "escalating steps of oppression" that led to Holocaust in the 1930s and 1940s.
Day 158
Monday 26 June 2017
Because Germany is home to the largest Turkish population in the world outside Turkey, one flash point for which authorities have been preparing is a possible clash between Turkish nationalists and Kurds, joined by protesters on the left.
Day 133
Thursday 1 June 2017
The leaders of France, Germany and Italy said in a joint statement that they regretted the United States' decision to withdraw from the accord, but affirmed "our strongest commitment" to implement its measures
Day 131
Tuesday 30 May 2017
President Trump has repeatedly lashed out at Germany in recent weeks
Day 130
Monday 29 May 2017
"The times when we could completely rely on others are, to an extent, over"
Day 129
Sunday 28 May 2017
Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany ... has concluded ... that the United States of President Trump is not the reliable partner her country and the Continent have automatically depended on in the past.
Day 127
Friday 26 May 2017
Part of the backlash stemmed, perhaps, from a poor translation: In its German-language editions, Spiegel used the word “böse” — which can mean “bad” but is closer to the English word “evil.”
Day 96
Tuesday 25 April 2017
“I’d like to ask you, what is your role, and who are you representing, your father as president of the United States, the American people, or your business?”
Day 66
Sunday 26 March 2017
The unnamed German minister added: “The concept behind putting out such demands is to intimidate the other side, but the Chancellor took it calmly and will not respond to such provocations.”
Day 58
Saturday 18 March 2017
“But no funds will be paid to the US. They are meant to increase Nato’s overall defense capabilities, given the growing Russian threat. Europe must spend more on defense, but not as favor (or payment) to the US. But because their security requires it.”
Day 57
Friday 17 March 2017
“As far as wiretapping, I guess by this past administration, at least we have something in common, perhaps,” Trump said to Merkel
“Germany has done very well in its trade deals with the U.S., and I give them credit for it”
In fact, the U.S. has no direct, bilateral trade deals with Germany. As Merkel quickly pointed out, Germany's trade with the U.S. is governed by rules negotiated by the European Union on behalf of member states.
Day 56
Thursday 16 March 2017
The German chancellor is the only leader in Europe who even has a plausible claim to moral leadership.
Day 31
Sunday 19 February 2017
“We’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this?”
Day 30
Saturday 18 February 2017
The Republican Senator broke with the reassuring message that US officials visiting Germany have sought to convey on their debut trip to Europe
Day 16
Saturday 4 February 2017
The magazine Der Spiegel has ignited controversy in Germany and elsewhere with a cover illustration that depicts President Trump as an ISIS executioner, brandishing a bloody knife in one hand and the head of Lady Liberty in the other
Day 6
Wednesday 25 January 2017