The Trump Administration
Rod Rosenstein, United States Deputy Attorney General.
Day 657
Wednesday 7 November 2018
The investigation was being managed by Rosenstein because Sessions had recused himself.
Day 628
Tuesday 9 October 2018
This week, Rosenstein is scheduled to talk to congressional investigators about the 2017 episode, which nearly cost him his job after it was revealed in news accounts last month.
Day 616
Thursday 27 September 2018
"They do not want to do anything to interfere with the hearing."
Day 615
Wednesday 26 September 2018
...arguing that House Republicans should stay out their dispute between the two men for now
Day 613
Monday 24 September 2018
Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores drafted a statement that would announce Rosenstein's departure, written in the voice of Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
One Justice Department official said Rosenstein was on his way to the White House on Monday and was preparing to be fired. But the official said Rosenstein is not resigning.
Rosenstein [...] has verbally submitted his resignation and the White House has accepted it
"At the request of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, he and President Trump had an extended converstaion to discuss the recent news stories. Because the President is at the United Nations General Assembly and has a full schedule with leaders from around the world, they will meet on Thursday when the President returns to Washington, D.C."
Day 610
Friday 21 September 2018
Rosenstein called the story "inaccurate and factually incorrect."
Rosenstein made these suggestions in the spring of 2017 when Mr. Trump’s firing of James B. Comey as F.B.I. director plunged the White House into turmoil.
Day 568
Friday 10 August 2018
Rosenstein must have done something truly and utterly horrible, because these guys don’t impeach just anybody. In fact, they impeach nobody.
Day 560
Thursday 2 August 2018
Whether it’s confidence or delusion, Trump has dropped any pretense of patience with Robert Mueller and is taking his legal defense into his own hands. West Wing advisers fear he is careening toward disaster.
Day 554
Friday 27 July 2018
Day 552
Wednesday 25 July 2018
The move by two top Trump allies came as the House is set to depart for a five-week recess and is unlikely to pass.
Day 540
Friday 13 July 2018
The 12 were members of Russian military intelligence, known as the GRU
Day 525
Thursday 28 June 2018
Day 514
Sunday 17 June 2018
Day 509
Tuesday 12 June 2018
Rosenstein has butted heads with House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes for months over a subpoena for documents related to the Russia investigation, but the battle spilled out into public view Tuesday after Fox News reported staff on the committee felt "personally attacked" at a meeting with Rosenstein in January.
Day 496
Wednesday 30 May 2018
The former acting F.B.I. director, Andrew G. McCabe, wrote a confidential memo last spring recounting a conversation that offered significant behind-the-scenes details on the firing of Mr. McCabe’s predecessor, James B. Comey
Day 487
Monday 21 May 2018
“If anyone did infiltrate or surveil participants in a presidential campaign for inappropriate purposes, we need to know about it and take appropriate action,” Rosenstein said in a statement.
Trump can now credibly say the Justice Department is looking into political bias in the Russia investigation, which risks furthering his goal of undermining the entire investigation.
Day 467
Tuesday 1 May 2018
“We’re going to do what’s required by the rule of law, and any kind of threats that anybody makes are not going to affect the way we do our job.”
Day 457
Saturday 21 April 2018
But in trying to deflect those attacks, some say, Mr. Rosenstein has risked eroding the Justice Department’s historic independence from political meddling. The consequences could persist long after he and the rest of the Trump administration are out of power.
Day 456
Friday 20 April 2018
For days, top Republicans in Congress demanded the release of James B. Comey’s memos about President Trump, threatening Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, with a subpoena
The attorney general said would consider resigning over such a move
Day 455
Thursday 19 April 2018
Judge Amy Berman Jackson questioned whether Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s directive appointing Mueller granted him more authority than Justice Department regulations appear to permit.
Day 448
Thursday 12 April 2018
Efforts to undermine Rosenstein in the media come as the President is weighing whether to fire the top official overseeing the Russia investigation.
Day 447
Wednesday 11 April 2018
The first step, these people say, would be for Trump to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein, who oversees the work of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III and in recent days signed off on a search warrant of Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen.
Day 439
Tuesday 3 April 2018
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein explicitly authorized the Justice Department’s special counsel to investigate allegations that President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman colluded with the Russian government
Day 423
Sunday 18 March 2018
Robert S. Mueller III, who heads the team, is a longtime registered Republican. He was appointed by another Republican, Rod J. Rosenstein
Day 422
Saturday 17 March 2018
“I pray that Acting Attorney General Rosenstein will follow the brilliant and courageous example of the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility and Attorney General Jeff Sessions and bring an end to alleged Russia Collusion investigation manufactured by McCabe’s boss James Comey based upon a fraudulent and corrupt Dossier”
Day 393
Friday 16 February 2018
The indictment, in fact, says nothing about whether there was collusion, nor did Rosenstein rule it out during a news conference.
Rosenstein said that there was “no allegation in the indictment of any effect on the outcome of the election,” but he did not say there was definitively no impact.
Day 379
Friday 2 February 2018
The remark came on the heels of Trump’s latest verbal attack on the Department of Justice and the FBI, with the president using an early-morning tweet to accuse them of politicizing their inquiries.
Day 374
Sunday 28 January 2018
A secret, highly contentious Republican memo reveals that Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein approved an application to extend surveillance of a former Trump campaign associate shortly after taking office last spring
Day 349
Wednesday 3 January 2018
Rosenstein was spotted entering Ryan's office, and a spokesman for the speaker confirmed that Rosenstein and Wray had requested the meeting. A second person familiar with the meeting said it was related to a document request issued over the summer by House intelligence committee chairman Devin Nunes.
Day 204
Friday 11 August 2017
The list of people he has been willing, even eager, to publicly attack includes not just Mitch McConnell, his latest target, but Jeff Sessions, Chuck Schumer, Paul D. Ryan, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
And don’t forget James B. Comey, Robert S. Mueller III, Andrew G. McCabe, Rod J. Rosenstein, John D. Podesta, Nancy Pelosi, Lisa Murkowski, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rosie O’Donnell, Meryl Streep, the mayor of London and the cast of “Saturday Night Live.”
But for all of that feistiness ... there is one person who is definitely not on Mr. Trump’s target list: President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.
Day 199
Sunday 6 August 2017
“The special counsel is subject to the rules and regulations of the Department of Justice, and we don’t engage in fishing expeditions”
“We don’t prosecute journalists for doing their jobs,” Mr. Rosenstein said on “Fox News Sunday.” “That’s not our goal here.”
Day 182
Thursday 20 July 2017
The transcript ... oozes with brooding grievance and reflects the degree to which he has adopted a bunker mentality. It also underscores how much Robert Mueller’s escalating investigation bothers and preoccupies the president six months into his term.
Day 148
Friday 16 June 2017
...assuming Rosenstein does recuse, the spotlight now shifts to the recently confirmed Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand, who would become the Acting Attorney General for the Russia investigation.
...privately acknowledged to colleagues that he may have to recuse himself from the matter, which he took charge of only after Attorney General Jeff Sessions' own recusal
Day 145
Tuesday 13 June 2017
Rosenstein ... said only he could fire Mueller, and only if he found good cause to do so.
Asked what he would do if the president ordered him to fire Mueller, Rosenstein said, “I’m not going to follow any orders unless I believe those are lawful and appropriate orders.”
Day 120
Friday 19 May 2017
“In one of my first meetings with then-Senator Jeff Sessions last winter, we discussed the need for new leadership at the FBI”
Day 118
Wednesday 17 May 2017
With the stroke of a pen, Rod Rosenstein redeemed his reputation, preserved the justice system, pulled American politics back from the brink — and, just possibly, saved the Republican Party and President Trump from themselves.
The decision by the deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, came after a cascade of damaging developments for Mr. Trump in recent days
Day 111
Wednesday 10 May 2017
His appeal ... was made to Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, whose memo was used to justify Mr. Comey’s abrupt dismissal on Tuesday.
Trump received letters from Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, and Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, calling for Comey's dismissal
But several other people familiar with the events said Trump had talked about the firing for over a week, and the letters were written to give him rationale to fire Comey.