The Trump Administration
He truly does. And he shows it in so many ways...
Day 657
Wednesday 7 November 2018
Day 624
Friday 5 October 2018
"Well, it's a lot of work. Don't forget, compared to a lot of committee meetings, we have an executive every Thursday. ... So it's a lot of work. Maybe they don't want to do it."
Day 615
Wednesday 26 September 2018
Day 613
Monday 24 September 2018
Smearing Anita Hill as “nutty and slutty” worked wonders in the ’90s, so conservatives are doing it all over again
Day 612
Sunday 23 September 2018
Now a new hashtag has surfaced as if in answer to the question: Why didn’t you say something sooner?
Day 597
Saturday 8 September 2018
Zervos sued Trump over how he responded to her allegations he sexually assaulted her.
Day 506
Saturday 9 June 2018
Trump caused quite a commotion, arriving 17 minutes late as remarks were already underway.
Day 393
Friday 16 February 2018
On November 4, 2016, four days before the election, the Wall Street Journal reported that American Media, Inc., the publisher of the National Enquirer, had paid a hundred and fifty thousand dollars for exclusive rights to McDougal’s story, which it never ran.
Day 365
Friday 19 January 2017
The magazine had published some details from the interview earlier in the week, but the full transcript — totaling more than 5,000 words — gave a new, expansive view of how Daniels recounted their interactions.
Day 327
Tuesday 12 December 2017
...that implied Gillibrand would do just about anything for money
Day 318
Sunday 3 December 2017
President Trump is currently indulging in some revisionist history, reportedly telling allies, including at least one United States senator, that the voice on the tape is not his.
Day 314
Wednesday 29 November 2017
Years before the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape, the president crassly bragged about a woman’s private parts during a golf weekend at Mar-a-Lago.
Day 307
Wednesday 22 November 2017
“Women are very special. I think it’s a very special time, a lot of things are coming out and I think that’s good for our society and I think it’s very, very good for women and I’m very happy a lot of these things are coming out. I’m very happy it’s being exposed.” — President Trump, remarks to reporters, Nov. 21, 2017
Day 302
Friday 17 November 2017
“I’m seeing all this news lately about women speaking out against these men who acted very inappropriately toward them and the repercussions those same men now face, and I’m honestly scared of what would happen if one day I’m accused publicly by 10 or maybe even more women whom I’ve harassed or assaulted in the past,” said a visibly shaken Trump
Day 281
Friday 27 October 2017
“At least 16 women accused the president of sexually harassing them throughout the course of the campaign. Last week, during a press conference in the Rose Garden, the president called these accusations ‘fake news.’ Is the official White House position that all of these women are lying?”
“Yeah, we’ve been clear on that from the beginning”
“On this spot in September 2005 Donald J. Trump bragged about committing sexual assault. In November 2016, he was elected President of the United States”
Day 260
Friday 6 October 2017
The demonstration comes the day before the first anniversary of when The Washington Post released the explosive footage, which showed Trump in 2005 bragging in vulgar terms about kissing, groping and trying to have sex with women.
Day 198
Saturday 5 August 2017
Fox News Channel suspended longtime host Eric Bolling on Saturday, amid a report that he sent lewd texts to female co-workers at the network.
Day 187
Tuesday 25 July 2017
“if it was a guy from south Texas I might ask him to step outside and settle this Aaron Burr-style.”
In October ... an MSNBC anchor asked Farenthold if he would continue to endorse Trump if a tape surfaced of him saying he liked to rape women. “That would be bad,” Farenthold said. “I would have to consider it.”
Day 170
Saturday 8 July 2017
"A certain level of hyperbole is to be expected in the heat of a political campaign, he wrote, and such statements are legally protected speech."
Day 159
Tuesday 27 June 2017
Trump on Tuesday interrupted his call with the new Irish prime minister to bring attention to a reporter, saying, "She has a nice smile on her face, so I bet she treats you well."
Day 71
Friday 31 March 2017
We have a president who brags about grabbing women by the pussy — and a vice president who won’t even have dinner with them. These are two sides of the same coin
Day 48
Wednesday 8 March 2017
Day 14
Thursday 2 February 2017
As the president and former owner of beauty pageants, Donald Trump is known to be very critical of one’s physical appearances, and he has taken that trait with him into the White House.
Day 4
Monday 23 January 2017