The Trump Administration
Jefferson Beauregard "Jeff" Sessions III, Attorney General, former U.S. Senator from Alabama. —FORCED TO RESIGN 7 November 2018
Day 778
Friday 8 March 2019
Day 760
Monday 18 February 2019
Day 756
Thursday 14 February 2019
“As a matter of policy, the FBI does everything possible not to influence elections,” he writes. “In 2016, it seems we did.”
Day 696
Sunday 16 December 2018
Day 685
Wednesday 5 December 2018
The deposed attorney general says he's not missing the Senate, amid speculation that he might mount a bid for his old job.
Day 670
Tuesday 20 November 2018
Several Jeff Sessions loyalists have either quit or are eyeing the exit as they wait to see who will succeed their former boss.
Day 669
Monday 19 November 2018
The departing Sessions adopted a policy to limit the Justice Department’s ability to oversee abusive police
Day 659
Friday 9 November 2018
By setting a higher bar for the deals, Mr. Sessions limited a tool that the Justice Department has used to help change policing practices nationwide.
Day 657
Wednesday 7 November 2018
Sessions noted in his resignation letter to the president that he was stepping down "at your request."
Day 630
Thursday 11 October 2018
...about adding a citizenship question to the 2020 Census
Day 608
Wednesday 19 September 2018
"We'll see how it goes with Jeff. I'm very disappointed in Jeff. Very disappointed."
Day 601
Wednesday 12 September 2018
...they suspect that perhaps only a sitting senator could win confirmation as Sessions’ successor — that is, someone they could trust not to interfere with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. But no one from their ranks seems to want the job.
Day 599
Monday 10 September 2018
Democrats are holding back in going after Sessions over the discrepancy, because they worry that if they go too hard at Sessions, it could provide Trump with a pretext for firing him.
...fearing that publicly attacking the attorney general could give President Donald Trump a new reason to fire him
Day 594
Wednesday 5 September 2018
Pence was listed at 2-to-3 odds on the site MyBookie
Hours after MyBookie posted numbers, Canada-based Bovada issued its own Trump-leak odds and listed embatted AG Sessions as its favorite at 5-to-2.
Sessions has engaged state attorneys general in talks on what the DOJ said are increasing concerns that Twitter, Facebook and Google are restricting the free flow of information, as Republicans allege anti-conservative bias from the platforms.
Day 593
Tuesday 4 September 2018
Trump reached a new low when he denounced the indictments of two GOP congressmen accused of financial crimes.
Day 592
Monday 3 September 2018
Trump attacked [...] Sessions [...] in connection with the indictments of two GOP congressmen on corruption charges, saying they could hurt the Republican Party in the midterm elections.
Collins was charged with insider trading [...] Hunter was charged with using more than $250,000 in campaign funds for personal expenses
Day 588
Thursday 30 August 2018
Day 586
Tuesday 28 August 2018
Senate Republicans are sending decidedly mixed messages about how they feel about the future of Attorney General Jeff Sessions
Day 584
Sunday 26 August 2018
Day 583
Saturday 25 August 2018
Day 582
Friday 24 August 2018
But it turns out that, deep down, Sessions has a redeeming characteristic: a quaint faith in the rule of law.
As the president renewed his attacks on his attorney general, two Senate Republicans indicated they’d be open to replacing him — sparking a quick smackdown from GOP leaders.
Movie supervillains often commit a grave tactical error when, in a moment of overconfidence, they tell the hero all the details of their evil plan. That is in essence what President Trump has done
Day 581
Thursday 23 August 2018
The spectacle of the chief executive feuding with the nation’s top law enforcement officer marked the latest argument in the long-soured relationship between the two.
Earlier, Trump attacked him on television, asking "what kind of a man is this?"
But he added that forcing out Sessions before November “would create havoc” with efforts to confirm Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, as well as with the midterm elections on Nov. 6
Day 578
Monday 20 August 2018
Day 572
Tuesday 14 August 2018
Day 567
Thursday 9 August 2018
...after learning that the Trump administration started to remove a woman and her daughter while a court hearing appealing their deportations was underway.
Day 559
Wednesday 1 August 2018
Day 558
Tuesday 31 July 2018
Conservative Christians have convinced Trump that they are being oppressed. And LGBT Americans and religious minorities will pay the price.
Day 551
Tuesday 24 July 2018
Sessions was addressing a conservative group's high school leadership summit in Washington
Day 530
Tuesday 3 July 2018
Cutting up the guidance documents below does not — for now — repeal the underlying law. However, without these plain-English guidance documents and interpretations, it’ll make it harder for non-lawyers to understand what the law says (or how it protects them).
Day 516
Tuesday 19 June 2018
In the letter, the group of churchgoers, including clergy and church leadership, accuse Sessions of child abuse, immorality, racial discrimination and dissemination of doctrines contrary to the standards of the doctrine of the United Methodist Church.
Day 513
Saturday 16 June 2018
The statement explicitly called out Sessions as a "fellow United Methodist," asking him to reverse the decision to split up families.
Day 512
Friday 15 June 2018
These allegations, of course, are absolutely false. There is simply no law or court order that requires the U.S. government to snatch children, including babies and toddlers, from their parents.
Day 511
Thursday 14 June 2018
"I would cite you to the Apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13, to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained the government for his purposes. Orderly and lawful processes are good in themselves."
Day 508
Monday 11 June 2018
Sessions’s ruling vacated a 2016 decision by the Justice Department’s Board of Immigration Appeals that said an abused woman from El Salvador was eligible for asylum.
Day 502
Tuesday 5 June 2018
Day 496
Wednesday 30 May 2018
It was the latest evidence of Trump's ongoing pre-occupation with the probe led by special counsel Robert Mueller.
Day 473
Monday 7 May 2018
“If you are smuggling a child, then we will prosecute you and that child will be separated from you as required by law. If you don’t like that, then don’t smuggle children over our border.”
Day 460
Tuesday 24 April 2018
Over 14 months in office, Mr. Sessions has gone from, in Mr. Trump’s words, “a great protector of the people” to “weak,” “disgraceful” and an “idiot.”
Day 458
Sunday 22 April 2018
Day 457
Saturday 21 April 2018
Day 456
Friday 20 April 2018
The attorney general said would consider resigning over such a move
Day 449
Friday 13 April 2018
Day 445
Monday 9 April 2018
Trump on Monday renewed his criticism of Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ recusal from the Justice Department probe of Russian election meddling in the 2016 election, calling it a “terrible decision” and again suggesting he would not have picked Sessions had he known about his plans.
Day 442
Friday 6 April 2018
Day 438
Monday 2 April 2018
In a move to speed up deportations, the Justice Department has decided that it will link clearing cases to the performance reviews of federal immigration judges.
Day 435
Friday 30 March 2018
...for declining to appoint a second special counsel to investigate alleged abuses at the FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ).
Day 433
Wednesday 28 March 2018
The two men reached a compromise in recent months: Mr. Kushner could push for the prison changes, but Mr. Sessions would position the administration strongly against a broader overhaul.
Day 428
Friday 23 March 2018
Sessions said on Friday that the Justice Department was proposing to ban so-called bump stocks through regulations rather than wait for Congress to act
Day 426
Wednesday 21 March 2018
Now-fired former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe oversaw a federal criminal investigation into whether Attorney General Jeff Sessions lacked candor when testifying before Congress last year about his contacts with Russian officials
Day 423
Sunday 18 March 2018
“I think we owe it to the average American to have a hearing in the Judiciary Committee where Attorney General [Jeff] Sessions comes forward with whatever documentation he has about the firing, and give Mr. McCabe the chance to defend himself”
Day 422
Saturday 17 March 2018
GRASSLEY: To be very clear, you intend to recuse yourself from both the Clinton e-mail investigation and any matters involving the Clinton Foundation, if there are any?
Day 421
Friday 16 March 2018
In a statement released by his lawyers, Mr. McCabe said his firing was part of Mr. Trump’s “ongoing war on the F.B.I.” and Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel.
Sessions fired former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe on Friday, dismissing the longtime bureau veteran ... just days before he was set to retire Sunday.
Day 419
Wednesday 14 March 2018
Lethargic oversight by the Senate Judiciary Committee majority and the media have allowed Trump and Sessions to install loyalists in U.S. attorney positions across the country, especially in districts that are the locus of Trump and Kushner family legal exposure.
Day 412
Wednesday 7 March 2018
"California is using every power it has — and some it doesn't — to frustrate federal law enforcement. So you can be sure I'm going to use every power I have to stop them."
Day 405
Wednesday 28 February 2018
Day 398
Wednesday 21 February 2018
Day 392
Thursday 15 February 2018
By a vote of 16-5 ... the Senate Judiciary Committee backed the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act, a package to reduce some of the strictest federal sentencing rules along with reforms for the federal prison system.
Day 391
Wednesday 14 February 2018
"In my opinion, if passed in its current form, this legislation would be a grave error," Sessions added.
Day 389
Monday 12 February 2018
"Before reporters sloppily imply nefarious meaning behind the term, we would suggest that they read any number of the Supreme Court opinions that use the term."
Day 377
Wednesday 31 January 2018
In an Oval Office meeting after Mueller's appointment, Trump told Sessions he should resign, prompting the attorney general to submit a letter of resignation... But Trump ultimately rejected the resignation after advisers warned against it in the wake of Comey’s firing.
Day 376
Tuesday 30 January 2018
"Here's how it would work: 'We're sorry, Mr. Mueller, you won't be able to run the federal grand jury today because he has to go testify to another federal grand jury.'"
Day 369
Tuesday 23 January 2018
Attorney General Jeff Sessions was questioned for several hours last week as part of the special counsel investigation, the Justice Department confirmed Tuesday, making him the first member of President Trump’s cabinet to be interviewed in the inquiry.
Day 343
Thursday 28 December 2017
Last week, Attorney General Jeff Sessions retracted an Obama-era guidance to state courts that was meant to end debtors’ prisons, where people who are too poor to pay fines are sent.
Day 319
Monday 4 December 2017
Trump’s personal lawyer argued Monday that, as the nominal head of federal law enforcement, the president is legally unable to obstruct justice. But the exact opposite view was once argued by another senior Trump lawyer: Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Day 299
Tuesday 14 November 2017
“To have the winning side exploring the possibility of prosecuting the losing side in an election — it’s un-American, and it’s grotesque”
Sessions said Tuesday he never lied under oath about Moscow's interference in the 2016 election and said he didn't recall conversations with Trump campaign aides about their Russia-linked contacts until he saw news reports about them.
“I cannot accept, and reject, accusations that I have lied. That is a lie,” the attorney general said. “Let me be clear: I have at all times conducted myself honorably and in a manner consistent with the high standards and responsibilities of the Office of Attorney General, which I revere…My story has never changed. I’ve always told the truth.”
The job of DOJ is to investigate and prosecute crimes and potential crimes without fear or favor. Even the appearance of White House involvement in how Justice does its job is seen as a major breach of protocol.
Day 291
Monday 6 November 2017
The open hearing, tentatively scheduled for Nov. 14, is part of the committee’s regular oversight of the Justice Department, but Russia appears almost certain to be a topic.
Day 288
Friday 3 November 2017
On Friday, the Department of Justice filed an astonishing appeal with the Supreme Court, urging the justices to intervene in the Jane Doe case that seemed to have ended last week.
Day 287
Thursday 2 November 2017
Sessions' discussion with Page will fuel further scrutiny about what the attorney general knew about connections between the Trump campaign and Russia
Sessions now remembers the March 31, 2016, meeting in which George Papadopoulos, a former foreign policy adviser to President Donald Trump's campaign, announced that he could set up a meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Day 277
Monday 23 October 2017
Sessions is further escalating the Trump administration's drive to eradicate the violent gang MS-13 by designating the group as a legitimate target for federal interagency task forces typically focused on drug trafficking and money laundering.
Day 272
Wednesday 18 October 2017
Sessions said on Wednesday that he reserves the right to jail journalists, “if we have to.”
Day 267
Friday 13 October 2017
...the administration is considering ... allowing judges to strip people who come to the US as “unaccompanied children” of the legal protections that status provides if they turn 18 while they’re still in immigration proceedings
Day 266
Thursday 12 October 2017
Sessions on Thursday declared the U.S. asylum system "broken" due to what he said was fraud committed by immigrants who cross the border illegally and avoid deportation by claiming persecution at home.
Day 260
Friday 6 October 2017
Sessions issued government-wide legal guidance Friday that urges sweeping protection for religious freedom and could impact a series of pending policy decisions involving health care, LGBT rights and even disaster relief.
Day 250
Tuesday 26 September 2017
“It’s incredibly ironic that the attorney general wants to come here to talk about free speech but is excluding dissenting voices and potentially dissenting questions from his speech.”
Day 238
Thursday 14 September 2017
Trump berated Attorney General Jeff Sessions in an Oval Office meeting and said he should resign
Day 236
Tuesday 12 September 2017
In a stunning move, the House of Representatives on Tuesday approved an amendment to the Make America Secure and Prosperous Appropriations Act that will roll back Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s expansion of asset forfeiture.
Day 230
Wednesday 6 September 2017
Nunes, who despite stepping aside from directing the House Russia investigation has been leading his own separate investigation, accused Sessions and the FBI of stonewalling him
Day 229
Tuesday 5 September 2017
Trump's outsourcing of the official announcement to Sessions was evidence of how central a role the attorney general played in the decision to end the program -- and Trump's aversion to announcing that decision himself.
“I’m here today to announce that the program known as DACA that was effectuated under the Obama administration is being rescinded”
“This will enable DHS to conduct an orderly change and fulfill the desire of this administration to create a time period for Congress to act — should it so choose.”
Day 227
Sunday 3 September 2017
But conversations with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who argued that Congress — rather than the executive branch — is responsible for writing immigration law, helped persuade the president to terminate the program and kick the issue to Congress
Day 225
Friday 1 September 2017
"I love that program," Sessions said. "We had so much fun doing that, taking drug dealers' money and passing it out to people trying to put drug dealers in jail. What's wrong with that?"
Asset forfeiture has long been criticized by civil liberties advocates on constitutional grounds. The program is also criticized because people who have their homes, cars or cash seized wrongly have a difficult time getting those assets back.
“He is rescinding restrictions from the prior administration that limited your agencies’ ability to get equipment through federal programs, including life-saving gear like Kevlar vests and helmets and first-responder and rescue equipment like what they’re using in Texas right now,” Sessions said in the speech.
But that’s not what the Obama administration’s restrictions did... Kevlar vests were never subject to any restrictions. Most helmets weren’t, either. Riot helmets (defined as those with shields over the face), Humvees and helicopters that are sometimes used in rescue missions, were still available to police forces
Day 219
Saturday 26 August 2017
His effort to see if the case could be dropped showed a troubling disregard for the traditional wall between the White House and the Justice Department
Day 207
Monday 14 August 2017
"He has not apologized. He's quite frank about his concerns and expressed them openly"
Day 206
Sunday 13 August 2017
“The violence and deaths in Charlottesville strike at the heart of American law and justice," Sessions stated. "When such actions arise from racial bigotry and hatred, they betray our core values and cannot be tolerated.”
Day 204
Friday 11 August 2017
The list of people he has been willing, even eager, to publicly attack includes not just Mitch McConnell, his latest target, but Jeff Sessions, Chuck Schumer, Paul D. Ryan, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
And don’t forget James B. Comey, Robert S. Mueller III, Andrew G. McCabe, Rod J. Rosenstein, John D. Podesta, Nancy Pelosi, Lisa Murkowski, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rosie O’Donnell, Meryl Streep, the mayor of London and the cast of “Saturday Night Live.”
But for all of that feistiness ... there is one person who is definitely not on Mr. Trump’s target list: President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.
Day 198
Saturday 5 August 2017
Day 197
Friday 4 August 2017
Sessions has come under harsh criticism from President Trump, who accuses him of (among other things) not doing enough to plug leaks.
Day 195
Wednesday 2 August 2017
The Supreme Court allowed parts of the travel ban to go forward, in a victory that would not have happened without Neil Gorsuch on the court
Pruitt’s EPA “has moved to undo, delay or otherwise block more than 30 environmental rules, a regulatory rollback larger in scope than any other over so short a time in the agency’s 47-year history.”
Sessions ... strengthened the federal government’s power of civil-asset forfeiture
Day 194
Tuesday 1 August 2017
But what was more notable was his public acknowledgment that "bad" officers were contributing to a lack of community trust.
The Trump administration is preparing to redirect resources of the Justice Department’s civil rights division toward investigating and suing universities over affirmative action admissions policies deemed to discriminate against white applicants
Day 190
Friday 28 July 2017
Trump’s actions appear aimed at destroying the fundamental independence of the Justice Department.
Sessions would, in a real sense, be collateral damage from Trump’s escalating war with Mueller. That’s because getting rid of Mueller would require getting rid of Sessions first.
Day 189
Thursday 27 July 2017
"An attorney general who doesn’t follow the law is not very effective in leading the Department of Justice,” Mr. Sessions said. “Knowing the integrity that’s required of the attorney general, I believe I made the right decision.”
Day 188
Wednesday 26 July 2017
Trump has discussed with confidants and advisers in recent days the possibility of installing a new attorney general through a recess appointment if Jeff Sessions leaves the job, but he has been warned not to move to push him out
Senate Republicans who almost never link arms in unison against a president from their party formed a cordon around Mr. Sessions, making it clear that they neither concurred with nor would tolerate Mr. Trump’s repeated threats to the attorney general’s tenure.
McCabe has remained in place while the president’s nominee to run the F.B.I., Christopher A. Wray, goes through the confirmation process.
...announcing that cities and states could lose millions of dollars in federal grants unless they began cooperating with immigration agents.
Day 187
Tuesday 25 July 2017
“I’m very disappointed with the attorney general, but we will see what happens,” Trump said in a Rose Garden news conference alongside Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri. “Time will tell. Time will tell.”
“When they say he endorsed me, I went to Alabama,” Trump said. “I had 40,000 people. He was a senator from Alabama. I won the state by a lot, massive numbers. A lot of the states I won by massive numbers. But he was a senator, he looks at 40,000 people and he probably says, 'What do I have to lose?’ And he endorsed me. So it’s not like a great loyal thing about the endorsement. But I’m very disappointed in Jeff Sessions.”
...questioning why the Justice Department chief has not done more to investigate alleged “crimes” by Hillary Clinton and those who have leaked information to the media.
Day 186
Monday 24 July 2017
Replacing Sessions is viewed by some Trump associates as potentially being part of a strategy to fire special counsel Robert S. Mueller III and end his investigation of whether the Trump campaign coordinated with the Kremlin to influence the 2016 election
Day 184
Saturday 22 July 2017
Day 183
Friday 21 July 2017
Sessions pressed his immigration agenda on Friday in Philadelphia, a so-called sanctuary city that limits its cooperation with federal immigration authorities.
Russia’s ambassador to Washington told his superiors in Moscow that he discussed campaign-related matters, including policy issues important to Moscow, with Jeff Sessions during the 2016 presidential race
Day 182
Thursday 20 July 2017
It is no surprise, but it is still a shock, to see how little President Trump understands about the independence of the Justice Department and the importance of the rule of law.
The transcript ... oozes with brooding grievance and reflects the degree to which he has adopted a bunker mentality. It also underscores how much Robert Mueller’s escalating investigation bothers and preoccupies the president six months into his term.
Day 181
Wednesday 19 July 2017
Trump: I want to either get it done or not get it done. If we don’t get it done, we are going to watch Obamacare go down the tubes, and we’ll blame the Democrats.
Trump: I think he is going to be a terrific president of France. But he does love holding my hand.
Trump: Because I have done nothing wrong. A special counsel should never have been appointed in this case.
Trump: Well, Sessions should have never recused himself, and if he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me before he took the job, and I would have picked somebody else.
Day 179
Monday 17 July 2017
“We hope to issue this week a new directive on asset forfeiture — especially for drug traffickers”
Asset forfeiture is a disputed practice that allows law enforcement officials to permanently take money and goods from individuals suspected of crime. many cases, neither a criminal conviction nor even a criminal charge is necessary — under forfeiture laws in most states and at the federal level, mere suspicion of wrongdoing is enough to allow police to seize items permanently.
Day 175
Thursday 13 July 2017
On June 12, a judge had ordered the agency to provide the information within 30 days, a deadline that passed on Wednesday.
Day 163
Saturday 1 July 2017
The comments were curious because a March 2 memo from Sessions' chief of staff, Jody Hunt, said the attorney general's decision to recuse himself from all investigations related to the 2016 presidential race extended to media inquiries on that topic.
Day 146
Wednesday 14 June 2017
It is widely presumed on Capitol Hill that Jeff Sessions chose to testify before the Senate Intelligence committee, rather than the committees that have jurisdiction over his department, because he has more friends there who would run interference on his behalf.
First, executive privilege, if it even applies in this case, can only be invoked by the president, as it attaches to his office. Sessions cannot “preemptively” invoke it on the president’s behalf.
Day 145
Tuesday 13 June 2017
Sounding by turns defiant and wounded, Mr. Sessions ... often infused his testimony with more emotion than specifics.
I never received any information about the campaign. I thought there was a problem with me being able to serve as attorney general over this issue and I felt I would have to recuse myself
I don't recall that, senator. Certainly I can assure you nothing improper if I had a conversation with him.
Senator Wyden, I am not stonewalling. I am following the historic policies of the Department of Justice.
I cannot answer that because it was a communication by the president or if any such occurred it would be a communication that he has not waived.
Sessions's citing of a "historic drug epidemic" to justify a crackdown on medical marijuana is at odds with what researchers know about current drug use and abuse in the United States.
Day 144
Monday 12 June 2017
The decision came in response to Freedom of Information Act requests from American Oversight, a nonprofit that says it relies on FOIA to investigate the Trump administration.
"The Attorney General has requested that this hearing be public. He believes it is important for the American people to hear the truth directly from him and looks forward to answering the committee's questions tomorrow."
Day 143
Sunday 11 June 2017
It was unclear on Sunday whether the committee planned to question the attorney general on Tuesday in an open or closed session.
Day 142
Saturday 10 June 2017
“In light of reports regarding Mr. Comey’s recent testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, it is important that I have an opportunity to address these matters in the appropriate forum,” Sessions wrote. “The Senate Intelligence Committee is the most appropriate forum for such matters, as it has been conducting an investigation and has access to relevant, classified information.”
Day 141
Friday 9 June 2017
He declined, for example, to answer a question in open session about Vnesheconombank (VEB), a Russian government-owned development bank linked to President Vladimir Putin. Trump’s adviser and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, met last year with VEB executives.
Comey was also reticent about his interactions with Attorney General Jeff Sessions
Day 138
Tuesday 6 June 2017
Mr. Comey believed Mr. Sessions should protect the F.B.I. from White House influence, the officials said, and pulled him aside after a meeting in February to tell him that private interactions between the F.B.I. director and the president were inappropriate.
...the attorney general offered to resign out of a sense of obligation because he was aware of how angered Trump was about his decision to recuse from the Russia investigations
Day 137
Monday 5 June 2017
...blaming him for various troubles that have plagued the White House.
Day 125
Wednesday 24 May 2017
Sessions failed to disclose meetings with Russian officials when he applied for security clearance because he was told not to do so by advisers and the F.B.I.
Day 123
Monday 22 May 2017
Sessions on Monday clarified President Trump’s executive order on so-called sanctuary cities, narrowly defining such jurisdictions ... in a way that appeared to fall far short of Mr. Trump’s previous threats
Day 120
Friday 19 May 2017
“In one of my first meetings with then-Senator Jeff Sessions last winter, we discussed the need for new leadership at the FBI”
Day 115
Sunday 14 May 2017
As a senator, Mr. Sessions succeeded in stalling the sentencing reform movement. As attorney general, he has sent it reeling in Washington
Day 113
Friday 12 May 2017
Sessions is withdrawing a 2013 directive ... that instructed federal prosecutors not to specify the amount of drugs involved when charging low-level and non-violent drug offenders.
Day 111
Wednesday 10 May 2017
Yet even if we accept the White House’s stated rationale that the Director was fired because of his controversial conduct surrounding the Clinton email investigation, this might still fall within the scope of Sessions’ expansive pledge to recuse himself from “any existing or future investigations of any matters related in any way to the campaigns for President of the United States.”
Trump received letters from Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, and Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, calling for Comey's dismissal
But several other people familiar with the events said Trump had talked about the firing for over a week, and the letters were written to give him rationale to fire Comey.
Day 110
Tuesday 9 May 2017
Day 104
Wednesday 3 May 2017
Each of the three protesters faces up to 12 months in jail, $2,000 in fines, or both, depending on the outcome of a June 21 sentencing hearing.
Day 103
Tuesday 2 May 2017
...she laughed at a claim ... that Sessions’s history of “treating all Americans equally under the law is clear and well-documented.”
Day 99
Friday 28 April 2017
“We have a number of judges in the country that have departed a bit too far from classical enforcing the law as written and using the law to advance an agenda that they may have personally.”
Sessions said Friday that his recusal from Justice Department investigations into the 2016 campaign for president will extend into inquiries into the activities of former national security adviser Michael Flynn
Day 97
Wednesday 26 April 2017
Day 94
Sunday 23 April 2017
Presumably the report that Sessions was citing was a July 2011 report ... that said individuals who are not authorized to work in the U.S. have been paid $4.2 billion in refundable tax credits. But it did not mention Mexicans or any other nationalities.
Day 92
Friday 21 April 2017
Recipients of the letters were warned that to receive certain fiscal year 2016 grants, they must certify by June 30 that they have complied with a 1996 federal law that bars local authorities from forcing officials to withhold information from federal immigration authorities
"I really am amazed that a judge sitting on an island in the Pacific can issue an order that stops the President of the United States from what appears to be clearly his statutory and constitutional power."
Day 91
Thursday 20 April 2017
The debate among prosecutors ... is being fueled by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who said at a news conference Thursday that arresting Mr. Assange was a priority for the Justice Department.
Day 89
Tuesday 18 April 2017
Last month, Sessions abruptly told the dozens of remaining Obama administration U.S. attorneys to submit their resignations immediately — and none of them, or the 47 who had already left, have been replaced.
Day 84
Thursday 13 April 2017
Jeff Sessions looks a lot like the Trump administration's Dick Cheney — the evil genius who gets things done
Day 83
Wednesday 12 April 2017
The context is clear: Sessions was going to use “filth” to describe MS-13 and drug cartels, not all illegal immigrants crossing the border.
Day 81
Monday 10 April 2017
Sessions will end a Justice Department partnership with independent scientists to raise forensic science standards and has suspended an expanded review of FBI testimony
Day 79
Saturday 8 April 2017
Sessions and Cook are preparing a plan to prosecute more drug and gun cases and pursue mandatory minimum sentences.
Trump’s attorney general, Jeff Sessions, promptly warned that the agreement may result in “a less safe city.”
Day 74
Monday 3 April 2017
...saying it was necessary to ensure that these pacts do not work against the Trump administration’s goals of promoting officer safety and morale while fighting violent crime.
Day 67
Monday 27 March 2017
The complaint ... states that Sessions gave false and misleading testimony during his confirmation hearing in January when he told the Senate committee that he “did not have communications with the Russians.” It further accuses the attorney general of covering up the alleged perjury
Day 52
Sunday 12 March 2017
Day 51
Saturday 11 March 2017
No new U.S. attorneys have yet been nominated by the Trump administration.
Day 44
Saturday 4 March 2017
Trump is upset because he doesn't believe he is getting credit he thinks he deserves for his time office so far
Sessions will submit written answers to the Democratic lawmakers on Monday
Day 43
Friday 3 March 2017
Mr. Trump, according to his advisers inside and outside of the White House, has felt besieged by what he regards as a mostly hostile bureaucracy
Day 42
Thursday 2 March 2017
The latest disclosures — and the Trump administration’s contradictory accounts of them — have deepened the questions about Russia’s role in the election and its aftermath.
Back then, the senator described perjury as a “big-time issue,” adding, “I have no doubt that perjury qualifies under the Constitution as a high crime. It goes to the heart of the judicial system.”
"It gives me some pause that he wasn't more clear about the meeting,"
“If you goddamn Feds want to know whether I’ll turn rat: Here’s my answer”
—Jeffrey Chaffetz, Chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
Day 41
Wednesday 1 March 2017
When Sessions spoke with Kislyak in July and September, the senator was a senior member of the influential Armed Services Committee as well as one of Trump’s top foreign policy advisers.
Day 40
Tuesday 28 February 2017
Mr. Sessions ... indicated that Justice Department scrutiny from afar was undermining the effectiveness of the police across the country.
Day 38
Sunday 26 February 2017
Republicans are increasingly divided over the issue of whether members of Donald Trump's presidential campaign made illegal contact with Russia and if a special prosecutor should be appointed
Day 35
Thursday 23 February 2017
Sessions directed federal prison officials to keep using the private prisons
Sessions went to President Trump about the dispute, and he told DeVos he wanted her to go along. And in her first big policy move, she did.
Day 27
Wednesday 15 February 2017
Mr. Trump angrily told Mrs. Clinton [...] that if elected, he would instruct his attorney general “to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception.”
Day 21
Thursday 9 February 2017
Day 20
Wednesday 8 February 2017
But the confirmation process — ferocious even by the standards of moldering decorum that have defined the body’s recent years — laid bare the Senate’s deep divisions at the outset of the Trump presidency.
Day 12
Tuesday 31 January 2017
“What we saw last night is an example of what is at stake with this nomination”
Ironically, however, the question came from a deeply concerned Jeff Sessions who really had a bee in his bonnet about how critical it was for the DOJ to be prepared to defy improper directives.