The Trump Administration
Day 554
Friday 27 July 2018
...there is surprisingly far more effort directed at implanting malware in the electrical grid.
Day 550
Monday 23 July 2018
Day 428
Friday 23 March 2018
"They were not simply looking around that system and reconnoitering it ... They were placing the tools that they would have to place in order to turn off the power."
Day 390
Tuesday 13 February 2018
Day 389
Monday 12 February 2018
Major transportation projects in blue states may be in jeopardy in President Donald Trump’s 10-year infrastructure plan, which critics say favors little-populated rural areas to the detriment of urban America.
Day 388
Sunday 11 February 2018
“Are Republicans going to embrace any kind of funding plan besides stealing from Peter to pay Paul within the federal government?”
Day 372
Friday 26 January 2018
The plan would change things such as how officials decide a pipeline route, how a proposed border wall with Mexico would be built and whether the National Park Service could object to a development that would impair tourists’ views from scenic parks such as the Grand Canyon.
Day 348
Tuesday 2 January 2018
That’s Trump saying that the existing system is dangerous. That system didn’t change, but 2017 was indeed the safest year in history for commercial air travel. So how does Trump get credit for this again?
Day 337
Friday 22 December 2017
Day 333
Monday 18 December 2017
...the Trump Administration already has submitted an infrastructure plan as part of its 2018 budget proposal — and it proposes deep cuts to the nation’s rail systems.
An Amtrak train making its inaugural trip on a new service from Seattle to Portland, Ore., derailed near here early Monday while crossing an overpass, toppling cars onto one of the busiest highways on the West Coast, killing at least three people and injuring about 100.