The Trump Administration
Paul Manafort Jr. , former campaign manager for the President.
Day 802
Monday 1 April 2019
One might say that the judge may have been injudicious in his tone or choice of words, but one cannot say that his comments were so discourteous, uncivil, or “bullying” as to “transcend … the expected rough-and-tumble of litigation.”
Day 797
Wednesday 27 March 2019
Manafort was among those to have received suspicious payments made through the Stockholm-based lender
Day 790
Wednesday 20 March 2019
This is an upward departure of some $682,000 from the original $24,815,108.74 he was ordered to pay by the government
Day 783
Wednesday 13 March 2019
...after a second federal judge added more time to his sentence on Wednesday, saying he “spent a significant portion of his career gaming the system.”
Day 767
Monday 25 February 2019
The data was referenced in an email with Manafort’s associate, Rick Gates, and in emails sent by Kilimnik
Day 765
Saturday 23 February 2019 a hardened, remorseless criminal who “repeatedly and brazenly” violated a host of laws over more than a decade and did not deserve any breaks when he is sentenced in coming weeks.
Day 764
Friday 22 February 2019 an effort to ensure he will still face prison time even if the president pardons him for his federal crimes
Day 757
Friday 15 February 2019
Prosecutors made a clear reference to Manafort’s time atop Trump’s 2016 campaign, noting his 'repeated misrepresentations to financial institutions were brazen' during that time.
Day 755
Wednesday 13 February 2019
Other Trump aides have admitted to lying in Mueller’s investigation, too, but not involving specific contacts with Russians.
Day 739
Monday 28 January 2019
The judge postponed a sentencing on bank- and tax-fraud charges until the former Trump campaign chairman resolves a separate dispute with Robert Mueller over lying charges.
Day 736
Friday 25 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 35
The no-nonsense judge assigned Stone’s case has already demonstrated that she’s got little patience for defendants who misbehave.
Day 734
Wednesday 23 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 33
Manafort appears to be doing something to curry favor with President Donald Trump [...] Manafort is out here helping the president by causing problems for Mueller
Day 726
Tuesday 15 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 25
Mueller's team released a small mountain of evidence supporting their claim that Manafort lied to them on numerous occasions. The document dump, which is heavily redacted, adds up to almost 200 pages in total, which, investigators wanted Manafort to know, “does not contain all of the evidence compiled by the FBI on these issues.”
Day 725
Monday 14 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 24
Heading off a Tuesday disbarment hearing, convicted ex-Trump confidant Paul Manafort submitted his resignation as a lawyer in Connecticut.
Day 721
Thursday 10 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 20
...there appeared to be a strange and inexplicable synergy between the Trump campaign and Russia’s propaganda offensive.
Day 719
Tuesday 8 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 18
The accusations came to light in a document filed by Mr. Manafort’s defense lawyers that was supposed to be partly blacked out but contained a formatting error that accidentally revealed the information.
...and he would not seek a hearing to contest the allegation he lied
Day 718
Monday 7 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 17
According to the unredacted versions posted online, the blacked-out sections showed that Manafort has been accused by Mueller of lying about his sharing of polling data on the 2016 campaign with Kilimnik.
Day 715
Friday 4 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 14
Newly empowered Democrats are trying to force the administration’s hand on Manafort-linked Oleg Deripaska.
Day 694
Friday 14 December 2018
We now have details as to how the indicted former campaign manager worked with the president to undermine federal law enforcement.
Day 692
Wednesday 12 December 2018
In 2016, while Mr. Manafort was chairman of the Trump campaign, anti-corruption prosecutors in Ukraine disclosed that a pro-Russian political party had earmarked payments for Mr. Manafort from an illegal slush fund.
Day 691
Tuesday 11 December 2018
But a 30-minute hearing in the case Tuesday largely centered around scheduling matters and wasn't conclusive.
Day 688
Saturday 8 December 2018
Trump told reporters he has not read the court filings, which detail alleged lies Cohen and Manafort told publicly and to investigators.
The president said on Twitter that Friday’s news “totally clears the President. Thank you!” It does not. Manafort and Cohen are in trouble, and so is Trump.
Day 687
Friday 7 December 2018
In a heavily redacted document, Mueller also said Manafort lied about his interactions with Konstantin Kilimnik.
Paul Manafort’s alleged meetings with Julian Assange were a huge news story, until they just became embarrassing
Day 684
Tuesday 4 December 2018
No other news organization has been able to corroborate the Guardian’s reporting to substantiate its central claim of a meeting.
Day 683
Monday 3 December 2018
In at least two meetings with Mr. Manafort, Mr. Moreno and his aides discussed their desire to rid themselves of Mr. Assange [...] in exchange for concessions like debt relief from the United States
Day 678
Wednesday 28 November 2018
As of this writing, no other news outlet has confirmed the Guardian’s story about Manafort meeting Assange.
“It was never discussed, but I wouldn’t take it off the table. Why would I take it off the table?”
Lawyers for Manafort and Trump engaged in a brazen violation of criminal defense norms. The move could pay off, or it could blow up spectacularly.
Day 677
Tuesday 27 November 2018
Trump ally met WikiLeaks founder months before emails hacked by Russia were published
Giuliani, one of the president’s personal lawyers, acknowledged the arrangement on Tuesday and defended it as a source of valuable insights into the special counsel’s inquiry
Day 676
Monday 26 November 2018
The filing did not mention what Manafort is specifically alleged to have lied about.
Day 630
Thursday 11 October 2018
Day 620
Monday 1 October 2018 part of his cooperation agreement in the special counsel’s investigation into Russia interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Day 616
Thursday 27 September 2018
But Obama’s preparations to hand over the government had been superb: the Obama administration had created what amounted to the best course ever on the inner workings of the most powerful institution on earth. What could go wrong?
It wasn’t just Christie who had been fired. It was the entire transition team – although no one ever told them so directly.
Day 610
Friday 21 September 2018
...initially trying to divert money from the White House legal defense fund and later soliciting donors and pledging $25,000 of his own.
Day 603
Friday 14 September 2018
Manafort admitted guilt on virtually all of the charges he faced [...] Each of those admissions could give state or local prosecutors a potential charge against Manafort that would survive even in the event of a Trump pardon, since he can pardon only federal offenses.
Manafort's decision to cooperate with Mueller comes just weeks after President Donald Trump called Manafort a "brave man" who would not "make up stories in order to get a 'deal'" after he was convicted in a separate trial in Virginia.
Day 602
Thursday 13 September 2018 remains unclear whether Manafort has agreed to cooperate with prosecutors or is simply conceding to a guilty plea
Prosecutors also said they expect to take 10 to 12 days to make their case in the second trial.
Day 601
Wednesday 12 September 2018
The discussions [...] come ahead of Manafort’s second trial, which is slated to begin later this month
Day 587
Wednesday 29 August 2018
Attorney-client privilege doesn’t apply when the client enlists a lawyer’s help to commit a crime — and that’s what Mueller’s team is arguing that Manafort did.
Day 586
Tuesday 28 August 2018
...after his lawyers said they need more time to prepare after just finishing Manafort’s trial in Virginia.
Day 585
Monday 27 August 2018
Manafort saw managing the 2008 Republican convention as almost a birthright. But McCain denied him the job. He couldn’t abide Manafort’s pro-Russian clients—and told him so.
Day 582
Friday 24 August 2018
Manafort’s trial in the District, set to begin Sept. 17, will cover much of the same ground but will scrutinize more closely his political work from 2006 to 2017
Day 581
Thursday 23 August 2018
Paula Duncan tells NBC News the evidence against Paul Manafort was overwhelming, but she still wants Robert Mueller to wrap up his investigation.
Day 580
Wednesday 22 August 2018
Day 579
Tuesday 21 August 2018
The conviction of Trump’s former campaign chairman, guilty plea of his former personal lawyer and indictment of a leading congressional supporter raise Trump’s risks.
Rather than focusing on what is perhaps the most significant news of Trump's presidency so far, the right-leaning network's hosts discussed the news that police charged an undocumented immigrant with murder in the death of Mollie Tibbetts.
Two of the president's former associates were in court Tuesday. Both guilty of multiple felonies. What happened to draining the swamp?
Manafort was found guilty on the eight counts of the special counsel’s 18-count indictment.
Day 575
Friday 17 August 2018
Manafort's team left court on Friday pleased that deliberations would spill into a third day, with Manafort lawyer Kevin Downing telling reporters it favored his client.
“The whole Manafort trial is very sad. When you look at what’s going on there, I think it’s a very sad day for our country.”
Day 574
Thursday 16 August 2018
The other questions suggested that the jury was trying to grapple with some of the complexities of the financial laws that Mr. Manafort [...] is accused of breaking.
It was not the commander in chief, however, but one James Trump (no relation), an assistant U.S. attorney there for a supervised release hearing in an unrelated case.
Day 573
Wednesday 15 August 2018
Day 572
Tuesday 14 August 2018
Manafort is letting the case go to the jury because he and his lawyers “do not believe that the government has met its burden of proof”
Day 571
Monday 13 August 2018
The prosecution rested its case in chief, and the defense will argue its motion to acquit on Tuesday
Day 568
Friday 10 August 2018
Manafort's role managing the Trump campaign helped him win millions of dollars in loans at a time he was badly short on cash.
Day 567
Thursday 9 August 2018
Judge T.S. Ellis III began the day by admitting he was wrong when criticizing prosecutors in front of the jury Wednesday.
Day 566
Wednesday 8 August 2018
Former Manafort partner Rick Gates wrapped up his testimony as defense lawyers hinted that he had had four adulterous affairs.
Lawyers for Paul Manafort attacked the government’s star witness as a thief, serial adulterer and possible forger
Day 565
Tuesday 7 August 2018
You know what would be surprising? If Rick Gates and Paul Manafort had suddenly suspended their apparently deeply ingrained habits of fraudulence and thievery during the three months they ran the Donald Trump campaign.
Day 564
Monday 6 August 2018
Day 563
Sunday 5 August 2018
The President’s Sunday-morning tweet should be seen as a turning point. It doesn’t teach us anything new [...] But it ends any possibility of an alternative explanation.
Day 561
Friday 3 August 2018
'They never told us about any income deposited in foreign accounts'
One Manafort accountant, Cindy Laporta, said she went along with falsifying his tax records because she feared confronting her longtime client.
Day 560
Thursday 2 August 2018
Manafort’s bookkeeper described how Manafort’s finances hit a rough patch around 2015 and — with unpaid bills mounting — he and partner Rick Gates tried to inflate income to get a loan.
Whether it’s confidence or delusion, Trump has dropped any pretense of patience with Robert Mueller and is taking his legal defense into his own hands. West Wing advisers fear he is careening toward disaster.
The remark comes a day after another federal prosecutor floated the possibility that Gates "may not" be called as a witness in Manafort's criminal trial on financial fraud charges.
Day 559
Wednesday 1 August 2018
Manafort’s ostrich jacket became yet another symbol of the Washington elite, the latest of many luxury items associated with Trump’s inner circle.
Day 556
Sunday 29 July 2018
Questions about Russian involvement in President Trump’s 2016 campaign are not on the docket but hang heavily over the proceedings.
Day 554
Friday 27 July 2018
Jurors are expected to hear from a slew of bankers, accountants and luxury-good vendors.
Day 550
Monday 23 July 2018
...the federal judge in the case granted the defense more time to review tens of thousands of documents handed over in recent weeks.
Day 544
Tuesday 17 July 2018
The former Trump campaign chairman had argued that the jury pool in Northern Virginia is too liberal and too saturated with coverage of the case to give him a fair trial.
Mueller’s prosecutors did not identify the potential witnesses publicly,
Day 538
Wednesday 11 July 2018
Manafort’s lawyers, in a motion that sought to delay his July 25 trial, argued in part that they had to travel 100 miles to meet with their client.
Judge T. S. Ellis III [...] ordered that Mr. Manafort be transferred to a jail in Alexandria, about 20 minutes from Washington
According to telephone calls being monitored by special counsel Robert Mueller’s team, Manafort has recently told people he’s being treated like a “VIP” at the Virginia prison
Day 533
Friday 6 July 2018 “guarantee his safety” while awaiting his two trials
Day 525
Thursday 28 June 2018
The unsealed search warrant, however, reveals further details about Manafort’s business dealings with Deripaska, whom the U.S. government sanctioned in April.
Day 523
Tuesday 26 June 2018
"Given the investigation’s focus on President Trump’s campaign, even a blind person can see that the true target of the Special Counsel’s investigation is President Trump, not defendant, and that defendant’s prosecution is part of that larger plan," the judge wrote.
Day 517
Wednesday 20 June 2018
...after posting an incorrect graphic stating that Trump’s former campaign chief Paul Manafort had pleaded “guilty to 5 charges of manslaughter.”
The erroneous lower-third graphic appeared for approximately seven seconds during a special report on Wednesday
Day 512
Friday 15 June 2018
On Friday afternoon, Trump complained the judge’s decision to jail Manafort was “very unfair.”
Sending the former Trump campaign chairman to jail could boost the pressure on him to cut a deal with special counsel Robert Mueller.
The possibility of a pardon from President Donald Trump has also altered the typical plea-negotiation dynamic
Day 511
Thursday 14 June 2018
The individuals are Alan Friedman and Eckart Sager, both former journalists based in Europe.
Day 509
Tuesday 12 June 2018
"Manafort’s own words establish the falsity of his representation that the Hapsburg group was 'European-focused'"
Day 508
Monday 11 June 2018
...following a third superseding indictment against him by Special Counsel Robert Mueller that lodged additional charges on accusations of witness tampering.
Day 505
Friday 8 June 2018
The President also reiterated his belief that he has the power to pardon himself, though he again said he would not do so.
The indictment filed in U.S. District Court in Washington marked the first such charges for Manafort’s associate, Konstantin Kilimnik, who is believed to be in Moscow
Day 502
Tuesday 5 June 2018
Judge Amy Berman Jackson ordered Manafort, prosecutors, witnesses and others to be prepared to appear and to testify on June 15
Day 501
Monday 4 June 2018
Mueller ... asked the judge overseeing the case in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to revoke or revise an order releasing Manafort ahead of his trial.
Day 500
Sunday 3 June 2018
Day 460
Tuesday 24 April 2018
Manafort was raided by the FBI to look for documents relating to the Trump Tower meeting in June 2016 with Russian lobbyists, which was brokered by Donald Trump Jr.
Day 445
Monday 9 April 2018
However, the court gives the former Trump campaign chair a list of assets that could secure his release from house arrest.
Day 443
Saturday 7 April 2018
Lawyers for former Trump campaign chairman say FBI illegally accessed the locker, then returned with warrant.
Day 441
Thursday 5 April 2018
Mueller's office moved to seize bank accounts at three different financial institutions last year just one day before former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was indicted
Day 439
Tuesday 3 April 2018
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein explicitly authorized the Justice Department’s special counsel to investigate allegations that President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman colluded with the Russian government
Day 435
Friday 30 March 2018
Congressional investigators looking into Russian meddling in the 2016 election are now probing the relationship between Manafort, Kilimnik, and Deripaska
Day 433
Wednesday 28 March 2018
A lawyer for President Trump broached the idea of Mr. Trump’s pardoning two of his former top advisers, Michael T. Flynn and Paul Manafort, with their lawyers last year
In a court filing Tuesday night special counsel Robert Mueller alleges Rick Gates ... knew the two were working with a former Russian intelligence officer during the 2016 election.
Day 418
Tuesday 13 March 2018
"Given the nature of the charges against the defendant and the apparent weight of the evidence against him, defendant faces the very real possibility of spending the rest of his life in prison"
Day 413
Thursday 8 March 2018
A Virginia probation officer explained to the judge that because of limits to the technology, she couldn't access the data from the DC bracelet, hence the need for two.
...he is accused of hiding foreign bank accounts, falsifying his income taxes and failing to report foreign bank accounts.
Day 405
Wednesday 28 February 2018
The decision from U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson would put Manafort on trial at the height of the midterm campaign season, a potentially unwelcome distraction for Republicans as they try to maintain majorities in Congress.
The charges in the US District Court for the District of Columbia include allegations of money laundering, conspiracy and making false statements about his foreign lobbying.
Day 400
Friday 23 February 2018
Former Trump campaign adviser Rick Gates has agreed to cooperate with investigators in their prosecution of Gates’ longtime mentor Paul Manafort.
So here’s the essence of what went wrong for Manafort and Gates, according to Mueller’s investigation: Manafort allegedly wanted to falsify his company’s income, but he couldn’t figure out how to edit the PDF. He therefore had Gates turn it into a Microsoft Word document for him, which led the two to bounce the documents back-and-forth over email.
Day 399
Thursday 22 February 2018
Even as he was managing Donald J. Trump’s campaign for president, Paul Manafort lied to banks to secure millions of dollars in cash loans as part of a decade-long money laundering scheme, according to charges unsealed by the special counsel on Thursday.
Day 398
Wednesday 21 February 2018
New charges have been filed in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's criminal case against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and aide Rick Gates, but the charges were put under seal by the court, obscuring the nature and import of the development.
Day 393
Friday 16 February 2018
Mueller’s office has told a federal judge it has found evidence that Paul Manafort ... committed bank fraud not addressed by the indictment last October in which he was charged with money laundering and failure to register as a foreign agent.
Day 392
Thursday 15 February 2018
The judge criticized both sides Wednesday for failing to set a trial date in special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s prosecution of the two co-defendants.
Day 385
Thursday 8 February 2018
Navalny published a video Thursday in which he accuses one of Russia’s richest men of bribing a top government official by entertaining him on his yacht with several women described as escorts.
Deripaska has been linked to former Donald Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, a key figure in U.S. special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s probe into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
Day 379
Friday 2 February 2018
Manafort alleged in his civil suit that "the Acting Attorney General’s order directing the Special Counsel to investigate certain matters exceeds the authority provided by the Department of Justice’s Special Counsel regulations."
Day 363
Wednesday 17 January 2018
In an ominous development for Republicans, a federal judge overseeing the upcoming trial of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and his deputy Rick Gates rejected Mueller’s request to begin in May and instead outlined a scheduled start as soon as September or October — peak election season.
Day 358
Friday 12 January 2018
Day 353
Sunday 7 January 2018
He said his reference to “treason” had not been aimed at the president’s son, but at another campaign official who attended the 2016 Trump Tower meeting, Paul Manafort.
Day 349
Wednesday 3 January 2018
Mr. Manafort’s strategy is a clever legal maneuver that attempts to force prosecutors to reveal details about the scope of the investigation. By filing a separate lawsuit, Mr. Manafort’s lawyer, Kevin Downing, also creates the possibility of a protracted fight over Mr. Mueller’s authority.
Day 323
Friday 8 December 2017
Prosecutors said that, by Monday, Manafort’s defense attorneys will have electronic copies of “400,000 items,” such as emails, bank and tax records, and documents from vendors Manafort allegedly paid with some of the money, and images of 36 electronic devices such as laptops, phones and thumb drives.
“Given the volume of discovery in this case, the government also produced to defendants certain documents that it identified as ‘hot,’” prosecutors said, with about 2,000 records in that category.
Day 319
Monday 4 December 2017
According to a new court filing from Mr Mueller’s team, the legal cloud hanging over Mr Manafort has not prevented him from helping to pen an opinion piece about his Ukraine-related work.
Day 293
Wednesday 8 November 2017
...ordering all parties, including potential witnesses, not to make statements that might prejudice jurors.
Day 285
Tuesday 31 October 2017
Day 284
Monday 30 October 2017
The unusual move is an indication of the aggressiveness of special counsel Robert Mueller's prosecution team as they prepared to indict Manafort and Gates on charges of money laundering and failing to register as foreign agents.
Manafort and Gates acted as "unregistered agents" from at least 2006 to 2015
Charges include "conspiracy against the United States"
Manafort and Gates gave false statements and sought to conceal their activity
Mr. Manafort, the president’s former campaign chairman, and his longtime associate Rick Gates, surrendered to the FBI on Monday. The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, said Mr. Manafort laundered more than $18 million to buy properties and services.
Day 283
Sunday 29 October 2017
The FBI's investigation ... includes a keen focus on a series of suspicious wire transfers in which offshore companies linked to Manafort moved more than $3 million all over the globe between 2012 and 2013.
Day 243
Tuesday 19 September 2017
This news is a big deal primarily because of what it takes to obtain such a wiretap order. The warrant reportedly was issued under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. A FISA warrant requires investigators to demonstrate to the FISA court that there is probable cause to believe the target may be acting as an unlawful foreign agent.
Day 224
Thursday 31 August 2017
His “power to grant reprieves and pardons” only covers “offenses against the United States,” according to Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution.
Day 223
Wednesday 30 August 2017
The cooperation is the latest indication that the federal probe into President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman is intensifying.
Day 219
Saturday 26 August 2017
Written by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele, the dossier asserted that the Russian government had cultivated Trump for several years, garnering compromising information about him in the process. Some of the dossier’s claims have been verified, others disproved.
Day 218
Friday 25 August 2017
The requests suggest that Mueller’s investigators are looking closely at Manafort and Flynn
Day 203
Thursday 10 August 2017
Part of the reason Manafort is getting intense early scrutiny is that Mueller is drawing on investigations that were well underway, including one by federal prosecutors in Manhattan, when he was appointed in May.
Day 202
Wednesday 9 August 2017
Federal agents appeared at Paul Manafort’s home without advance warning in the predawn hours of July 26
Day 187
Tuesday 25 July 2017
The Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday rescinded subpoenas for two key witnesses in the Russia imbroglio ... as part of agreements in which they'd agree to talk with the committee behind closed doors.
Manafort gave the investigators notes he had taken during the meeting
The meeting came as another panel, the Senate Judiciary Committee, announced that it issued a subpoena for Mr. Manafort to appear at a hearing on Wednesday.
Day 184
Saturday 22 July 2017
“Both Donald Trump Jr. and Paul Manafort, through their attorneys, have agreed to negotiate to provide the committee with documents and be interviewed by committee members and staff prior to a public hearing”
“Therefore, we will not issue subpoenas for them tonight requiring their presence at Wednesday’s hearing but reserve the right to do so in the future.”
Day 170
Saturday 8 July 2017
“We primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children that was active and popular with American families years ago and was since ended by the Russian government, but it was not a campaign issue at that time and there was no follow-up,” Trump Jr. said
Day 151
Monday 19 June 2017
...the previously unreported dinner was one of two meetings he had with Manafort on visits to the United States during Manafort’s five months working for Trump.
Day 127
Friday 26 May 2017
Day 120
Friday 19 May 2017
...the White House began reviewing the Code of Federal Regulations, which restricts newly hired government lawyers from investigating their prior law firm’s clients for one year after their hiring
Mueller's former law firm, WilmerHale, represents Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner ... and the president's former campaign manager Paul Manafort
Day 117
Tuesday 16 May 2017
A Manafort spokesperson said the $3.5 million loan, which was taken out through a shell company, was repaid in December
Day 83
Wednesday 12 April 2017
Mr. Manafort’s ties to Ukraine and Russia have come under scrutiny as federal officials investigate Russian meddling in the American presidential election.
Day 62
Wednesday 22 March 2017
Manafort was asked to resign from the Trump campaign in August, after an AP report revealed that he had run a secret lobbying campaign in Washington on the behalf of Ukraine’s pro-Russia ruling party.
Day 61
Tuesday 21 March 2017
The new documents may revive questions about the ties between the Trump aide, Paul Manafort, and the party of the former president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych