The Trump Administration
Directory of EPA FIRED/RESIGNED 5 July 2018
Day 593
Tuesday 4 September 2018
EPA Inspector General Arthur Elkins said the agency had no formal threat-assessment process to determine what was actually warranted.
Day 578
Monday 20 August 2018
Day 549
Sunday 22 July 2018
The embattled former administrator had his bulldogs. They’re now gone.
Day 533
Friday 6 July 2018
The E.P.A.’s new acting administrator, Andrew Wheeler, will pick up where Mr. Pruitt left off, working to scale back rules on power plant emissions, vehicle standards and water pollution.
Many members of his inner circle apparently couldn’t stand their boss.
But in recent months the question has become not whether Kelly could tame Trump but how soon Trump would get rid of Kelly.
In little more than a year, most of them were gone, chased away by scandal or disillusionment over what they viewed as a loss of focus by a boss distracted by the trappings of power
Pruitt didn’t want to leave his post and was described as being devastated that he had to resign
Day 532
Thursday 5 July 2018
Pruitt is resigning because the public is being mean to him.
Day 530
Tuesday 3 July 2018
EPA staffers met routinely in Pruitt's office to "scrub," alter or remove from Pruitt's official calendar numerous records because they might "look bad"
Pruitt had no response and left the restaurant before she returned to her seat three tables away.
Day 529
Monday 2 July 2018
“Since your letter in April, additional potential issues regarding Mr. Pruitt have come to my attention through sources within EPA and media reports”
Day 525
Thursday 28 June 2018
Pruitt was livid over Hupp’s testimony ... And he personally reached out to allies in the conservative movement, including some at the influential legal group the Federalist Society, to insist that she had lied about, or at least misunderstood, the request for a used Trump mattress.
Day 522
Monday 25 June 2018
The E.P.A. chief is being investigated for retaliating against at least a half dozen employees for questioning his scams.
Day 517
Wednesday 20 June 2018
The profligate public spending is a far cry from Pruitt’s political rhetoric. Announcing his bid for lieutenant governor of Oklahoma in 2006, Pruitt asked supporters to join him to “reverse our course and embrace fiscal conservative principles.”
Day 512
Friday 15 June 2018
Pruitt’s troubles with farmers have nothing to do with his never-ending ethics scandals, and instead stem from accusations that he’s weakening an ethanol mandate that provides a lifeline to corn growers
Day 503
Wednesday 6 June 2018
The departures come as Mr. Pruitt faces fresh questions about his management decisions.
“Rather than saying, you know that was a mistake, I shouldn’t have done that, or, it was totally innocent or saying nothing, he tries to defend it by touting the excellence of Chick-fil-A as a franchise. It’s as if he just doesn’t care”
Day 502
Tuesday 5 June 2018
On Tuesday, yet another story was published about ethically dubious actions by Scott Pruitt
Day 501
Monday 4 June 2018
Hupp’s search for a discount “Trump Home Luxury Plush Euro Pillow Top” mattress, which she detailed in a recent interview with congressional investigators, was one of several unusual tasks she performed for the administrator.
Day 488
Tuesday 22 May 2018
The Environmental Protection Agency is barring The Associated Press, CNN and the environmental-focused news organization E&E from a national summit on harmful water contaminants.
Day 482
Wednesday 16 May 2018
The acknowledgments came amid increasing allegations of legal and ethical misconduct by Mr. Pruitt that have led some lawmakers, including in his own party, to call for his resignation.
Day 480
Monday 14 May 2018
The intervention by Scott Pruitt’s aides came after one White House official warned the findings would cause a ‘public relations nightmare.'
Day 467
Tuesday 1 May 2018
Pasquale “Nino” Perrotta ... led Pruitt’s 24-hour security detail, putting him at the center of several of the ethics and spending episodes under review by the EPA inspector general and congressional investigators.
Day 462
Thursday 26 April 2018
“I have nothing to hide,” Mr. Pruitt said in his opening remarks
Day 460
Tuesday 24 April 2018
Pruitt said the change, long sought by chemical manufacturers and fossil fuel companies, would increase transparency in the agency’s decision-making by requiring all underlying data used in scientific studies to be made publicly available.
Critics ... said the policy shift is designed to restrict the agency from citing peer-reviewed public-health studies that use patient medical records that must be kept confidential under patient privacy laws.
Day 458
Sunday 22 April 2018
There are at least 10 federal investigations focused on Pruitt’s first-class travel, unusually large security detail, frequent association with lobbying interests, pay raises for staffers, and, somehow, more.
Day 456
Friday 20 April 2018
As Oklahoma’s attorney general, Scott Pruitt assigned investigations agents from his office to be his driver and bodyguard, at times taking them on his frequent trips out of state to speak to conservative political organizations
Day 454
Wednesday 18 April 2018
...despite claims he needed to travel in first class at government expense because of security threats.
Day 452
Monday 16 April 2018
The law prohibits an agency from obligating more than $5,000 in federal funds to furnish, redecorate or make improvements in the office of a presidential appointee without first notifying appropriations committees in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.
Day 446
Tuesday 10 April 2018
The Environmental Protection Agency says it's a complete coincidence that it fired a career staffer who signed off on a report contradicting claims that EPA head Scott Pruitt has received death threats on the same day Senate Democrats cited that assessment as evidence that the EPA had no reason to spend millions on increased security for Pruitt.
Day 443
Saturday 7 April 2018
Day 442
Friday 6 April 2018
"I would never overstay my welcome, and I would at least put beer in the fridge"
“Scott Pruitt is the Kato Kaelin of Capitol Hill. He is the long-term house guest who takes advantage of his hosts and refuses to take a hint about when it’s time to leave”
Day 441
Thursday 5 April 2018
But two EPA officials and a White House official told The Post that the administrator instructed staff to award substantial pay boosts to both women, who had worked in different roles for him in Oklahoma.
At least five officials at the Environmental Protection Agency, four of them high-ranking, were reassigned or demoted, or requested new jobs in the past year after they raised concerns about the spending and management of the agency’s administrator, Scott Pruitt.
Despite Pruitt’s insistence that EPA career officials approved his 2017 living arrangement, which went from late February to early August, agency ethics officials weren’t aware of it until news reports late last week.
Day 439
Tuesday 3 April 2018
...amid a series of damaging reports that have raised the possibility that Pruitt could be fired.
In recent weeks, Pruitt has been the focus of ongoing scrutiny of his frequent first-class travel, which the EPA has argued was necessary because of security concerns.
Day 438
Monday 2 April 2018
The Environmental Protection Agency signed off last March on a Canadian energy company’s pipeline-expansion plan at the same time that the E.P.A. chief, Scott Pruitt, was renting a condominium linked to the energy company’s powerful Washington lobbying firm.
Pruitt announced Monday that he would revoke Obama-era standards requiring cars and light trucks sold in the United States to average more than 50 miles per gallon by 2025
Day 433
Wednesday 28 March 2018
Employees crafted the email ... on the basis of controversial — and scientifically unsound — statements that EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has made about the current state of climate research.
Day 414
Friday 9 March 2018
Kelly, the White House chief of staff, has killed an effort by the head of the Environmental Protection Agency to stage public debates challenging climate change science
Day 392
Thursday 15 February 2018
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s security team decided last year he should fly first class to avoid confrontations with angry individuals on planes and in airports
Day 330
Friday 15 December 2017
Mr. Blutstein, in an interview, said he was taking aim at “resistance” figures in the federal government, adding that he hoped to discover whether they had done anything that might embarrass them or hurt their cause.
Day 290
Sunday 5 November 2017
Robert Phalen once claimed that children’s lungs need to breathe irritants so their bodies can learn to fight them.
Day 285
Tuesday 31 October 2017
A large coalition of science organizations, science advocates, environmentalists, and politicians lined up in fierce opposition to the policy changes
Day 247
Saturday 23 September 2017
Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt has met regularly with corporate executives from the automobile, mining and fossil fuel industries — in several instances shortly before making decisions favorable to those interest groups
Day 233
Saturday 9 September 2017
From Day 1, the White House and its lackeys in certain federal agencies have been waging what amounts to a war on science, appointing people with few scientific credentials to key positions, defunding programs that could lead to a cleaner and safer environment and a healthier population, and, most ominously, censoring scientific inquiry that could inform the public and government policy.
Day 204
Friday 11 August 2017
“Science should not be something that’s just thrown about to try to dictate policy in Washington, D.C.”
Doors to the floor are now frequently locked, and employees have to have an escort to gain entrance. Some employees say they are also told to leave behind their cellphones when they meet with Mr. Pruitt, and are sometimes told not to take notes.
Day 195
Wednesday 2 August 2017
The Supreme Court allowed parts of the travel ban to go forward, in a victory that would not have happened without Neil Gorsuch on the court
Pruitt’s EPA “has moved to undo, delay or otherwise block more than 30 environmental rules, a regulatory rollback larger in scope than any other over so short a time in the agency’s 47-year history.”
Sessions ... strengthened the federal government’s power of civil-asset forfeiture
Day 134
Friday 2 June 2017
In the years before running for president, he called it “nonexistent,” “mythical” and a “a total con job.”
Day 121
Saturday 20 May 2017 the first known example under the Trump administration of an accused polluter — which has admitted violating the law — backing away from a proposed environmental settlement.
Day 116
Monday 15 May 2017
“When you weigh the evidence across the different studies that have looked at this, it really does pretty strongly point the finger that organophosphate pesticides as a class are of significant concern to child neurodevelopment”
Day 106
Friday 5 May 2017
Pruitt had been one of the most active state officials in bringing lawsuits against the agency he now leads, challenging federal environmental rules.
Day 74
Monday 3 April 2017
“Mr. Pruitt, are we supposed to believe that that's all a coincidence?” Wallace asked.
Day 73
Sunday 2 April 2017
Less than a month ago, Pruitt said carbon emissions are not "a primary contributor" to global warming.
Day 51
Saturday 11 March 2017
The calls to Pruitt’s main line, 202-564-4700, reached such a high volume by Friday that agency officials created an impromptu call center
Day 49
Thursday 9 March 2017
Pruitt's view is at odds with the opinion of NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Day 42
Thursday 2 March 2017
“Lo and behold, the documents Scott Pruitt wanted to keep hidden have confirmed our suspicion that he used his personal email address to conduct official state business”
Day 41
Wednesday 1 March 2017
Pruitt said there needs to be more debate on how much human impact is responsible for climate change.
Day 30
Saturday 18 February 2017
The new administrator and President Donald Trump are expected to move quickly to begin unraveling the agency's rules on water and climate change.
Day 29
Friday 17 February 2017
Democrats have blasted the nominee for his push to roll back regulations and his past statements challenging the science behind climate change
Day 25
Monday 13 February 2017
Pruitt’s history of suing the EPA — as well as his rejection of the mainstream consensus on climate change — have made him a controversial pick to lead the agency.