The Trump Administration
Shutting down the federal government.
Day 755
Wednesday 13 February 2019
...he was "not happy" with the tentative deal reached by congressional negotiators late Monday night that falls far short of his original demands.
Day 754
Tuesday 12 February 2019
The fact that Republicans signed off shows how little leverage they have.
Day 753
Monday 11 February 2019
...denying President Trump much of the money he’s sought to build new walls along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Day 752
Sunday 10 February 2019
If an agreement on funding the government isn't reached by Friday at midnight, the government could partially shut down again
Day 741
Wednesday 30 January 2019
Trump will often float policy proposals with little strategy for how to implement them, then surrender when the proposals flounder.
Day 740
Tuesday 29 January 2019
...the bill aims to “prevent and limit the duration of future shutdowns and ensure that lawmakers feel the harm they cause federal employees when they fail to fund the government.”
Day 739
Monday 28 January 2019
The Senate GOP has no appetite for another political debacle and is pushing Trump away from closing the government again.
Day 738
Sunday 27 January 2019
The House [...] will turn to legislation higher on the Democrats’ priority list, including a bill to raise pay for civilian federal employees.
In the Senate, Republicans will try to push through a bipartisan Middle East policy bill that includes a disputed provision targeting the movement to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel.
"He is willing to do whatever it takes to secure the border. He does take this very seriously. This is a serious humanitarian and security crisis."
Day 737
Saturday 26 January 2019
Unlike the 800,000 career federal employees who have been promised full back pay in coming days, government contractors — who are thought to number in the millions — have no legal claim to the five weeks of lost wages.
The shutdown made for the longest stretch of Trump's presidency that he did not play golf.
Pelosi told reporters a date would be worked out for the president's address but for the time being, "the state of the union is not planned now."
...he inadvertently revealed how intertwined the government is with millions of households, businesses and the entire U.S. economy.
The blase attitude of Trump administration officials is a world away from the experience of federal employees – who fear a repeat in three weeks’ time
The president closed the government in the belief that his core supporters would never forgive him if he didn’t build the wall. Instead, the closure showed weaknesses in that coalition.
Day 736
Friday 25 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 35
Pelosi (D-CA) became the highest official yet to formally embrace legislation that would effectively prevent the government from closing.
Even as he agreed to reopen the government, the president used recycled inaccurate claims to press his case for a wall.
...due to lost productivity from furloughed workers and economic activity lost to outside business
The Senate approves by unanimous consent a bill to re-open the government for three weeks while negotiations continue on border security funding.
The president announced on Friday that he’d sign a short-term spending bill without money for the wall.
After the president caved and ended the shutdown without getting a wall, it's clearer than ever he's not a master negotiator.
On Friday staffing problems at two air-traffic control facilities on the East Coast [...] prompted the F.A.A. to slow traffic in and out of airports.
...after scraping up enough money left over from last year’s funds.
The IRS called back 26,000 staffers to work without pay in a key division during the partial government shutdown, but less than half, around 12,000, actually reported by Tuesday
Day 735
Thursday 24 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 34
The defeated measure is similar to one the Senate approved unanimously in December, only to see Mr. Trump reject it
The documents also reflect a sense of urgency with administration plans, noting that environmental reviews can be skipped and DHS can use waivers to bypass contracting laws.
It is a political hostage situation in which the president has taken part of the government hostage to get money for his wall.
...after Republicans refused to also open the rest of the federal government.
Ordinarily, one might expect a presidential administration’s leading economic figures to understand something of these financial realities.
“The idea that it’s paycheck or zero is not really a valid idea,” said Wilbur Ross, a billionaire and longtime friend of President Trump. He suggested workers apply for low-interest loans.
Day 734
Wednesday 23 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 33
In truth, none of this should be surprising. Trump promised a totally and completely unorthodox presidency. And literally every day of his two-plus years in the White House, he has delivered on that pledge.
It's the fourth time he's blocked the bill to reopen most of government.
The protestors arrived at the Lexington office in hopes of handing off some letters to the senator’s staff about the government shutdown
Trump’s view, which he has applied to numerous bargaining scenarios throughout his career, is that his sociopathic indifference to human welfare gives him a negotiating advantage.
“It is a little bit of pain, but it’s going to be for the future of our country, and their children and their grandchildren and generations after them will thank them for their sacrifice right now.”
The president's letter is the latest move in a game of brinkmanship between the two over the address amid the partial government shutdown. Nancy Pelosi did not blink.
Across the government, initiatives that don’t align with President Donald Trump’s agenda are flickering off faster than favored ones during the partial government shutdown
Day 733
Tuesday 22 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 32
While the judiciary is exploring ways to extend that run by a day, “no further extension beyond Feb. 1 will be possible”
One FBI special agent said the partial government shutdown has "eliminated any ability to operate." Another said the job has "never been so hard or thankless." A third said agents cannot "protect and serve the American people."
The Senate measure is likely to encompass funding for the president's wall as well as funding for the 25 percent of the government that's been shut down for the last month.
Both voters and the leadership of the Democratic Party see this sordid episode for exactly what it is: attempted extortion.
Day 732
Monday 21 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 31
...with many employees citing "financial limitations" preventing them from working.
Day 731
Sunday 20 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 30
Day 730
Saturday 19 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 29
What Trump’s offering — temporary extensions of existing protections for both groups of immigrants — isn’t something that Democrats have been wildly enthusiastic about in the past. Furthermore, with Trump’s efforts to strip existing protections held up in court, it’s essentially a short extension of the status quo.
In casting the proposal as a compromise, Mr. Trump sought to shift pressure to Democrats to end the government shutdown.
Day 729
Friday 18 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 28
Meanwhile, the head of the White House budget office issued a memo Friday instructing all agencies that: "Under no circumstances during a government shutdown will any government owned, rented, leased, or chartered aircraft support any Congressional delegation, without the express written approval of the White House Chief of Staff."
...they got wind that the administration had leaked the delegations plans to travel to Afghanistan on commercial charter after their office was approached by reporters citing multiple administration officials asking about those plans.
First Lady Melania Trump reportedly used another military aircraft to fly to Florida for a weekend vacation at the Trump family’s private Mar-a-Lago resort.
Day 728
Thursday 17 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 27
"Out of consideration for the 800,000 great American workers not receiving pay and to ensure his team can assist as needed..."
But these workers may be breaking federal ethics laws with their online fundraising.
...forcing thousands of workers to report to work without pay, many of them in sectors that could minimize damage to the president’s base.
"People make their decision over what's the biggest loss," Voss says. "And, until he's really worried about the loss of his base, he's not going to make a deal."
...a tit-for-tat retaliation that deepened the divide between the leaders and brought the government no closer to reopening.
Hoyer asked unanimous consent to vacate proceedings by which the CR was passed and schedule a recorded vote on it for Wednesday.
Day 727
Wednesday 16 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 26
The newly signed law aims to swiftly reimburse workers once the government is open
Trump's economists have now doubled projections of how much economic growth is being lost each week.
“This is an outrageous step, and the justifications provided ... are farcical and make it clear that the administration cares only about the impacts on its favorite industry and not its workers, their families, and ordinary Americans”
“We will make our best efforts following regular order in the appropriate committees and mark up bipartisan legislation relating to your request. This would include debating and voting on investments on the Southern border that are necessary, effective, and appropriate to accomplish that goal”
The House speaker is citing security concerns, but Democrats also don't want to give Trump a platform to blame them for the shutdown.
“One thing that we worry about is what is going to break consumer confidence, what is going to shake consumers and shake business confidence, what is going to make people worried enough that maybe they pull back a little bit”
Day 726
Tuesday 15 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 25
The Coast Guard was able to issue final paychecks for the year, but will be unable to distribute further pay until a budget deal is reached or another appropriation agreement is made.
"We are recalling inspectors and engineers to perform duties to ensure continuous operational safety of the entire national airspace,"
McConnell blocked the two bills, saying the Senate wouldn't "participate in something that doesn't lead to an outcome."
After days of stoking fears about a “crisis” to get his border wall built, Trump has changed his mind.
Day 725
Monday 14 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 24
"I think we're going to serve McDonald's, Wendy's, and Burger Kings with some pizza," Trump told reporters
The Chairman's staff said the selling of location data is not a 'threat to the safety of human life or property that the FCC will address during the Trump shutdown.'
Graham, a close ally of the president, pitched Mr. Trump on a plan for the president to agree to a vote by Congress to reopen the government for about three weeks “before he pulls the plug on the legislative option.”
The news came three days after TSA agents missed their first paychecks since the shutdown began.
Trump notes that “elections have consequences,” referring to his 2016 election. But there was another election, in November, and the consequence of that is that Democrats now control the House and they refuse to give Trump money for a wall.
Day 724
Sunday 13 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 23
Trump’s willingness to humiliate his top staffer in front of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi is another reminder — beyond Democratic unwillingness to fund a barrier — of why shutdown talks have made zero progress
Day 723
Saturday 12 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 22
Congressional leaders once let funding expire because they didn’t want to miss a fundraiser.
Rural Western states that voted for President Trump are disproportionately affected by the government shutdown, which today sets a record as the longest in U.S. history
Up until now, the longest government shutdown in U.S. history was the 21-day standoff between President Bill Clinton and a Republican Congress led by Speaker Newt Gingrich that ran from December 16, 1995 to January 6, 1996.
Day 722
Friday 11 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 21
McConnell (R-Ky.) could bring a “clean” funding bill to the floor, free up his GOP caucus to support it and could quite possibly secure enough votes to override a presidential veto.
The problems have left workers worried about making ends meet, potential buyers frozen out of loans, and affordable-housing experts concerned about evictions.
At least one airport, Miami International Airport, will start closing one terminal early each day
Day 721
Thursday 10 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 20
More than 24,000 FAA employees are working without pay, since their positions are considered vital for “life and safety.”
McConnell blocked Senate Democrats' attempt Thursday to move forward with legislation that would reopen government agencies
McConnell has made clear that he won't take up any legislation related to the shutdown in the Senate that President Donald Trump won't sign.
They are also chopping down trees, setting illegal fires, and graffitiing rocks.
Nearly 5,000 FBI special agents, intelligence analysts, attorneys, and professional staff have been furloughed.
"Meesa propose that the senate give immediately emergency powers to the supreme chancellor"
The South Carolina senator and his GOP allies had been pushing to reopen the government and begin a broad immigration debate in the Senate.
“I very calmly walked out of the room. I didn't smash the table — I should have, but I didn't smash the table.”
Day 720
Wednesday 9 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 19
Trump slammed his hand on a table and stormed out of a White House meeting with congressional leaders on Wednesday
Since the enactment of the Taft-Hartley Act in 1947, federal employees have been legally prohibited from striking.
The President has made this false claim before.
Day 719
Tuesday 8 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 18
In a nine-minute speech that made no new arguments but included multiple misleading assertions, the president sought to recast the situation at the Mexican border as a “humanitarian crisis”
It’s likely the administration was lulled into complacency by a previous, abbreviated shutdown that took place in early 2018. This interruption in funding lasted only a few days and had barely any effect.
The president wants you to be very afraid. The facts say you shouldn’t be.
While the “crisis” at the border is largely manufactured by Trump, the powers he could use to declare a state of emergency to get a border wall built really do exist.
And longer lines at airport security checks could be just the beginning of the nightmare.
...tamping down fears that the partial government shutdown could have resulted in rationing or halting of benefits.
...for requiring "essential" employees to work without pay during the partial government shutdown.
...polls show a majority of Americans blame him and Republicans for the shutdowns, and the majority have also consistently been opposed to his idea of a border wall with Mexico.
Day 718
Monday 7 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 17
The people in charge apparently “recognized only this week the breadth of the potential impact.”
Only about 12 percent of IRS staff is expected to continue working through a shutdown
"We're looking at a national emergency because we have a national emergency -- just read the papers"
Day 717
Sunday 6 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 16
Day 716
Saturday 5 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 15
But because of the government shutdown, the program has only $3 billion in emergency reserves for February.
Day 715
Friday 4 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 14
The increases were the result of Congress’s failure to renew a longstanding freeze on raises for high-ranking officials and political appointees.
Many of the federal employees affected by the weeks-long shutdown have been working without pay. That is essentially the opposite of a strike.
Union officials stress that the absences are not part of an organized action, but believe the number of people calling out will likely increase.
...options could include reprogramming funds from the Department of Defense and elsewhere – a move which would circumvent Congress.
The Trump administration, which had not anticipated a long-term shutdown, recognized only this week the breadth of the potential impact, several senior administration officials said.
Trump threatened to keep nine U.S. departments closed "for a very long period of time — months or even years" — until he gets the funding
The pay raises for Cabinet secretaries, deputy secretaries, top administrators and even Vice President Pence are scheduled to go into effect beginning Jan. 5
Day 714
Thursday 3 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 13
The Democratic package to end the shutdown includes a bill to temporarily fund the Department of Homeland Security at current levels through Feb. 8
For weeks, Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader, has remained conspicuously on the sidelines, insisting that it was up to President Trump and Democrats
Day 713
Wednesday 2 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 12
“The Senate will not waste its time considering a Democratic bill which cannot pass this chamber and which the president will not sign,”
Eventually Schumer asked a third time for one reason Trump wouldn't accept the offer, and Trump responded: "I would look foolish if I did that."
About 800,000 federal employees, and the citizens who depend on them, are being hurt for an empty political stunt.
Day 712
Tuesday 1 January 2019
Government Shutdown Day 11
...alleging that the partial government shutdown is illegally forcing more than 400,000 federal employees to work without pay.
"The park is being forced to take this action for health and safety concerns as vault toilets reach capacity," the park service said. "In addition to human waste in public areas, driving off-road and other infractions that damage the resource are becoming a problem."
...shuttering many of them and allowing several hundred undocumented immigrants to dodge deportation orders each day the shutdown continues.
They’ll join the museums and National Park Service-run sites across the region [...] that have been shuttered since Dec. 22 due to a lack of government funding.
Day 711
Monday 31 December 2018
Government Shutdown Day 10
...for requiring "essential" employees to work without pay during the partial government shutdown.
...with votes expected on proposals just hours after the party takes control on Thursday
Two men with no shared history or apparent personal chemistry are charged with ending the shutdown.
Day 710
Sunday 30 December 2018
Government Shutdown Day 9
The president has a new acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, who is not averse to government shutdowns
Day 709
Saturday 29 December 2018
Government Shutdown Day 8
“McConnell is one of the best vote-counters in politics, and he generally knows when to fold a losing hand [...] He’s now stuck with a president who prefers to double down on a losing hand.”
Day 708
Friday 28 December 2018
Government Shutdown Day 7
But direct payments for farmers who haven’t certified production, as well as farm loans and disaster assistance programs, will be put on hold beginning next week, and won’t start up again until the government reopens.
"If you say, 'Who gets fired?' it always has to be the top," Trump said during an episode of "Fox & Friends," his favorite morning show, that aired in September 2013.
The chief judge of Manhattan's federal courts said the suspension will remain until the president signs a budget restoring Justice Department funding.
OPM’s tweet linked to a series of templates that furloughed federal workers could use to try to stave off creditors.
Day 707
Thursday 27 December 2018
Government Shutdown Day 6
The message contrasted with Trump’s claim in an Oval Office appearance on Christmas morning that “many of those workers” had told him to continue to shut down the government “until you get the funding for the wall.”
Day 706
Wednesday 26 December 2018
Government Shutdown Day 5
The Coast Guard is the only part of the military under the Department of Homeland Security, rather than the Department of Defense which continues to be funded during the shutdown.
The government’s brief is not due until Jan. 22, but DOJ lawyers asked [...] to put the appeal on ice until the shutdown ends.
Day 705
Tuesday 25 December 2018
Government Shutdown Day 4
"It's not a question of me," he said. "I would rather not be doing shutdowns. I've been at the White House. I love the White House, but I wasn't able to be with my family."
Day 704
Monday 24 December 2018
Government Shutdown Day 3
"During the federal government shutdown, the White House Visitor Center and National Christmas Tree site will be closed. Restroom facilities will be closed."
Day 703
Sunday 23 December 2018
Government Shutdown Day 2
In a 2013 interview with Fox & Friends, Trump said the president should be fired if there’s to be a government shutdown, as the responsibility for such a failure “always has to be the top.”
Day 702
Saturday 22 December 2018
Government Shutdown Day 1
The shutdown is now due to last through Christmas until at least Dec. 27.
The Senate move, with no plans to reconvene until Dec. 27, suggests Washington is settling into a lengthy government shutdown.
Close to 400,000 federal workers are expected to be home without pay until a deal is reached
Day 701
Friday 21 December 2018
A lot of conservatives with big platforms were very, very angry at Trump this week.
This week Ann Coulter described Trump as a gutless “sociopath” who, without a border wall, “will just have been a joke presidency who scammed the American people.”
The House is set to return from recess at noon on Saturday.
Funding for nine federal departments and several agencies is set to expire at midnight Friday. For now, hopes of avoiding a shutdown seem faint.
The "nuclear option" refers to a last-resort way for the majority party in the Senate to overcome objection by the minority, and it involves using a simple majority of 51 votes rather than 60.
Day 700
Thursday 20 December 2018
The vote comes after the president said Thursday he would not sign a spending measure that does not include money for a border wall.
realDonaldTrump appears to no longer follow @AnnCoulter. (This bot cannot tell if this was an unfollow, suspension or block.)
The losses amplified a Wednesday decline triggered by the Fed hiking interest rates and projecting two further rate hikes in 2019.
If Trump cannot secure the money he is demanding for the wall now, it's unlikely he will see a spending bill that meets his requirement for at least two years as Democrats assume control.
Day 699
Wednesday 19 December 2018
Move puts off any bid for border wall until next year, when Democrats will hold House
By a voice vote the Senate approved the stop-gap measure, sending it to the House of Representatives for passage before a midnight Friday deadline
Day 695
Saturday 15 December 2018
GOP leaders are scrambling to find a short-term alternative that could stave off a shutdown, which would start on Dec. 22 absent a deal.
Day 693
Thursday 13 December 2018
Day 692
Wednesday 12 December 2018
Trump was essentially goaded [...] into embracing ownership of a shutdown yet to come if Democrats do not accede to his request for $5 billion to build a wall on the southern border with Mexico.
Day 691
Tuesday 11 December 2018
The president taking ownership of any potential government shutdown hinders Republicans' ability to pin the blame on Democrats the president insisted he's willing to let the government shut down if Congress doesn't approve funding for his U.S.-Mexico border wall.
Day 690
Monday 10 December 2018
Expectations are low that anything will come of a meeting between Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump.
Day 682
Sunday 2 December 2018
That's in part because Bush's death and plans for him to lie in state in the Capitol early this week will complicate any efforts to hammer out a large-scale funding deal before the Friday deadline
Day 671
Wednesday 21 November 2018
Both parties are refusing to bend, with a government funding deadline two weeks away.
Day 667
Saturday 17 November 2018
“If I was ever going to do a shutdown over border security — when you look at the caravan, when you look at the mess, when you look at the people coming in,” the president said. “. . . This would be a very good time to do a shutdown.”
Day 617
Friday 28 September 2018
The measure requires lawmakers to revisit other contentious measures in just two months
Day 615
Wednesday 26 September 2018
The lack of cash for the project has frustrated Trump, who last week called the bill "ridiculous"
Day 607
Tuesday 18 September 2018
...which also includes a short-term stopgap bill to fund the rest of the government through Dec. 7 and prevent a shutdown that would start Oct. 1.
Day 602
Thursday 13 September 2018
...if Trump refuses to sign it, much of the government, including parts of the Pentagon, would shutter.
Day 595
Thursday 6 September 2018
The rare division among the conservative hardliners [...] could help prevent what most of the Republican Party views as a true nightmare scenario weeks before the November election.
Day 558
Tuesday 31 July 2018
Day 556
Sunday 29 July 2018
Last week, Republican leaders thought they had reached a deal with Mr. Trump to delay a confrontation on funding for the wall until after the November midterm elections
Day 428
Friday 23 March 2018
And only after a hard press from administration officials and congressional leaders did Trump grudgingly sign the bill “as a matter of national security.“
Day 427
Thursday 22 March 2018
The 2,200-page must-pass bill, which was released late Wednesday, includes some wins for both parties, but it still has to pass the Senate and be signed by the president before the government shuts down at the end of Friday.
Day 372
Friday 26 January 2018
Day 369
Tuesday 23 January 2018
We asked Scalise if Graham-Durbin -- the bipartisan immigration deal du jour -- stands a chance, and he said “not in the House.”
Day 368
Monday 22 January 2018
Government Shutdown Day 3
Democrats are funding CHIP for six years and reopening the government without losing their shutdown leverage.
In a dramatic turnaround, Senate Democrats voted to reopen the government on Monday after receiving a commitment from Republicans to hold a vote on immigration legislation
The Senate is expected to pass Monday a bill extending the Children’s Health Insurance Program for an additional six years, likely ending a funding crisis that has plagued the state-run health plan for the last four months.
Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, moved to delay until noon Monday a procedural vote on a temporary spending bill — a signal that talks were progressing.
Day 367
Sunday 21 January 2018
Government Shutdown Day 2
Each time Mr. Trump has edged toward compromise with Democrats, he has appeared to be reined in by his own staff, which shares the hawkish immigration stance that fueled his campaign.
Day 366
Saturday 20 January 2018
Government Shutdown Day 1
The administration is trying to keep agencies operating for as long as possible, a departure from the government shutdown of 2013.
Hundreds of thousands of federal workers would be furloughed, affecting a wide range of government programs.
Republicans accused Democrats of prioritizing “illegal immigrants" over American citizens
Democrats countered that the situation is a product of President Donald Trump’s constantly shifting positions, chaotic leadership and embrace of the most hard-line stance on immigration.
The federal government slipped into its first partial shutdown in more than four years early Saturday morning, as the Senate voted against a key procedural step to pass a short-term funding bill Friday night.
Day 365
Friday 19 January 2017
This isn’t to pin exclusive blame on Republicans for the shutdown. Democrats have clearly decided that a shutdown is a price worth paying for a DACA deal. But what’s genuinely bizarre is that Republicans have decided a shutdown is a price worth paying for not doing a DACA deal, despite insisting they want to do a DACA deal.
Day 364
Thursday 18 January 2018
While some Republicans suggested that the president was endorsing the GOP’s approach, albeit sloppily, others found the tweets inexplicable and unhelpful ahead of the November midterm elections.