The Trump Administration
Site of worst imagined terrorist attack in U.S. History.
Day 411
Tuesday 6 March 2018
Trump's argument was that he “was right” when he spoke about an imaginary terrorist attack in Sweden because a subsequent riot validated his basic premise that immigrants in Sweden sometimes commit violent acts.
Day 78
Friday 7 April 2017
Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said the country has been attacked and everything indicated that this was an act of terrorism.
Day 33
Tuesday 21 February 2017
Just two days after President Trump provoked widespread consternation by seeming to imply, incorrectly, that immigrants had perpetrated a recent spate of violence in Sweden, riots broke out in a predominantly immigrant neighborhood in the northern suburbs of the country's capital, Stockholm.
Day 32
Monday 20 February 2017
Day 31
Sunday 19 February 2017
“We’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this?”